1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

New Future With Human Gene Modification

Human Gene Modification may have its positives, but it is dangerous to our society and may damage what makes us human. What is it that makes us human and differentiates us from all other species? Humans have superlative brain development and thus we experience a range of emotions and behaviours unlike any other living things. We feel passion, love, hatred to the extreme and behave and act in response to these emotions. This makes us unique and links us in...
3 Pages 1496 Words

Comparison And Contrast Of Shakespeare’s Creation Of Ophelia In Hamlet And Juliet In Romeo And Juliet

Both Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet explore the nature of patriarchal values and the responses of female characters to these values. Whilst both male protagonists had similar contexts their personal responses to gender stereotypes were very different. Similarly, both female protagonists also had seemingly similar upbringings – as privileged members of powerful families, yet their ability to love and to hold control over their lives varied. Shakespeare’s imagery in both plays verifies that love is fragile and patriarchal suppression...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Global Warming: Saving The Planet With A Simple Technology

Global warming is destroying wildlife, the environment and the human race. Due to unsustainable human activity, such as coal burning, plastic production and transportation, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are higher than ever before. A study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change uncovered that over 75% of the greenhouse gases causing global warming is made up of purely carbon dioxide produced by human activity (2014). These activities which contribute mostly to this increase in carbon dioxide levels include...
3 Pages 1455 Words

The Effect Of The Blend Of Ethanol And Gasoline On Gas Emission And Thermal Efficiency

Background research Ethanol Ethanol is a chemical compound and a simple alcohol with a chemical formula . It is volatile, flammable, colorless and transparent liquid. It is main type of alcohol in alcoholic drinks. It is produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts or petrochemical processes. Ethanol is also used a clean burning fuel (Wikipedia, 2019). It can be burned together with oxygen and results in a complete combustion, which can be seen in the following equation: Gasoline Gasoline...
3 Pages 1475 Words

Electrical Conductivity And pH

Abstract The aim of this experiment is to discover if there is any connection between ph and electrical conductivity. In order to achieve this, five solutions with varying ph levels were measured. With this, this experiment also shows the conductivity of baking soda, lemon juice, dishwashing detergent, milk and white vinegar. From this experiment, the solutions from most acidic to least acidic were lemon juice, white vinegar, milk, baking soda and dishwashing detergent. This was the same order for the...
3 Pages 1522 Words

The Effects Of Hazing Incidents In The Colleges

A twitching, vomiting and ice-cold 19-year-old was lying on the ground. Groaning. His struggles were ridiculed and recorded for snapchat, he was kicked in the stomach and slapped in the face as members of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity at Pennsylvania State University horrifyingly attempted to rouse a teenager they killed, rather than alert authorities. Timothy Piazza’s 2017 death was a result of hazing rituals. The ‘Gauntlet’, as they call it is a game in which potential new members or...
3 Pages 1490 Words

Significance Of Marriage In Hinduism

Introduction Marriage is the union between a man and a woman, where the two become “one” through a great or sometimes divine bond. Regardless of culture and religion, marriages are significant to individuals as they usually mark a turning point in one’s life. Due to religion and culture, marriages are celebrated in various ways but usually include the performance of religious rituals, dancing, music, feasting, oath taking, and gift exchange. Hypothesis Vivaha (Hindu Marriage) communicates many teachings of Hinduism through...
3 Pages 1536 Words

Exploring The Use Of Mobile Assisted Language Learning

Using technology in education is nothing new as most educators nowadays incorporate some form of technology in their teaching. In fact, the evolution of smartphones in this current day and age has allowed for more incorporation of mobile devices in learning and teaching. Recent technology advancements have made newer models of smartphones possess the same capabilities of a basic computer, being just as powerful but with an added value of being mobile. With these developments, undoubtedly incorporation of the use...
3 Pages 1450 Words

Effects Of Salt Salinity On Germination Of Onions

Plant in focus The Allium Cepa is a vegetable, commonly known as the Onion. It is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium as it is valued for its flavours, antioxidant and therapeutic properties (Joshi & Sawant 2012). It belongs to the ‎Amaryllidaceae family, consisting of mainly perennial and bulbous flowering plants (Taxonomy and etymology of Onions 2019). Onions are classified as being salt sensitive and electrically conductive (Joshi & Sawant 2012). Why is Salt content in the...
3 Pages 1479 Words

Muslim Afghani Women Refugees In Delhi

Introduction Much acclaimed and celebrated Afghan writer, Khalid Hosseni in one his works, the Kite Runner mentions “There are many children in Afghanistan, but little childhood” (Hosseini, 2011). A statement as such is years of honour and threat their generations had to encounter simply to flee their country to evade war. Ever since 1978, the Saur Revolution, the Soviet invasions in 1979, and the Civil War’s in 1990’s, the number of Afghans fleeing their country is only increasing (Hyman, 1989)....
3 Pages 1450 Words

A Semiotic Analysis On The “Anyway, You Didn’t Burn The Schlitz” Advertisement

Advertisements are used by marketing teams to promote their products and increase sales, but there is a tendency to use stereotyping. We see individuals classed together in groups according to their gender, race and age. Gender stereotyping has been extensively used to portray women as dependent on a man for his protection and provision, (Eisend, Dens & De 2019), shows that this gender stereotyping makes for successful advertising campaign, but does have a negative effect on society. This semiotic analysis...
3 Pages 1512 Words

What The Steps Must Happen For Bacteria To Cause Disease In A Host?

Unfortunately, some of these adaptations can wreak havoc on our bodies in many cases bacteria might gain or develop enhanced virulence factors, which allow them to more. Effectively cause disease virulent bacteria by definition grow and Thrive at the expense of their hosts. For instance Some bacteria might release toxins that can travel through the blood causing life-threatening disease Others might be able to directly degrade our tissues or trigger aggressive Cascades within our immune system. In fact in many...
3 Pages 1523 Words

The Issue Of Pharmacy Ethics & Legislation

In order to maintain a reliable trustworthy relationship between a pharmacist and his patients, a set of guidelines that includes important virtues and essential moral obligations was made and officially supported by pharmacists and is known as the ethical code. Some principles that are included in the ethical code include the mutual respect between the pharmacist and the patient which is further elaborated as the trust that was given by the society and the patient with the pharmacist to help...
3 Pages 1548 Words

Digital Communication Systems: Types And Benefits

INTRODUCTION The transmission, reception and processing of information with the the utilization of electronic circuits is electronic communication. Information is described as knowledge on intelligence which is communicated or received. It comprises three primary sections: a source, transmission medium and knowledge destination. Information is propagated through a communications system within the sort of symbols such as analog (proportional), such as the human voice, video picture information, or music, or digital(discrete), such as binary-coded number, numeric codes, graphic symbols, microprocessor op-codes,...
3 Pages 1453 Words

The Inquisition And The Crusades In History

The Catholic Church has a long and sordid history behind it. While Christianity as a whole is meant to spread the good word of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, the Catholic Church, while having good intentions, had its flaws and was just as vulnerable to corruption and extremism as any other institution. Sometimes, the Church turned to extreme measures, such as the Inquisition and the Crusades, to pursue its agenda. These acts, while having relatively simple end-goals in...
3 Pages 1495 Words

Dignity And Respect In The Army: Sexual Assault And Harassment Prevention

There are values the army uses to ensure all soldiers are treated with dignity and respect, the values are guides for soldiers to follow. The army values are a base for all soldiers to live their lives. Sexual harassment is detrimental to teamwork and creates a fractured work place. Sexual assault is a criminal act and does not fall in line with army values. The army has given guidance on the importance of dignity and respect for all soldiers by...
3 Pages 1491 Words

Cell Therapy For Articular Cartilage

Introduction Articular cartilage is the highly specialized connective tissue of diartrodial joints. It’s principal function is to provide a smooth, lubricated surface for articulation and to facilitate the transmission of loads with a low frictional coefficient. Articular cartilage is hyaline cartilage and is 2- 4 mm thick. Unlike most tissues articular cartilage doesn’t have blood vessels, nerve or lymphatics. It is composed of a dense extracellular matrix ( ECM) with a sparse distribution of highly specialized cells called chondrocytes The...
3 Pages 1480 Words

DNA Process And Fingerprinting Procedure

Tandem – repetitive minisatellite DNA portion of human can be used to produce someone’s specific Dna fingerprint. Studies shows the reliability of the analysis. Dna is the genetic fabric which is present in all the cells of the body. This molecule present a few characteristics, as VNTR, special present in different people. This can be a key in the improvement of few method, in this case DNA fingerprinting. This strategy has simple steps that we are going survey in this...
3 Pages 1512 Words

The Definition And Solutions Of Hazing

I am the new Activities Director at Litigation High School. After reading and reviewing the LHS Risk Management Plan, I noticed there is no mention of hazing. Hazing is defined as “any activity expected of someone joining a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers, regardless of person’s willingness to participate.” I understand the risks that can come from hazing, so I am implanting hazing into our risk management plan. The first step in the risk management plan is “risk...
3 Pages 1546 Words

DNA Sequence Analysis And Computer Security

Abstract In current era of ubiquitous smart devices, detecting malware is becoming an endless battel between ever evolving malware and anti-virus program which leads to increase in day-by-day processing of security related data. For detecting those malware various approaches has been developed over time. One of the approach among them is Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence analysis. This includes comparision of sequencs in order tosearch similarity, identification of intrinsic features of sequence search, identification of differences and variations, revealing the evolution...
3 Pages 1498 Words

The Representation Of Female Sacrifices In A Doll's House

Ibsen's implementation of female sacrifices in A Doll's House brings to light the prominence of prescribed gender roles during nineteenth-century Norwegian society. Female sacrifices are one of the many ways that Ibsen conveys the realistic situations that women were facing during that time, such as gender discrimination, which were mainly supportive of men disallowing women basic rights. The distressing aspects of gender role distinction and how they came about are presented through these female sacrifices; personal opinions and desires, materialistic...
3 Pages 1489 Words

Best Buy Co. Inc.: Sustainable Customer-centricity Model?

Introduction Best Buy Co. Inc. originally known as Sound of Music in 1966 began the journey in the retail business of audio components and later expanded into retailing video products. As videocassette recorders became popular, thanks to the company, they decided to change the name to Best Buy. The company believed that they could help popularize technology by enriching the lives of the Early Adopters so they could stay connected and, “make life fun and easy” (Wheelen et al, 2018)....
3 Pages 1517 Words

Passion Vs. Reason In Jane Eyre

You might have heard the quote “follow your heart but take your brain with you” at least once in your life. Meaning, love without any hesitation but trust your reasoning when your head fights with you. Throughout Jane Eyre, Jane is described as a passionate but reasonable person. She proved reasonable when confronting her aunt, “You think I have no feelings, and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness; but I cannot live so: and you...
3 Pages 1490 Words

Strategies And Approaches Of Martin Luther King

Introduction Martin Luther king was a leader of civil right movement so that people can get freedom and be treated equally. He also fought racism against African- American ,violence and also showing love as politics. The methods or techniques is to show people the picture of a better future and were all humans are equal. What he used to show his strategies was explaining nonviolence strategy, the inside and outside strategy, revolution values strategy, love as politics, the beloved community,...
3 Pages 1547 Words

American Sign Language Translator Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Abstract The various methods humans have at their disposal to communicate with themselves is what sets them apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. It is also an integral part in our daily lives and for the exchange of ideas. Hence, the sign language holds just as much importance as any other language for the people with the gift of speech. People relying solely on sign language and people unable to interpret said language invariably get lost in translation....
3 Pages 1523 Words

The Laws Of Bow Hunting In The United States

Bow hunting provides recreational activities for a lot of Americans. Bow hunting is a method of hunting done either for recreational purpose or for consumption. This hunting method involves locating and killing animals by using a bow to shoot arrows. This hunting method is suitable for places that have restrictions on fire arms. In some countries, bow hunting has been outlawed for various reasons. Bow hunting is however legal in USA. Although legal, like many other activities, bow hunting is...
3 Pages 1485 Words

What Is Adultery And How Section 497 Was Violative Of The Rights Of Women?

Introduction History has witnessed the women have always been treated as the second class citizen. In the middle ages the Doctrine of Coverture was developed in England as part of the common law system. According to the doctrine all the legal rights of women after marriage were absorbed by her husband. Somewhat similar view has been adopted by historians in India. Before marriage a woman is considered to be protected by her father and after marriage by her husband. She...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Plant Health Detection

ABSTRACT Agriculture is a key source of livelihood. Indian agriculture consist of many crops and according to survey nearly 80% of population is depended on agriculture. Most of Indian farmers are doing manual cultivation. Farmers are not aware about what kind of crops might grow on their land. Plants are affected by heterogeneous diseases that will affect the production of agriculture and cause profitable loss. It also reduces both quality and mass of production. Leaves are important part of the...
3 Pages 1548 Words

Should Gene Modification Be Permitted In All Countries Of The World?

Gene modification is the process of altering genetic structure of species. That has happened indirectly through controlled or selective plant and animal breeding for thousands of years. Now with modern biotechnology its much more efficient making it easier and faster to target a specific gene by genetic engineering for more precise alteration of the organism. This is usually achieved by the CRISPR-Cas9 method. The CRISPR-Cas9 method consists of two main molecules that trigger a mutation in the DNA. They are...
3 Pages 1485 Words

The Employment And Dangers Of Different Languages In The History Of Ethiopia

INTRODUCTION In this paper, I will try to cover the employment of different languages at different periods and locations in the history of Ethiopia and the endangered languages or the extinction that this may have resulted in. These languages were diversified both culturally and by the means of the language classifications. I have also understood that there are written and unwritten languages which will be described in detail. Languages are different means of communication among people. Most countries of the...
3 Pages 1529 Words
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