300 Word Essay Examples

29 samples in this category

 A 300-word essay may seem like a simple task, but it requires careful planning and execution to deliver a well-written piece. In this article, I will guide you through the critical aspects of writing a 300-word essay and provide valuable tips to help you create a compelling ...

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Social Issues

Essay on Why Did Emmett Till Whistle

Profile Who - Name the Figure/Persons involved Emmet Till When - Identify the dates of the key events that this person/Group was involved in. Born: 25th July 1941 in Chicago 20th of August 1955, he saw his mother for the last time. He went to live with his uncle, August 28th – Roy Bryant and half-brother J.W Milam killed Emmet Till. What - Provide 1-2 paragraphs on the person/incident and what happened The reason Emmet Till is so famous for...
1 Page 280 Words

Informative Essay on 'The Call of the Wild'

Buck was transformed from a pampered dog to a wild animal. Buck was deceived by Manuel and sold to an in a red sweater in the wilderness. The best way to understand Buck’s major transformation is by looking at the time with Judge Miller, his time with the wild dogs in the wilderness, and his time with, Charles, Hal, and Mercedes. Judge Miller was a very nice man who treated Buck like a human. For example, Buck was allowed to...
1 Page 299 Words

Essay on ‘V for Vendetta’ Norsefire

Introduction Movies wield immense influence as mediums for societal discourse, with "V for Vendetta" emerging as a socially relevant film. Amidst its narrative, terrorism surfaces as a pivotal theme, providing a lens through which to examine power dynamics and manipulation. The Perception of Terrorism in "V for Vendetta" In the eyes of the Norsefire regime, V is branded as a terrorist, serving as a symbol for the manipulation of the term "terrorist" to suppress dissent. This characterization prompts scrutiny of...
1 Page 285 Words

Essay about Mandela Day

Community service is important as it can teach volunteers humility and compassion, among many other important life lessons and skills. It encourages volunteers to create awareness about inequalities in society and also helps them to develop a better understanding of the communities and societies in which they live. Other ways to assist those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic could be making cloth masks for the homeless or providing more masks to those working in hospitals. One could also do...
1 Page 322 Words

Dress Code Vs Uniform Essay

What do you think, should public schools have school uniforms or a standard dress code? This has been a long debated question and I have to say that there are pros and cons to both sides. In my opinion, I believe that we should use a standard dress code so that we teach our children to take pride in what they wear and how they represent themselves. Some advantages of having school uniforms would be; that students are unable to...
1 Page 291 Words

The Person I Admire Most: 300-Word Essay

Of all the famous figures, Michelle Obama is the person I admire the most, and I'm going to tell you why. Firstly, Mitchelle Obama is relatable to others. I really admire her communication skills. She is able to convince her opponents or the public audience to believe in her leadership. She is not afraid to communicate with people who share opposite ideas with her. Of course, her long experience in the law career has built up the skills for her...
1 Page 314 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay about Dogs and Cats

Did you ascertain that owning a cat reduces your chances of getting a heart attack? This fact is true. In fact, it is better to own a cat than to own a cat. Cats are better than dogs because they are cleaner, do not bother you, and are quieter. Cats are better than dogs because they are cleaner. When you compare how clean a cat is to a dog, it isn’t the same. Cats lick themselves so they are clean....
1 Page 311 Words

Evaluation Essay on Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a famous tourist sight located on the border of Canada and the United States. The absolute location of Niagara Falls is 43.0896° N, 79.0849° W. Part of Niagara Falls belongs to Canada, and the other belongs to the United States. Due to the nature of the city, the population is divided into two parts. The Ontario part of Niagara Falls has a population of around 88 thousand, and the New York part of Niagara Falls has a...
1 Page 317 Words

Anti-Federalist View of The Constitution: Critical Essay

The argument over abandoning the Articles of Confederation and adopting the Constitution contributes to the shaping of the first party system, the Federalists and Republicans. Republicans became the first anti-federalist; they favored the retaining of the Articles of Confederation. As for the Federalists, they were in favor of the Constitution. The Federalists believed in a strong central government, as well as the Republicans. The Republicans wanted a strong central government with the Articles of Confederation being protected. Eventually, Republicans split...
1 Page 320 Words

Joshua Tree: 'The Glass Castle' Reading Essay

“Mom frowned at me. 'You'd be destroying what makes it special,' she said, 'It's the Joshua tree's struggle that gives it its beauty'.” When Jeannette devises a plan to right the Joshua tree which has grown sideways in the direction of the constant wind that passes over it, Rosemary does not like the idea. Rose Mary claims that the tree is beautiful not because it grows straight like the other trees, but rather because its struggle defines it and makes...
1 Page 302 Words

Narrative Essay about My Favourite Teacher

Write a letter to the best teacher you ever had. Using concepts covered in chapter twelve, explain how the format of the classroom and method of instruction affected your motivation. Dear Ms. Watkins, I would like to say thank you for being my favorite teacher for the rest of my life after I met you in the first year of middle school. You made me realize and believe that I can speak English perfectly, although my improvement was a bit...
1 Page 277 Words

Information Paragraph about Water

Water is the most essential element on the earth. All life needs water. As plants also need water to sustain life. Not only does the biological role water plays, but it is also trapping heat on earth, transports materials, and modulates the earth's temperature. Water plays a vital role in life without any doubt. But there is a lack of necessary water resources to meet current needs. The issue of freshwater shortage has revolved around humans for many years. Water...
1 Page 308 Words

Crime and Punishment in Elizabethan England: Informative Essay

Source Analysis: Crime and Punishment in Elizabethan England Picard, L. (2016). Crime and punishment in Elizabethan England. [online] The British Library. Available at: https://www.bl.uk/shakespeare/articles/crime-and-punishment-in-elizabethan-england [Accessed 20 Jan. 2019]. Summary During the Elizabethan era, many different crimes were performed and as a result of the crimes, the people had to be punished. There were many different types of punishments; depending on the intensity of the crime a certain punishment would be given. A minor punishment given to a criminal who was...
1 Page 277 Words

Synthesis Essay on Boston Tea Party

Boston tea party - Synthesis - 1773 The Boston Tea Party was an act of protest done by the colonists to show the English that they were over the hassle and unfair taxes of the English. It was a political move with economic issues because they went into more debt with the English before the revolutionary war which fueled their ambitions to leave English rule. It was a big move by the colonists and was very impactful and showed the...
1 Page 287 Words

People Face Trade-offs: Essay

People face tradeoffs; where having more of one thing results in having less of another The tradeoff of a family wanting to buy a new car is anything that this decision results in reducing. For example, the amount of money spent on everyday things such as food, drinks, clothes, and accessories. It also makes the family limit spending on trips in holidays. The time the family spends limiting depends on which car they’re buying and how expensive it is. The...
1 Page 309 Words

Who is Jesus to You - 200 Words Essay

Christianity is one of the most popular religions in the world today. It has over one million missionaries ready to do God’s word by preaching to the sick, offering food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, and clothing to the poor. Missionary work is hard and requires Christians with a good heart to do it. Additionally, they also encounter challenges like ridicule, a hostile climate in an unfavorable environment, and pests from remote areas. Also, they believe that God...
1 Page 292 Words

Essay about My Favorite Book

Musings of a Teenager: My favorite book Reading is my favorite pastime. Right from my childhood books have been my best friend. I feel books are dependable and are always there sitting where we last left them waiting for us to pick them up. They provide us with a secret getaway when we want to be alone in a room full of people. They can make us smile even when we have had the saddest kind of day. They share...
1 Page 318 Words

Lake Huron Pollution

Nonpoint-source pollution is the cumulative result of our everyday personal actions and our local land use policies. Here’s a brief rundown on the major types of pollutants carried by runoff. Pathogens Pathogens are disease causing microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses that come from the fecal waste of animals and humans. Pathogens wash off the land from wild animal, farm animal and pet waste, and can also enter the lake from improperly functioning septic systems, leaky sewer lines and boat...
1 Page 281 Words

Description of a Lake Essay

The lake was glimmering in the callow light of dawn. Local legend had it that a giant hand had scooped out a gash of rock aeons ago. Then a great heap of argent-silver was moulded and poured into it, hemmed in by precipitous hills. A broad span of Tuscany-blue sky was slashed above it, making it appear like nature’s amphitheatre. The hollowness of the valley magnified all sounds, from burbling streams to the bumble of bees. The visage of the...
1 Page 303 Words

Effects of Pollution on Historical Monuments Essay

Air pollution is a key factor in the degradation of surfaces of historical buildings and monuments. The impact of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere on materials is enormous and often irreversible. Corrosion caused by chemicals and soiling caused by particles can lead to economic losses but, more importantly, to the destruction of our cultural heritage, an important component of our individual and collective identity. A recent study led by the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and the...
1 Page 306 Words

The History of Christmas

The history of Christmas remains a topic of hot debate worldwide. Particularly, December 25 (Christmas Day) has been substantially controversial. Some people view it as the anniversary of Jesus Christ, and others see it as a time to share gifts and meals with friends and families. Most historic American Newspapers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries indicate equally intriguing and surprising accounts of Christmas. Notably, there are striking similarities and distinctive differences between the newspapers’ stories and general...
1 Page 302 Words

300 Word Essay on Career Goals Examples

For a better understanding of my career goals, I pursued my under graduation in management degree in Bachelor of Hotel Management from Kolkata, India. I have completed a three-year degree which has enhanced and provided me with a lot of opportunities both at the academic and experiential levels to explore my study of interest. I want to learn and achieve much more in my life. I have researched extensively about the educational opportunities and advancements in the United States of...
1 Page 309 Words

Spring Season vs Autumn Season Essay

There may be four seasons in one year for most in the Western part of the world, but two out of four of those are usually confused with one another ‘“ especially when you consider the culture and practices attached to it. These two seasons are called autumn and spring, and apart from one preceding the other, there are also glaring differences between the two. The spring season is usually associated with rebirth, since the winter months have finally finished...
1 Page 304 Words

How to Protect Biodiversity As a Student? Essay

While large scale changes in behaviour, policies and measures that protect biodiversity will be essential, individuals have a vital part to play. Reducing consumption patterns can start at an individual level through conscious choices about the food we eat, products we buy and services we use. Tackling the biodiversity crisis will require cooperation at all levels of society, from intergovernmental agreements down to local community action. Individuals can play their part in creating the institutions and electing leaders who can...
1 Page 322 Words

Reasons for the Perception of the Great Depression as a Devastating Period

The great depression has historically been one of the worst periods in the United States. The time was marked by failing economies, low output and a high rate of unemployment. Although the Great Depression period (1929-1939) began in the United States, it spilled over to other nations of the world causing a devastating effect on the financial, social and political stability of the societies. The current paper, therefore, seeks to discuss reasons why the great depression period was so devastating....
1 Page 319 Words

Music Therapy Is Beneficial To Recovery In Hospitals

Music is a way that expresses how we feel, what we think, or helps represent what is going on in our lives. Songs can change attitudes, emotions, and actions. It is going unknown and becoming less appreciated by all it does. Music has been around for ages being apart of the pharaohs of Egypt, Native American rituals, and as late as 1933 during the movie King Kong where the music scoring technique was used to have music in movies. Before...
1 Page 318 Words

Filipino Citizens Working Purposes

Many of the Filipino citizens are migrating to other country for working purposes. Working abroad may bring consequences to the children left at home. Some parents are dreaming of having a high paid job for the good of their family but they did not notice the possible outcome of being far from their children. OFW or Overseas Filipino Worker is a Filipino living and working outside of the Philippines who are in another country for a limited and definite period...
1 Page 297 Words

Personal Developmental Skill Learning Points

Personal development skills represent what is an individual’s personal maturity levels, how much of clarity the athlete has on self -identity, interpersonal competence, sense of relatedness, overall personality, well- being, discipline, dedication and determination. Personal development skills also include mutual trust in the form of empathy, tolerance, appropriate communication and unconditional acceptance of others. By developing personal development skills, athletes express their values, beliefs and response to a situation. This helps to improve one’s own understanding and concerns, improve quality...
1 Page 318 Words

Determinism And Instinct In To Build A Fire

Regarding the protagonist, I would definitely say that rather than portraying free will, he is completely under nature’s thumb, meaning that his every move is predetermined, destined if you will. Throughout the story, as mentioned earlier, determinism of the man’s fate is portrayed through nature’s indifference, which she shows mercilessly in different ways. For example, in the end, he desperately tries to start a fire and warm himself up, but no matter what he does or how hard he tries,...
1 Page 319 Words
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