500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Silence As A Motif In The Novel Fahrenheit 451

In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the motif of silence is used to symbolize society as lacking essential factors to be an accomplishment. In the novel, for example, Montag‘s wife, Mildred, overdosed on sleeping pills. Montag called the emergency hospital, and they brought a machine to pump out Mildred’s stomach. When the machine was being described, “Does it drink of the darkness? ... It fed in silence with an occasional sound of inner suffocation and blind searching” (Bradbury 12). While...
1 Page 498 Words

Anti-slavery Ideologies In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

For a writing piece to be considered an ‘Unreliable Narration’, there are three main criteria that, generally speaking, must be met: What the author knows, what the narrator knows, and what the society in the story believes is acceptable. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn meets these specifics by exhibiting a tale in first-person point of view of a homeless, uneducated twelve or thirteen year old boy who simply goes by “Huck”. Huck lives in a Southern town plagued by age...
1 Page 480 Words

Negative Impacts of Media On Body Image

The media has contributed to mass damages to women showing them such unrealistic desires of ideal body images that certainly destroy both women and female adolescents. Social media and advertisements are one of the biggest causes of most women feeling pressured when pictures of celebrities and models are likable by society. Most women care about their appearance, so they usually compare themselves to others based on how they look and this is how the media influences of “what body-type one...
1 Page 515 Words

Emotional Intelligence and Gender Equity

Gender Equity, as previously discussed, is ensuring equal opportunities, obligations and rights. This term was first tossed at the Beijing platform for Action by Islamic fundamentalists in 1995. Also Vatican followers joined hands who sought to divide their property to their kids according to their needs not equally, in their gender specific roles. According to our study, emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in achieving the forediscussed goal. Early studies define emotional intelligence as the ability to perceive accurately, appraise,...
1 Page 489 Words

Common Themes in Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Feasting in both epics of Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight are used as forms of celebration. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the feast is held in anticipation of the New Year and involves eating, dancing, gift exchange, games, and the shared excitement of the New Year. The descriptions of the feasting hall make it seem as if nothing had been forgotten in the preparations. The poet talks about the order of the table, seating manner,...
1 Page 518 Words

The Features Of Human Relationships In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published after the abolition of slavery in the United States, however the story is set before the Civil War, where slavery is legal and is the system that keeps the American South booming. Throughout the novel, Twain uses Jim, a runaway slave, to demonstrate the humanity of slaves. In contrast, Twain splits his other main characters into two groups: those who profit directly from slavery such as the slaveowners Miss Watson, the Grangerford household...
1 Page 504 Words

Millennials and India's Overpopulation Problem

The causes of the overpopulation can be put in different categories, which combined represent the cause of this destructive phenomena. One of these issues is represented by the early marriage. The origins of child marriage in India are deeply rooted into its historical and cultural background. Early marriages were made backwards societies in order to maximize the chances of survival of the children due the high rate of mortality. Therefore it was advantageous for the Indian people and also to...
1 Page 504 Words

The Accounting Of Strategic Management

In the year 1981 Simmonds reflected his view on the adoption of strategic management accounting (SMA). There were other writers such as Bromwich (1990) who continued in this culminating in an influential paper. There was a positive response by David Smith and journal referees however according to the different survey which was carried out in the 1990s indicated that in practice SMA was slow. There was a mixed comment on overall adoption saying, if was academic immigration (Lord, 1996) or...
1 Page 491 Words

To Kill A Mockingbird: Atticus Finch Representing The Golden Rule

Throughout the first half of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch, the father of the main characters in the story demonstrates the golden rule that one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself with his words and actions of empathy. He teaches his children, Jem and Scout, how to be respectful and understanding towards others. Atticus shows them that there is value in having respect and a caring attitude for one another in...
1 Page 493 Words

Theme Of Loneliness In Of Mice And Men

Loneliness is one of the most horrible feelings in the world. The definition of Loneliness is, the sadness because one has no friends or company.A profound part of what contributes to the feeling of loneliness is a lack of emotional connection with others. Loneliness has the power to cloud one's behavior, and ultimately changing him or her as a person. In “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck, Steinbeck makes his theme of loneliness clear in his story through the...
1 Page 481 Words

Freedom & Equality Through Individuals

People living different lives can sometimes result in less freedom such as, restrictions. A group of people and individuals are completely different. For example, it’s easier to live by the standards of what people identify as beautiful, but it comes with limitations. A group of people who look at things the same way will all “be the same way.” There’s no individuality. When you’re individual it tends to be more difficult to have an identity that is one of a...
1 Page 504 Words

Emotional Issues Of The Teens In Catcher In The Rye And Rebel Without A Cause

Teenagers deal with lots of emotional issues. In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and in Rebel Without a Cause by Nicholas Ray, both main characters Jim Stark and Holden Caulfield deal with so many emotional issues. Both characters deal with emotional issues as teenagers; Holden distances himself from his relationships while Jim tries to build relationships. Jim would do anything to have a group of friends. In the beginning of the film it shows Jim is found...
1 Page 481 Words

The Role Media Plays In Perpetuating Rape Culture

In May 2019, a video of an incident which took place at a restaurant in Gurgaon, India went viral on Facebook. In that video, a middle -aged woman was seen harassing a group of young girls and slut-shaming one of them because she was wearing a short skirt. The victim also stated that, the woman was asking the men present at the restaurant to rape her as she deserved that because of her 'inappropriate' clothing. This incident is a small...
1 Page 489 Words

The Trend of Obesity in America

“Obesity is a complex and often intractable problem, and America’s obesity epidemic continues to have serious health and cost consequences for individuals, their families and out nation,” said Trust for America’s Health CEO John Auerbach. The obesity rate continues to rise over the years as it has been for decades. It is defined as an excessive fat accumulation that leads to health risks. You are considered obese if you weigh more than 20 percent of your ideal weight. A Body...
1 Page 492 Words

Social Perspective on Social Class: Conflict Theory

The film Purge is about gang members and violent activities that occur for one night last until 12 hours where all criminal activity is legal to commit. Therefore police, medical or any other emergency services are unavailable to provide support. During this time people often tried to take out their frustration, anger, and problems they have with each other by killing. This time individuals often take revenge, if anyone has done something wrong to them or even people who don’t...
1 Page 525 Words

The Use Of Paradox And Euphemism In Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is important to read because he uses Paradox and Euphemism to show his purpose that blacks and whites can work together to find their freedom. His purpose was that a child, Huck Finn helps Jim, a runaway slave , to escape along the Mississippi River to have freedom. It is important to read “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” because Huck a young child who doesn’t really know anything about slavery and what it’s...
1 Page 495 Words

Evil As A Human Nature In The Dark Knight And Lord Of The Flies

Abraham Lincoln once said, “If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will.” The meaning of this quote is that humanity is fundamentally evil. There is a darkness to everyone on this world that is hidden or shown in different ways. In Lord of the Flies, human nature is evil because the boys formed into vicious people and lost all their civilization when they were on a deserted island. In The Dark Knight, human...
1 Page 484 Words

Censorship in American Textbooks

Democracy is founded within the principles of liberty of the individual and faith within the ability and essential rational nature of all human beings. Using these principles as the major premises of my argument, I will seek to present that censorship and book banning are impermissible because they violate the freedoms vital for preserving democracy and the liberty that accompanies that democracy. According to the aged democratic theory, as described by leading American theorist Robert Dahl, an ideal democratic process...
1 Page 499 Words

Atticus Finch As An Iconoclast In The Novel To Kill A Mockingbird

The Finch family has been living in Maycomb since it was a settlement. One of the members of this long dynasty of land-owners and farmers is Atticus Finch, a man who breaks the tradition of staying at Finch’s Landing, the family’s antebellum house, to study law and practice in the city as a lawyer. Atticus Finch is many things, a father, a widower, but most importantly, he is a man who knows right from wrong. He is intelligent, humble, and...
1 Page 489 Words

Medea: A Lady Or A Murderer?

A lady who has been harmed by the one she cherishes will look for vengeance until she never again feels for them. Ladies are brilliant and they know how to utilize what they have to hurt those who have harmed them. They will take the necessary steps to get and give retribution to the individuals who have treated them terribly. Medea is a lady who took drastic measures to get revenge on her husband but, in the end, it flipped...
1 Page 516 Words

The Secrets of Criminal Defense Lawyer

The role of a criminal lawyer is to avert those involute in illegal activities and hence appealed. Some of these advocates are privately appointed whereas others have been positioned by the criminal law court to represent the incriminated. Therefore the accused person of criminal offences should be assured that they will be served in court by an attorney. The criminal defence lawyer in Flagstaff AZ USA is ready to help those involved with such cases. Here are some of the...
1 Page 511 Words

A Doll’s House, Little Red Riding Hood And Anna Karenina: Common Features Of The Main Character

There are a few characters in the play, A Doll’s House, that I could discuss for this short paper. For starters, there’s Torvald Hemler, a lawyer who got a new position at the bank. But I’m more interested in discussing his wife, Nora, who is the protagonist of the play. I just think that the protagonist of any story should be the main character discussed. Nora has some characteristics that remind me of other characters we have read about in...
1 Page 514 Words

The Features of Conflict Management

Knowing the existence of conflict as well as managing it is essential in our personal and professional lives. A conflict occurs when two persons or entities have no common or similar ideologies or opinions which creates minor disagreement to heated confrontations between the two parties. To better understand conflict, it is also important to know the root cause of it. There are four major sources of disagreements ranging from social, organizational, change, and external influences. Social or interpersonal source of...
1 Page 525 Words

Ethics and Professional Conduct in Business

This case was particularly chosen since it once presented itself to me two years ago while employed as a cashier at a hardware store. In a firm the cashier holds the cash register at various locations such as point of sale or at a retail store. This individual is responsible for receiving and disbursing money. Like mistake or miscalculation may occur in any position, there is no exception with the cashier. With the constant busy nature of this job, cashiers...
1 Page 483 Words

The Impact Of Social Media Influencers On Consumer Behavior

Companies and organizations continuously want to create value for customers and build strong customer-relationships in order to capture value. For ages, firms and organizations have been seeking to shape their target audience’s thoughts, attitudes and behavior so that they can attract more customers and build brand awareness. One way brands are promoting their products and services is through social media influencers. Social Media influencers are normal people, like you and me, who happen to have a passion for a certain...
1 Page 483 Words

The Role of Social Media in the Covid-19 Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented crisis throughout the global population. Western social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as their Chinese counterparts (such as WeChat and Weibo) are at the heart of this crisis. These platforms can act as multipliers and facilitators of COVID-19 related misinformation. This perpetration of misinformation encompasses outbreak response and increases confusion of what sources to trust. It also generates fear due to unsupported rumours, while simultaneously promoting bigoted and...
1 Page 486 Words

Ethics for Military Profession

An inescapable sense of materialism and self-gratification prevails in contemporary western society. The result of which is to experience difficulty when defining moral conduct as an individual, or within an organisation. The foundation of successful conduct by members of the military profession is a codified set of ethical standards. A profession is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards (Australian Professional Standards Council, 2018). This group is recognised by the public to possess special knowledge and skills,...
1 Page 514 Words

The Increasing of Role of Ethics in the Profession of Sri Lankan Quantity Surveying

The construction industry of Sri Lanka has become a key driver of economy and it is necessary to sustain this growth by facilitating sectoral development.(‘Construction industry, a key driver of the economy’ | Sunday Observer, no date). Sri Lankan Construction Industry continues to play an important role in the country's economy.(Construction Expo | 2020, no date). Quantity surveying is one of the prominent professions in the construction industry. With the increasing complexity in construction projects, competencies of QSs have become...
1 Page 525 Words

The Importance of Ethics in Universities

McKeachie and Svinicki (2006) assume that ethical standards are intended to guide us in carrying out the responsibilities we have, to the different groups with whom we interact, and violation of ethics can occur when one acts contrary to standards (326). For Peale and Blanchard (1984), wherever we go today there are visible signs of deterioration of ethics, in the business world young people make immoral millions of dollars. In the government offices, it is rare to hear that an...
1 Page 498 Words

The Outsiders: Gangs Stereotypes

The Outsiders, written by a 15-year-old S.E Hinton is an enticing and compelling Bildungsroman telling the story of 14-year-old, Ponyboy Curtis’ life along with his gang in the 60s, Tulsa, Oklahoma. The gang goes through a tough journey together being known as Juvenile delinquents and greasers along with facing the soc’s, stereotyping, grief and the life of being an outsider. Hinton draws you into her novel “The Outsiders” by using key themes such as stereotypes and gang culture. These themes...
1 Page 485 Words
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