Community service is important as it can teach volunteers humility and compassion, among many other important life lessons and skills. It encourages volunteers to create awareness about inequalities in society and also helps them to develop a better understanding of the communities and societies in which they live.
Other ways to assist those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic could be making cloth masks for the homeless or providing more masks to those working in hospitals. One could also do the shopping for family members or friends who are vulnerable, such as grandparents or people with compromised immune systems who are unable to leave their homes.
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The Nelson Mandela Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded by Nelson Mandela in 1999 and aims to promote Nelson Mandela’s vision of freedom and equality for all people through convening dialogue that includes issues around human rights and democracy. The organization’s main objective is to find sustainable solutions to the problems that humanity faces. Their Dialogue and Advocacy program works by facilitating social engagements to promote positive change in society. Mandela Day is one of their most well-known campaigns that falls on 18 July each year, Nelson Mandela’s birthday. On this day, people are encouraged to spend 67 minutes or more doing community service. In this way, the organisation is giving back to the community in many different ways through the people of South Africa.
One can protect themselves and others from the spread of COVID-19 by staying in their homes as much as possible. By doing this, one is keeping themselves safe from being exposed to the virus as well as not exposing others if they are infected or have any symptoms of the virus. Another way to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is through social distancing and wearing a mask. One protects themselves and others from the virus when people stand further away from others in shopping centers, at work, or school.
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