500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Anti Discrimination Laws And Their Effects

One out of five people faces discrimination. It is the unjust treatment of people towards others on the basis of caste, color and even looks. People are discriminated for looking ugly. They are deprived of basic rights just because they are not beautiful according to our society. There should be laws introduced against looks discrimination so that people in our society are treated with equality. Although, the financial cost is considered a burden. However, anti-discrimination laws should be introduced because...
1 Page 505 Words

The Meaning Of Emotions And Choice In The Giver

Imagine an advanced future society where there is no war and no pain. Where there is no sorrow and hate. No one has a problem with anyone. But at the cost of vital human emotions such as love, happiness, and basic human choice. In The Giver their advanced society does it this way where everyone is assigned to them from a lifelong job even to their life partner. I don’t think that a society as depicted in the book The...
1 Page 477 Words

Racial Profiling In The Hate You Give

Poverty, violence, and crimes are major social problem. Social problems are the part of the society for thousands of years. Different countries share similar problems. All countries of world tried to find solution for the social problem. “The hate you giving by “the Angie Thomas” explores the depth of one sixteen years old life and her struggle she faces as a black female who have grown up in an unprivileged neighborhood. She wrote all the social problem occurs in the...
1 Page 477 Words

Rape Culture In Australian Society

By definition, rape culture is an environment in which rape is not only pervasive but also trivialised due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality shaped by customs and stereotypes formed by society (Waweru Nduta, 2018). Although the term was generated recently, this horrendous pattern of ignorance reflects on an already existing custom that dates back to medieval time. Rape culture is present in our nation like cutlery in a house and has intensely increased over the years. Reports of...
1 Page 492 Words

The Effects of Smoking on the Human Body

Smoking weed has many cons in the human body, as it is a preventable common health risk factor. Smoking weed can potentially lead to death, or this drug can cause severe damages in the body. When someone smokes, every smoke they inhale will flow throughout the entire anatomy body and will leave a trace behind. The respiratory system is the system that gets most affected, due to requiring access to inhale and exhale the smoke. When the drug is inhaled,...
1 Page 525 Words

Malcolm X and Experiencing Education

Monique Rizer wrote, “in my experience, there is no better motivation to finish college and to appreciate the full experience than a child whose future depends on your decisions. I had to continue to give him a better life and to set an example for him to follow” (588). Similarly, Malcolm X claims, “education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Both Rizer and Malcolm X had motivations to become educated,...
1 Page 525 Words

Ethical Communication In The Federal Crop Insurance Industry

Defining Ethical Communication Ethical Communication can be defined as the action that results from making daily decisions as they coincide with not only the policies and procedures set forth by the industry, but also the decisions made in the workplace that conflict with personal morals and values. Some of these decisions are quite easy to make, however some decisions prove to be difficult when they test the boundaries of integrity. Although the federal crop insurance industry deals with their fair...
1 Page 502 Words

Why to be Moral?

A society is supposed to be in harmony. Individuals within a community are expected to behave in accordance to what would be beneficial to majority of the populace. In order to achieve such harmony, individuals need to have a sense of morality. As described by Ayn Rand, morality is having the judgment to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. A variety of factors can influence our motives and actions. Some of these are religion, science, societal demands...
1 Page 524 Words

The Similarities and Differences of MLK and Malcolm X

Malcolm X was a human rights activist and who associated with MLK Jr. for his argument of allowing both whites and blacks to have the same type of equality. Both speakers use ethos to establish his credibility. MLK Jr. is more persuasive than Malcolm X in his rhetorical appeal because he was the one who preached for equality and unity between the blacks and whites. There were accusations, debates, arguments and persuasion on determining who was anti-white, anti-black, anti-degradation against...
1 Page 503 Words

Samsung Explosion Issue

After Samsung released Note 7 on 19 August 2016, at least 35 cases of explosion had been reported within a month since 24 August. According to the CPSC, Samsung has 'received 92 reports of the batteries overheating in the US, including 26 reports of burns and 55 reports of property damage, including fires in cars and a garage'. As of 1 September, Samsung has only acknowledged 35 of these reported incidents. Samsung immediately reacted and recalled about 2.5 million Note...
1 Page 511 Words

Is Technology Really a Blessing to Humanity?

Technology has changed our lives. In the ever-developing modern society, technology seems to be an inextricable part of humanity. However, many people are focusing on how advanced automation can be, so much that alarmingly, few people are concentrating on how the negative impacts on humans have advanced due to automation. In fact, technology has more negative effects on us than positive, for it hinders our interpersonal relationship (P1), poses a significant threat to various jobs worldwide (P2), and also makes...
1 Page 520 Words

The Aspects Of Malnutrition In India

The people in India do not have the money or funds needed to buy food for themselves and their family, causing the worldwide issue of malnutrition. In particular, TLQ “It is estimated 23.6% of Indian population, or about 276 million people, lived below $1.25 per day on purchasing power parity”(action). About a quarter of the population currently living in India today, struggles with financial tasks to get them through their day, meaning surviving. All of those 276 million individuals, including...
1 Page 478 Words

Oliver Twist and Le Papa de Simon: Child as a Literary Device in Novels of Social and Moral Reform?

In this essay, I will be talking about how the children are used as a literary device in novels in the 19th century. I will be comparing two stories; they are “Oliver Twist” published in 1838 and “Le Papa de Simon” published. Both of the stories illustrate a boy, around a young age who is not accepted in the society or maltreated by it. The setting of the stories takes place in a social context of the middle or lower...
1 Page 511 Words

Facebook Usage and Gender Differences

The differentiating effects of gender have been studied in various fields regarding Internet use due to it being such a basic demographic variable. When comparing Internet usage between men and women, it is clear that men have a much higher rate of usage, exploring a broader range of sites, however, women show a higher frequency of social media usage (Biernatowska et al. 2017). Studies have shown that more often, men play online games, contribute to discussion groups and visit gambling...
1 Page 512 Words

Theme Of Natural Selection In The Novel Of Mice And Men

At the point when authors choose to compose a story, numerous subjects may ring a bell. In John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, numerous subjects are available. The topic that most interests to me would be Natural selection. Two characters that help this thought are Sweet's pooch and Lennie. Sweet's canine speaks to the destiny anticipating any individual who has outlasted their motivation. When a fine sheep hound and very valuable on the farm, Sweet's mutt is presently crippled by...
1 Page 518 Words

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a Threat to Humanity?

Artificial Intelligence has become a huge controversy between scientist within the past few years. The goal of AI is to simplify life and improve the performance of just about everything around us. But many have asked themselves will artificial intelligence improve our communities in ways we humans can’t, or will they just cause danger to us? I believe that artificial intelligence potentially can improve the performance of just everything around us but it can also be a danger. Even Stephen...
1 Page 497 Words

Social Factors and Childhood Poverty

Growing up in poverty is something that no man or woman should have to deal with, but a child growing up in poverty is much worse. Having this stress put on the child can cause severe consequences on their health, mind, and personality. In order to decrease the amounts of childhood poverty in the world, countries need to invest more in social programs, increase educational opportunities to young children, and equalise income segregation. Social programs are most important to society...
1 Page 517 Words

An Introduction To Music Psychotherapy

This essay is about providing a clear unified methods to examine the music psychotherapy and came up with a written rules for it that can make it easier to practice it, but the “Kenneth E. Bruscia” says that in term to reach that we should ask the following questions: What is psychotherapy? How is music used for psychotherapeutic purposes? What characterizes a psychodynamic orientation to music therapy? But these questions are difficult to be answer, since the answers comes from...
1 Page 517 Words

AI: Ascending Innovations Descending Humanity

Technology is ascending fast more than people could ever grasp. The fall of the human race has been feared. Artificial Intelligence has been discussed and predicted for over decades to be more useful and more knowledgeable than humans. Now, everything has come into reality. The point is, as super AI machines and such become more and more innovative, the future is at stake as it slowly replaces humanity. As human as people are, greed of things is not inevitable. There...
1 Page 492 Words

The Correlation Of Motivation And Performance

My motivation does not come from my parents and their comments about excelling in school. I think this transfers to the business world. People have to want to be motivated. They have to want to have an inner drive to succeed and do better than they did the previous day. It almost seems like managers cannot really motivate their employees unless the employees take the first step by being motivated themselves. This is not to say that managers cannot motivate...
1 Page 518 Words

Proper Nutrition in Childhood

It is vital during adolescence to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The benefits include: more energy, improve mood and creating foundation for healthy lifestyle later in life. During adolescence the human body going through many changes and is growing at a very quick pace (Hopkins Medicine, n.d.). By consuming more fruits, vegetables, complex carbs and lean protein, a young body is able to perform at its best. Without proper nutrition you would not be able to enjoy the extracurricular activities such...
1 Page 524 Words

Critical Criminology, Restorative Justice, Peacemaking Criminology, And Instrumental Theory As Alternative Perspectives In Criminology

Introduction Ma’dam/Sir Supervisor, as we prepare for the speech to be held at the National Convention Center, per your request I have prepared information on the subject matter of four alternative perspectives of criminology. According to Siegel (2018), criminology is defined as the scientific study of the nature, extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior. “Drawing conclusions after close reading of the works of Pierre Bourdieu (a French sociologist, anthropologist, philosopher, and public intellectual) we will adapt five lessons for...
1 Page 517 Words

The Blindness To Reality In Oedipus Rex

People might be blinded to reality, and may not understand what truth is, regardless of whether truth is remaining before them. They will never observe truth since they are incognizant in regards to it. In Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, it is anything but difficult to perceive how visual impairment influences the progress of the story. It is said that visually impaired individuals see 'in an alternate way' since they sense the world in an entirely unexpected manner, for example, Teiresias...
1 Page 480 Words

The Key Roles and Responsibilities of a DUI Lawyer

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is considered a criminal offense in Nevada and all the other states in United States of America, meaning all DUI and DWI cases are all done in a criminal court. If a person’s alcohol content exceeds a certain limit and is caught driving, he/she can be charged with several serious acts. Though you have a right to represent yourself in a DUI trial, it is never a good idea. A...
1 Page 493 Words

Does Shakespeare Still Matter? Essay

Unfortunately, for many young adults, learning the plays of Shakespeare can be a torturous experience. Numerous young adults fail to see the relevance of reading centuries-old texts, and cannot see how these texts apply to the world today. However, the brilliance of Shakespeare is its ongoing relevance, and today more than ever the words of Shakespeare can be applied to our society and the lives of young adults. Antoni Cimolino, the general director of the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, has given...
1 Page 502 Words

The Effective Use of Youtube Videos for Teaching Food Chains

Technology plays a vital role in society and can be incorporated into various aspects of our everyday life. Youtube website is a video sharing service that can be integrated into the traditional Biology lessons. Youtube videos are usually very interactive and if used correctly can play a key role in the teaching and learning field. Learners that are exposed to authentic and real life clips can gain positive indicators (Maness, 2004). The use of Youtube videos to teach the lesson...
1 Page 492 Words

The Image Of Knight In Don Quixote, Beowulf, And The Epic Of Sundiata

Throughout all of the readings this semester, we’ve read about many heroes and knights. We learned what it means to be a hero and what attributes made them heroes. I will be discussing three different works and I’ll be discussing what it is that characterized these people as heroes/ knights. The first work I’ll be discussing is The Epic of Sundiata. Sundiata is an epic hero because he embodies all of the qualities of an epic hero. He performed amazing...
1 Page 477 Words

The Dream And Hope In Animal Farm

The novel of Animal Farm shows the story of farm animals they worked to made rebel against their human farmer who treated them harshly, the aim of that rebel was to create an environment where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. The novel’s author is George Orwell , pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair(born June 25, 1903, India and died January 21, 1950, England) is English novelist and he was one of the world's most influential writers and critic...
1 Page 480 Words

Social And Psychological Factors That Influence Serial Killers

While research suggests that psychological factors may provide the necessary prerequisites for psychopathic tendencies, social factors, such as family life and upbringing, are also essential contributors to shaping the minds of disturbed individuals. According to Hestie Barnard Gerber, psychological abuse from parents, such as excessive humiliation and discipline, works to desensitize children, causing them to “grow up devoid of empathy for others” (Gerber, 2013). This is interesting as it connects to the stereotypical characteristic of killers being remorseless and cold,...
1 Page 514 Words

Why Is Fahrenheit 451 A Dystopian Novel?

Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel written by Ray Bradbury. The author proves it is a dystopian novel by using dystopian controls such as bureaucratic control, technological control, and philosophical/religious control. Bureaucratic Control talks about how the society is being controlled by its government. Technological Control talks about how the society is influenced by technology. Philosophical/Religious Control is the last dystopian control used in this novel; it is used by the governments influence on the beliefs of its society. This...
1 Page 519 Words
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