450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Analysis of Restaurant Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Restaurant quality and customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry are very important because the happier the customer the more likely they are to visit the restaurant again which means more money for the restaurant and the customer will therefore recommend the restaurant to other people bring more customers to the restaurant. According to Navaraj Budhathoki (2018), customer satisfaction is the keyway of running a business successfully and the customers being satisfied will be the base of the business for more...
1 Page 430 Words

Reflections on What Shaped My Strong Personality

Moments in a person’s life will largely affect one’s mental growth at some point, and I, like many others have learned from it. The hard-working woman I am today is only because of how I was raised. Through yearly family gatherings, my views on the world have been shaped and allowed me to grow into the strong person I am today. Although I was raised in the small town of Texarkana, an important part of my upbringing happened in Lubbock,...
1 Page 440 Words

Reflections about Classical Music

The fact that the strict principles classical music from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries adhered to became the foundation of pretty much any musical genre that was going to emerge after the heydays of its original composers should not be surprising to anyone remotely into music. Listen to how Beethoven epically channeled his inner turmoil, Handel’s oratorios, the complexity of Bach’s compositions, Mozart’s focus on three to four chords and specifically Schubert’s arrangements, and it becomes obvious that their reoccurring...
1 Page 458 Words

Poverty in the Philippines

Ever since money was introduced to us a thousand years ago, it had controlled our lives ceaselessly. Due to this many people were blessed to have enormous amounts of riches to sustain and to provide for their families and selves, but if there are people who are at the top there are also people at the bottom. Poverty is not having enough material possessions or income for a person's needs. Some families, mainly in the Philippines are greatly affected by...
1 Page 460 Words

Organic Food Vs Genetically Modified Food: Why We Should Support Organic Food Production

Have you ever thought about the food you eat? Of course, you have, we all do. We think about the taste, the ingredients and the health benefits, but that’s it. We don’t question where the food comes from and we barely think about all the chemicals and toxins added to it, because most foods that we are surrounded with are all the same. Food companies that we enjoy are not organically produced for the most part, but are just easier...
1 Page 430 Words

Essay on Evil Monster Named Grendel

The kenning that I choose to use for this story is corpse-maker. This kenning is one of many of the names to describe a monster named Grendel in the story of Beowulf. For example, Grendel was basically similar to the devil himself. He is the embodiment of moral and physical evil. Grendel is an evil monster and everyone in the town is afraid of him. Grendel receives the kenning corpse-maker because he is a murderer who has been killing people...
1 Page 464 Words

Adventure That Changed My Life

In this paper I want to express my opinion through my adventure which I had few weeks ago. Well, few weeks ago I'd have said that I don't know these feelings, however in August I had an incredible trip by Erasmus+ Exchange in Slovenia, which was changed my life. My Latvian team and I went to Slovenia, where we did a lot of captivating things. We discussed how teenagers can cope with a lot of information nowadays, we visited capital...
1 Page 470 Words

Persuasive Speech on Organic Food and Why We Should Choose It

Have you ever used or been eating organic food? I assume you have at least some points in your life if you have, there’s probably reasons for it. Like that it's healthy, in the way that it has a higher nutritional value, better for the environment and the animals. Those are all completely true. However, you also maybe just don’t want to or can’t eat organic food. And I accept that. But are you really doing it for the right...
1 Page 444 Words

Trump's Conspiracy Theory around Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama Bin Laden

What You Need To Know: Robert O’Neill, a former Navy SEAL who was involved in assaulting Osama bin Laden in 2011, rebuked President Donald Trump over accusations that the terrorist leader did not die. Trump promoted the baseless claims whom he retweeted from an account linked to QAnon conspiracy theory. The president has criticized Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden following reports about his hesitation to raid bin Laden’s residence during his vice-presidential stint. On Tuesday, a former Navy SEAL who...
1 Page 455 Words

History of Initiation of Columbian Exchange: Endeavor of Christopher Columbus

I decided to do my paper on Christopher Columbus who was born in Italy in 1451. He was in love with sailing for as long as he can remember. As a teenager he got his first taste of the open sea on some voyages in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. Gold and spices were the hot items back then. The problem was that they had to travel a long way to get in Asia. People were sailing all the way...
1 Page 454 Words

Tolerance or Acceptance in Improving Marriage and Relationships

Many today enter into relationships and insist over and over again that their partners are perfect, but soon the intimacy of marriage starts to reveal faults and habits that irritates them. They begin to say marriage life would be more enjoyable if their partners would conform to their ideas of how a perfect mate should order their lives. Accepting your mate means you view your partner as a person of worth, and that you like him/her as he/she is and...
1 Page 448 Words

Nickel and Dimed: Barbara Ehrenreich's Sociological Research and It's Influence on Poor Working Class

The film “Nickel and Dimed: From the American Ruling Class” shows the life of low-wage workers in Americas society. In this video, Barbara Ehrenreich went about trying to mimic their life style and work ethic firsthand, living as a low-wage worker. I was very impressed at her angle of perspective to consider low-wage workers as the major “philanthropists” of our society. Often times we say that we serve someone or something but that all comes from our own pride and...
1 Page 430 Words

E-Waste: Main Source of Income for Rag Pickers in India

Such kind of wastes encircles wide range of electrical and electronic devices like computers, mobile phones, stereos, it also includes large household appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners etc. According to Sinha Khetriwal, “e-waste can be classified as any electrical powered appliance that has reached its end of life”. In other words, e-waste refers to any goods which are electronic in nature and has reached its end of life. The current Indian e-waste related scenario is different from the worldwide....
1 Page 448 Words

Natural Ignorance and Self-Perception Described in Different Societies in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

In the story, Gulliver's Travels, it shows insight into the understanding that humans are not meant to know everything in life. It shows that all we understand we have as humans has a natural limit and this theme is a very important one in Gulliver’s Travels. The author finds all these different worlds while traveling by ship who have their own set of knowledge and ways they live. For example in the first meeting he found himself with the self-centered...
1 Page 448 Words

Immigration Legislation: Discrimination and Risks Which Asian Americans Faced

If Asian Americans are to assume the role of bridge builders across the Pacific, what are the opportunities, the risks, the promises, the perils? Have you ever heard of the saying, “the nation was built on the backs of immigrants”? Immigrants has sometimes brought out the worst in our nation. Other times it has brought out the best as we have remembered what kind of country we claim and aspire to be. People most of the time think by just...
1 Page 431 Words

Journey to God in Two Different Eras: Dante's Divine Comedy and Virgil's Aeneid

Latin texts have always touched on the topic of “afterlife” due to the close knitted relationship with God and Christian belief. The Underworld, Heaven and Hell have always been interpreted in different ways, each influenced by contextual ideologies or religious factors within those preceding times. One can determine the Divine Comedy’s significant societal expectations through close comparison between Virgil’s The Aeneid. The contrasting time difference between these two sources portrays tremendous differences in society’s views about Christianity beliefs and afterlife....
1 Page 473 Words

Photography Is My Passion Essay

One of my greatest passions is black and white photography! Yet, I don’t think there was a defining moment that sparked my interest in photography, and now I cannot imagine my life without it. Several years ago, my parents graciously gifted me my first DSLR camera for Christmas, and to this very day, it has never failed me! When I explore new places, I document my journey with my trusty Nikon D3200. In my experience, photography is a means of...
1 Page 430 Words

Mona Lisa Analysis Essay

Mona Lisa portrait painting by the Italian Renaissance painter Leonardo da Vinci has been described. Visual description: Creation: The subject is seen from a frontal position and is situated on a balcony. Her face emerges against two particular regions out of sight: a civilized landscape and a fanciful one. Also, the fact that the eyewitness has a birds-ey perspective of this view, there is harmony between the figure and scene. Mona Lisa is wearing plain apparel which is particularly not...
1 Page 456 Words

Greek Festival God of Wine

The City Dionysia, which is also called the Great Dionysia, is a traditional ancient drama festival held in Athens. At the festival, they had a variety of theatrical festivities such as comedy, suspense, tragedy, and satyric drama as well. The festival was always in March to honor and tribute to Dionysus, the god of wine. This festival was the second-most important festival after Panathenaia. The Panathenaia Games were held every four years and were games that included religion, ceremony, physical...
1 Page 449 Words

Bill Clinton Impeachment Essay

The United States of America is the world’s most powerful and biggest economy. When President Trump replaced Barrack Obama as president of the world’s most powerful nation, there was a lot of skepticism. However, one that Trump constantly preached during the campaign period was the American Agenda of putting America and Americans first. This agenda has truly worked for the treaty. The economy of the United States has been at its strongest point in recent years due to the Trump...
1 Page 473 Words

Personal Statement on My College Goals in Psychology

My parents have always stressed the importance of education to my sister and me our entire lives. Education has served as the foundation upon which my goals and dreams have been built on. I have been blessed with the opportunity to further my education beyond grade school and onto the collegiate level. My greatest ambition in life is to help children develop to their fullest potential. My teachers and professors have played a major role and have helped me gain...
1 Page 428 Words

My Favorite Thanksgiving Tradition: Reflective Essay

There are several rituals and practices in our family that play a really significant role in shaping our beliefs. On Thanksgiving, I have several lovely memories of my family gatherings and all the delicious entrées that my relatives would cook. Food has so much importance in my family, it's the bond that has kept us together for so many years even decades before I was born. It's as if we display ourselves in our dish when we prepare a meal....
1 Page 455 Words

General Overview of Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie, a film I entered with high expectations. After viewing a star rating of 4.5 is my final verdict for this very emotional and powerful film. Tuesdays with Morrie is a Biography, in the film Mitch a sports journalist struggling with his life meets back up with his old college professor who has only a short time left on this earth. Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's...
1 Page 455 Words

Essay on The Uncanny: Analysis of Freudian Concept

The uncanny is a Freudian concept1, entirely psychological in nature, where the unknown becomes eerily recognizable, both deplorable and desirable; this perverse attraction to the taboo results in either self or societal rejection. Within the Gothic, the uncanny simultaneously evokes feelings of terror and attraction, Morris citing that it “derives its terror (…) from something strangely familiar2;” the conflict between these two polarising states reflective of the period in which the novels, “The Monk,” written in 1796 and “Dracula,” in...
1 Page 470 Words

Descriptive Essay on The House on Mango Street

The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros tells the story of Esperanza Cordero through beautiful vignettes and the narrator describing how her family first arrived on Mango Street. When the pipes in their previous apartment burst and the landlord refused to repair them, she , her parents, brothers Carlos and Kiki , and sister Nenny moved to Mango Street. Esperanza had not been hoping for a small , decaying red house in a poor urban neighborhood when her parents...
1 Page 443 Words

Critical Overview of Camus' The Stranger

Daoud's hero has a manifest horror of the absurd; he wants to replace a narrative that relates the absurdity of the human condition with a meta-report that revolts against this absurdity. However, as Sartre says: 'The stranger is a leaf of his life. And since the most absurd life must be the most sterile life, his novel wants to be magnificently sterile. Art is an unnecessary generosity'. However, Daoud's book is a narrative that explains and is clear. In fact,...
1 Page 474 Words

Clinical Application of Polysomnography: Analysis of Narcolepsy

Clinical application of polysomnography: Polysomnography began as a tool of discovery, but its primary use quickly evolved into a clinical procedure for diagnosing sleep disorders. (Hirshkowitz, 2016) 1- Hypersomnia: defined as Sleepiness not explained by volitional sleep deprivation. It is almost due to an underlying sleep disorder, most commonly obstructive sleep apnea or narcolepsy. A- Obstructive sleep apnea: apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) will be used as a marker of sleep-related breathing disorder (SRBD) severity in children, which will be graded as...
1 Page 446 Words

Analysis of the Play Coriolanus: Reading Log

At Dovecote's funeral, Coriolanus sings the Panem anthem, 'Gem of Panem,' having learned it from his grandmother. During the funeral, the bullet-ridden body of Brandy is paraded by Peacekeepers, along with the other tributes. The mentors and tributes are then taken for a 'tour' of the Capitol Arena, where Coriolanus again meets with Lucy Gray and learns that the tributes are now being fed better, as a couple of them had blacked out. As he chats with her, the world...
1 Page 446 Words

Analysis of Relative Clauses in the Novel The Pearl by Steinbeck

Relative clauses found in the novel entitled The Pearl by Steinbeck in 1947. This analysis based on the theory of Generative Transformation via Chomsky in his book. Syntactic Structure (1971) and supported through Bradford in his e-book Transformational Syntax: A Student Guide to Chomsky's Extended Theory (1988). The findings of this learn about show that there are three outstanding patterns of the relative clause and clause structure Relative is an embedded clause that is modified through a noun in a...
1 Page 428 Words

Why Is Art Important: Essay

Art and Controversy Introduction Arts forms are important to society because they communicate important messages and inspire people to do something. The art forms encourage more conversation in society and this increases the level of democracy. Citizens should also feel free to challenge the decisions of artists. Also, cultural leaders should tirelessly protect the choices they make in public. The art usually gains relevance in the public through the vigorous defense. The freedom of art is usually exploited and abused...
1 Page 453 Words
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