450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Why I Want to Be a Pharmacist Essay

I want to be a Pharmacist. The reason why I would like to be a Pharmacist is because medicine interests me. I always wondered why the medical field is typically longer required college years than an engineer. The medical field also pays really well, and it seems really fun to do every day. A pharmacist isn’t as superior as a doctor, but they still do very cool and fantastic things. When I went into Walgreens whenever my Grandma needed to...
1 Page 457 Words

The Definition And Meaning Of Apoptosis

Apoptosis goes early back into the 1970’s where kinetic studies of development of tumour growth stated that cell loss from cancerous tumours were high and rates that were observed show less than 5% predicted of tumour growth that of measurements of proliferation (Kerr et al., 1972; Wyllie et al., 1980) Vast impact on tumour growth could have been from the changes from the loss of cell factor. However, this was suggested that the cause of cell loss was due to...
1 Page 445 Words

The Differences Between Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi And Parasites

Bacteria - these are single cell microorganism that come in many shapes and forms these can be ball, rod or spiral shaped. most bacteria's are not harmful and some can be helpful less than 1 percent of these are infectious which can multiply in the body leading to disease. They can produce toxins that can make someone very ill. bacteria can be spread by coughing, sneezing, surfaces and skin contact, bodily fluids e.g. blood and saliva or even sexual intercourse....
1 Page 440 Words

How Are Semiotics Used Within Marketing And Advertising?

Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), he is considered one of the founding members of 20th century linguistics as well as being one of forefathers of semiotics. Another developer who helped established necessary moments within the difficult and detrimental beginning stages of semiotics, American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) and then later on Charles William Morris (1901-1979), these two American philosophers managed to help hone, what is known as, behaviourist semiotics. Behavioural semiotics is based upon the behavioural theory of signs, this...
1 Page 448 Words

The Impact Of Supply Chain Drivers On Organizational Performance

According to the United States government which is cited by (Marc Levinson, 2017) in the congressional research service manufacturing sector defined as ‘’comprises establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of material, substances, or components into new products.’’ However, manufacturing firms have faced numerous difficulties. According to Tekeba Eshetie (2018) in the study of Ethiopia’s manufacturing industry opportunities, challenges, and way forward; manufacturing firms have faced various challenges such as weak supply chain integration, Limited research on manufacturing...
1 Page 445 Words

A Discourse Analysis Of Pre-IPO Ownership Based On Korean Markets

Abstract I used the qualitative method of discourse analysis to identify the behavior of “insider ownership” in the Korean market. Insiders' ownership information immediately before IPOs is collected from IPO registration statement filed. This discourse analysis discusses that Korean IPO firms are required to report about insider ownership which is linked to direct ownership in the Korean Market. Introduction Insider ownership is classified into either 'Direct ownership,' where controlling shareholders and their family members have only direct ownership of a...
1 Page 470 Words

The Peculiarities Of Hospital Pharmacist Job

Hospital pharmacist job is mainly is mainly concerned with deciding which medication work for each patient. This also involves other members of the medical teams like the doctors, nurses and health care professionals. Hospital pharmacists also detect the effect of the medicines they prescribe to their patients. They follow their patients’ health under the effect of the drug prescribed. Another important role for the hospital pharmacists is to suggest ways and dosages that will be effective with the patients and...
1 Page 458 Words

Is Doping A Solution?

Drug, its effect on human its is any substance which when consumed causes bad effect on human physiology and health . To begin with the topic, first I would like to elaborate on what doping is. The very meaning of doping says that it is an illegal and banned product or drug that can be used to enhance once ability in the sport. So the basic point that can be drawn out from this definition is negative as it involves...
1 Page 433 Words

Advantages Of Eating Plant Based Meat

Introduction Do you eat meat? If you don't, you can still enjoy all the rich and savory flavors of meat through Plant Based Meat. In this memorandum i will be focusing on three main concerns about plant based meat. What are the disadvantages of eating plant based meat? What are the advantages of eating plant based meat? What would happen if everyone starts eating plant based meat? Background Plant Based Meat is what it sounds like. It is made up...
1 Page 439 Words

Imagery And Metaphor In A Valediction Forbidding Mourning

The short story, 'A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning,' by John Donne explores love through the ideas of assurance and separation. This story focuses on the strength of spiritual love in a long distance relationship. Although physical love brings lovers closer together on a tangible level, spiritual love questions the strength of the lovers' emotional commitments. Donne uses imagery to convey that the separation between the two lovers in the poem, will only be an expansion in love, never a breach. Instead...
1 Page 430 Words

Personal goals For Nursing

“Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a chance in a million that you can do something, anything, to keep what you want from ending, do it. Pry the door open or, if need be, wedge your foot in that door and keep it open,” a quote by Pauline Kael. It has been one of the quotes I live by. Growing up in Ghana (West Africa) have always wanted to be a nurse. I started...
1 Page 438 Words

Personal Experience Of Going Vegan

Hello everyone today l would like to share my experience when I went vegan for a month. Some of you might know what is vegan but not as well. Vegan will not consume any products that harm or come from the animal such as they will drink soy milk instead of milk. There are many types of this lifestyle. Base on my experience, it very challenge me to avoid meat, chicken, fish, egg or the product containing animal derived additive...
1 Page 439 Words

The Struggles Of Being A Teenager

Over the course of time, life as a teenager has changed abundantly. How teenagers lived back then is incomparable to how they live now. In today’s generation, being a teenager is anything but easy. Or at least that’s how I feel. The growth from childhood to adulthood is effortless for some, but difficult for others. There’s many challenges to face, decisions to make, and roads to take set out for all of us. Based on our preparation for these moments,...
1 Page 461 Words

The Influence Of Christianity on The Film The Matrix

In the movie, the matrix Neo is represented as Jesus in the movie. This is symbolised as the Neo also Thomas Anderson refers to the Doubting Thomas of the gospels, as well as this reference Anderson means ‘ son of man’ which Jesus uses to refer to himself. Thomas Anderson also goes by his hacker alias Neo. Neo is an anagram for one, in the movie the term one is used to refer to the one who will be able...
1 Page 461 Words

Teamwork Reflection Essay

Teamwork is important for mingling several individuals who have different kinds of experiences and knowledge. I believe that the presence of teamwork increases the possibilities and efficiency in work. It also provides better performance which leads to higher outcomes and also the weak performance of one member will be compensated by others performances. The process of teamwork that I mastered begins with setting of goals and objectives, development of trust among the members, cooperative activities and a deadline. In working...
1 Page 454 Words

Integrity as The Major Item Of Leadership

The greatest challenge of leadership is to maintain integrity. Even in the world of business, education, and politics, character is recognised as major issue for leaders. When leaders fail to maintain integrity, their families and the people entrusted them would suffer the consequences. Integrity begins from within and is based on sincerity. The word ‘Sincere' comes from the Latin word for ‘without wax.’ In the ancient world, dishonest potters would disguise cracks in low-quality clay pots by covering them with...
1 Page 429 Words

The Peculiarities Of Big Bang Theory

It has been theoretically calculated that the Universe would have originated from a single mass of about 13.798 ± 0.037 billion years ago. This single mass suddenly exploded and the fragmented particles flying in all directions as a result of this explosion formed stars, planets, and galaxies. This theory that explains the formation of the universe due to the explosions of a single mass is known as the Big bang theory. To begin with, there are major pieces of evidence...
1 Page 449 Words

The Role Of Individual Techniques In Volleyball

While volleyball is classified as a team sport, individual technique is a vital component to a team’s success. Maddy’s game performance lacked in a particular basic technique known as the overhand serve. This was observed when the ball lacked power to reach the opponents defence. The serve poses a great purpose in a game; “No volleyball play can begin without a serve, and the serve is the only technique that is totally under your control” – Kerch Kiraly (Strength and...
1 Page 434 Words

The Aspects Of Team Development Interventions

Teams are integral part of any organisation and this article highlights the importance of ‘Team Development interventions’ (Shuffler et al., 2011) which can boost teamwork and thus the productivity of organisation. The importance of teamwork and collaboration within the workforce has significantly increased over the years. Teamwork needs interventions which are specifically designed to enhance their effectiveness in the organisations. Great teams produce great results. To be successful team members must follow effective processes designed to achieve desired outcomes. Team...
1 Page 462 Words

How Deeply Is Misogyny Embedded In Society?

What is misogyny? Misogyny is defined by Cambridge dictionary as “feelings of hating women, or belief that men are much better than women”. Prejudice against women of any age is also considered to be misogynistic. Common places misogyny is present is in the workplace, school, home/family life, and in many social settings, whether we realise it or not. Misogyny can be found in differing forms, in more blatant behaviours of gender-based hate crimes and violence (including homicide and rape) and...
1 Page 465 Words

The Differences In Film And Novel Of Snow White

In both the film and the novel, the famous words are said “skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, hair as black as ebony” this line has a lot more to it than just explaining what snow-white looks like. Although, there are little difference between the meaning in the novel and the film. In the novel the white represents purity, the red represents life and adventure and the black represents death. However, in the film the white...
1 Page 426 Words

Mass Vaccination Programs As A Key In The Control Of Diseases

Rationale Diseases are abnormal conditions that affect living organisms and occur when cells in the body are damaged as a result of infection and signs of an illness appear (National Academy of Sciences, 2019). They fall under four main categories; infectious, deficiency, hereditary and physiological diseases, all of which have harmful effects on the human body. However, through vaccines many diseases have been successfully controlled. Since 1796, when Edward Jenner discovered the smallpox vaccination, mass vaccination programs have been used...
1 Page 451 Words

Going To The Gym Is An Expensive Waste Of Time

The gym is also known as fitness started in the 1980s. When the fitness industries found out that they could make money with people who want to get fit, they started to ask money per month or also per year. Usually people go to the gym when they want to stay fit or when they want to achieve a goal. Now the question is if nowadays going to the gym is a waste of money and waste of time? Firstly,...
1 Page 427 Words

Factors Distributing To Road Accidents

According to Noorliyana Omar, Joewono Prasetijo, Basil David Daniel, and Mohd Asrul Effendi Abdullah (2016) road accidents occur when traffic conflicts between vehicular movements which can cause delay and traffic congestion. In addition, it has major impacts on the society, economy and progress of a country. Traditional considerations of road safety focus on physical environment, vehicle and road user (Cardamone et al., 2014). Road transportation is a requirement seems it give a lot of benefit to a country and individual...
1 Page 435 Words

Comparing And Contrasting Baseball To Soccer

Baseball and Soccer are among the two most popular sports in America, despite their differences. While baseball was originated in Ohio in 1839, soccer on the other hand came from England in the late 1800 ́s. Thousands of millions of people get out to see their favorite teams for these two sports play during that season. Baseball is played in the fall and soccer is played in the mid spring to summer. Both of the two sports consist of 9...
1 Page 466 Words

Tone And Techniques In Letter From A Birmingham Jail

“The Letter from Birmingham Jail” also known as “Letter from Birmingham Jail city” was written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr on April 16, 1963. The letter was addressed to his fellow clergymen. King wrote this letter while he was in Birmingham, Alabama to address criticisms regarding the non-violent protests in Birmingham. The eight clergymen were King’s intended audience. However, his constant reference to “we” signifying that the black community was his wider audience. The letter employs an assertive but...
1 Page 462 Words

The Concept Of Duty To Live

Introduction Survival is a tactic we try to put up with each day despite the circumstances that pin us far from it. However, instances arise where living causes more burdens than we anticipate (Cholbi, 2010). John Hardwig points out that in such a case, then a person’s duty to die prevails. Hardwig’s Central argument In his theory, Hardwig believes that humans have to die. For instance, in cases of extreme illnesses, people ought to make choices that favour the loved...
1 Page 448 Words

The Main Ideas Of The Play A Doll's House

Introduction Often, we fall as victims of our indecisions in our plight to please and fit in society. We fail to contemplate that self- realization, independence, and subtleness also count. In Ibsen's play, A Doll's House, the protagonist Nora is tied by family and societal issues that eight years later, she realizes her life is incomplete. She abandons her marriage and sets off to find her real self (Ibsen 123). Having lived a fake life where there were no love,...
1 Page 435 Words

The Reasons On Why Coming Out Of The Comfort Zone Is Necessary

While we are constantly taught to do what makes us happy and be where we feel comfortable, this might not be the best advice for curious, innovative young minds who are always in search of new adventures and continuous growth. Here’s why the ‘ Comfort Zone ‘ isn’t always a safe zone, and Why we should overcome it, in order to reach the ‘Growth Zone’. 01. Comfort zone keeps us stagnant, with no room for change It makes us carry...
1 Page 428 Words

Snow White From Post-colonial Perspective

When examining Snow White from a Post-colonial perspective it becomes clear that the 7 dwarves are like European settlers and Snow White is a native. This becomes clearer each time Snow white gets tricked by her stepmother. Each time they come home and find her laying there almost dead they saver her but at the same time they also just tell her the same thing every time. They tell her to not let anyone in and not to trust anyone....
1 Page 440 Words
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