500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Mother: Essence, Purpose And Respect

What's the essence of a mother? The essence of becoming a mother is almost infinite. Mother is a defender, a disciplinary and a friend. Mother is a selfless, loving human being who has to sacrifice much of his wants and needs for the wants and needs of his son. A mother works hard to make sure that her child is equipped with the knowledge, skills and abilities to make her a competent human being. Being a mother is probably the...
1 Page 502 Words

Copper Supplies To Remain Relatively Tight

Base metals grew after a series of tumbling sessions with the progress in US-China trade talks. The two countries are expected to get a deal where a portion of the $250 billion US tariffs on Chinese goods may be rolled back. The US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin wrote about the productive talks between the two countries. China announced a stimulus for small and medium firms where it said it will relax residency curbs in smaller cities. The months of April...
1 Page 485 Words

How Are Muslim Women Represented In The British Media

The methodology chosen for the research is discourse analysis, specifically analysing contemporary media texts (post-2010) that depict images or focus on Muslim women in the forefront of the articles. The media texts are newspapers, with a mix of tabloid and broadsheet newspaper articles. The language, visual elements and the contextual meaning behind the articles will be analysed. “The method explores power relations from a critical standpoint to make sense of the social world by providing new critical insights – a...
1 Page 521 Words

Steps Of Cyber-Incident Handling

Introduction It is pointless to mention this stat, that the firms all over planet are on the risk/target of cybercrimes, it's important for a banking-institute like SSU Inc. to deal with the cyber-attacks/risks to remain open as a service to clients while negligence from this area could make a huge loss for SSU Inc., the cyberattacks are increasing rapidly and it became a need for the SSU Inc. to implement a plan for the cyber-incident so that it can thwarts...
1 Page 525 Words

Hypocrisy As The Part Of Human Nature In The Importance Of Being Ernest And A Scandal In Bohemia

It must be said that the power of hypocrisy in human nature is powerful. This kind of power promotes human progress and evolution. The desire for power, the yearning for money, and the pursuit of women are all brought by the power of hypocrisy. Whenever people have these desires, people will use this force to strengthen themselves and disguise themselves, so as to achieve their own goals and satisfy their desires. The play The Importance of Being Ernest and the...
1 Page 483 Words

Taekwondo As My Dream

Imagine being good at taekwondo. No scrap that. imagine being great at taekwondo. No scrap that again. Imagine being the Best taekwondo martial artist in the world. Yes, thats my dream, and let me tell you how I am going to achieve it. First, I have been, and will continue to, motivate myself by saying out my positive affirmations every morning. But wait! what IS a positive affirmation Sia? well let me tell you, it is a method of mental...
1 Page 494 Words

The Existential Question About God

As I reflect upon my life, there is one personal truth that I have adopted in my mind; this truth is that I believe that God is nonexistent. My personal truth has dramatically changed from when I was a child to my formative adolescent years. As a child who strongly believed in the existence of God, I now identify as an atheist. The belief in God may provide hope and reassurance to some people, however, I find it to be...
1 Page 506 Words

Pharmacist As A Career Choice

The career I chose is a Pharmacist. I chose this career, because I have dreamed of becoming one since I was in the seventh grade. I didn’t have my mind set on being a pharmacist, but I just kept it as an option. It wasn’t until my senior year in high school, when I was in my pharmacy technician class, that I confirmed that I wanted to be a pharmacist when I grow up. “Pharmacists are highly trained medical professionals...
1 Page 497 Words

Vietnam War And Martin Luther King

During the Vietnam War, Martin Luther King Jr. believed that the involvement of America in the war was unjust. King thought that America was too focused on a war that didn’t involve them. He thought the war became harmful to not only people in Vietnam but even civilians in America, innocent people had died when they shouldn’t have. King had said that America had diverted attention away from the programs to aid poor people and focused more on Vietnam. Finally,...
1 Page 524 Words

Hamlet: The Good Or The Evil?

In every story the good triumphs all but what if the good was tainted before the end of the story unfold. In the Play “Hamlet”, William Shakespeare, an English poet, playwright and an actor, widely referred to as the greatest writer and a key component to the development of modern English.With “Hamlet” being on of his greatest works it made people speculate what made this story such a success. Was it the blur line between good and evil. In the...
1 Page 507 Words

Equity And Equality: Similarities And Differences

In this essay I am going to be explaining the difference between both equity and equality, and I will also say what both words mean. Equity and equality are very similar but very different from each other. Both words are very detailed and have very strong meanings from each other. These definitions could be very a like but it could mean something very different. Equity means that you are being very fair to your surroundings like your peers and others....
1 Page 507 Words

Incident Response Plan

Introduction Incident response plan presents a list of responses to an intrusion and a series of actions to stop an intrusion before it will cause damage an action plan has to include all possible result of analysis as well as actions it has too to cover critical and informational alerts and it should of course be accessible to all employees in the workplace.. Preparation Preparation presents how employees should be trained to respond to incidents in the workplace, an employee...
1 Page 488 Words

Hope: Definition, Factors And Models

DEFINITION Hope is successful sense of planning to meet one’s goal, it is positive motivational state. (Synder, Irving, & Anderson) EXPLANATION Positive emotions are basis of positive impact on our goals and our direction for achieving those goals. Hope creates eager and drive to achieve success. Even in dark shaded times hope is like a light that gives a sense to find answers and step towards a direction. It is said hopeful employees tend to create a dialogue towards independency...
1 Page 492 Words

How And Why Do Stars Die?

Several billion years after a star’s birth its life will eventually end. How a star will die is determined by its mass, age, and type. The sun and other stars shine as results of reactions in its core. This changes light elements to become heavier and release energy in the process, which creates the necessary pressure needed to keep stars from collapsing in on themselves. When a star’s core lacks hydrogen fuel it stops its flow of energy, therefore, disabling...
1 Page 492 Words

Single Parenting And Its Attendant Effects In Nigeria

From prehistoric times, marriage as a concept and as a sacred institution involved two individuals who agree two come together to become husband and wife. The reasons for marriage among other things is for relationship and companionship as well as for procreation. Furthermore, each party (husband and wife) has its own different roles in the home. However the role of child training and inculcating moral discipline has always been a joint effort. This is because two are better than one....
1 Page 484 Words

Challenges Of Next PLC

Next Plc faces a swam of challenges. One of the challenges for Next Plc would be keeping up with new technology as they would be constantly updating and maintaining their information systems (Loudmouth PR 2017). If the information systems do not run efficiently, the business will lose sales and will not meet its business objectives. Next would need to train the staff to use these information systems efficiently, they could call upon a third party to train them. Another challenge...
1 Page 477 Words

The Effects Of Failure On Students

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.' — Paulo Coelho -. Student failure: is a process where a student slides farther and further behind his colleagues, and progressively goes away from the educational system. So what result from failure on a student? The final consequence of unsuccessful academic life is dropping out before finishing the study or finishing it with a low grade. Falling marks typically are results of emotional and...
1 Page 484 Words

It’s Good To Be Different

My friends and I were trying to organise some place to meet up. I wanted to go watch a movie while they wanted to go laser tag. I thought to myself; why do they like laser tag so much? I then imagined a world where everyone talked about the same topics, watched the same movies and everyone had similar personalities. The world seemed extremely monotonous. It was at this point when I realised that it's good to be different in...
1 Page 521 Words

The Significance Of Australia’s Contribution Towards Climate Change And Its Impact On Our Planet

Influenced by anthropogenic climate change, the complex nature of the human-animal interface is continuously threatened and zoonotic diseases are rising. Domestic animals themselves are reservoirs of zoonotic diseases (e.g. Avian influenza) and poor livestock practices endangers both humans and animals. Encroachment of human settlements increase the interactions between humans and wildlife species which helps facilitate the spread of zoonotic diseases. Atmospheric carbon dioxide in the environment also influences the animal-plant interface with invasive species dynamics fluctuating (Naicker 2019). A One...
1 Page 492 Words

The Characteristics Of Digital Communication

The accessibility and utilization of digital technologies has been remarkably upsurging in the recent years, be it in workplaces, educational sectors or even at home. Many businesses have executed the utilization of digital communication ranging from smart phones to I-cloud storage software in terms of improving their workforce as well as their company’s performance. There are salient characteristics of digital communication in workplace that works exceptionally in order to expand effective interaction, collaboration and to create innovative information networks within...
1 Page 486 Words

Abortion Issue In Religion

Discussions around abortions in religion give a bold however deep variety of opinions, they all contribute the surrounding issues of life and death, the rights and wrongs and nature of society that cause it to be a major religious concern. sufferers of abortion are found to be in a very emotional environment and sometimes face spiritual issues. The victims frequently turn to faith for comfort and to seek compensation to deal with their feelings of guilt. Now that abortion impacts...
1 Page 501 Words

The Corruption Of Language

A large portion of us has those days – those occasions when you dread for the fate of mankind. On the off chance that you are a safeguard of appropriate sentence structure and spelling, and if those days appear to come off and on again, you are not the only one. Journalists and teachers around the world concur with you: technology is crushing the English language. Communication technology breeds diverse use of the current language; some even guarantee that 'texting'...
1 Page 519 Words

Recommendation And Justification For Carbohydrates

As discussed in Part 3, my client’s macronutrient consumption values met AMDR recommendations in all areas. However, my client’s consumption of carbohydrates bordered on the lower region of the 45-65% range (NHMRC, 2013). Over the three days my client averaged a total of 169g of carbohydrates per day, equating to 49.6% of total energy consumed. Further evaluation of his diet can attribute this lack of carbohydrate intake to his low intake of starchy vegetables, for example potatoes, legumes and plant...
1 Page 511 Words

The Benefits Of Bilingualism In Early Childhood

Bilingualism refers to the ability to use two languages in everyday life. It is common and is on the rise in many parts of the world with perhaps one in three people being bilingual or multilingual (Wei,2000.) Bilingualism is flexible especially regardless of age. Bilingual adults experience certain advantages as compared to their monolingual counter paths. They have a higher chance of slowing the development of mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. Likewise, bilingualism in early childhood is also...
1 Page 516 Words

Do The Old Testament Stories Have Significance In Modern Life?

The Old Testament has many stories in it, and every single one of them has significance, even now. We learn forgiveness, loyalty and using talents, plus many, many more from the stories it tells. They most definitely have significance and this is why. Forgiveness is shown many times in the Old testament. Forgiveness is very important in life. If people mess up, they ask for forgiveness, and most times people receive it back. But when people ask someone that that...
1 Page 510 Words

The Trends In Biotechnology

Abstract Recent upswing and advances in science and technology has exposed a great impact on all areas of human life. One of the most significant fields of science and technology is Biotechnology. The progression in biotechnology and the trends of biotechnology brought forward thinking and solutions for many of the complications that the human race are and will be facing, including but not limited to the problem of nourishing a large population but however, at the same time, it poses...
1 Page 483 Words

Gene Editing Technology Process

Scientists are constantly striving to make what was once thought of as impossible, possible. But, often in this race to break barriers, what holds back the scientific community is the ethical implications of their actions. With new gene-editing technology, such as CRISPR-Cas9 and TALENs, becoming well-known and easily accessible, genetic alterations are no longer an impossibility. The introduction of these methods presents untold opportunities for genome modification in plants, animals and even humans. However, while there are many positive applications...
1 Page 491 Words

Theme Of Dishonesty In The Great Gatsby

Throughout the novel 'The Great Gatsby', F. Scott Fitzgerald has created many characters and key themes that were developed during the 1920s, but the plot is still very relatable to the modern world. Fitzgerald has implemented many literary techniques that present the flaws of main characters which are important in conveying key themes in the novel. The key aspects that will be discussed include, how Gatsby is being expressed as being obsessed with the past, and how his failure to...
1 Page 520 Words

The Significance Of Team Work

In the health sector, teamwork is the connection between two or more health professionals who work together to provide care for patients. The role of organizational presentation teams has been the subject of much research by scholars and practitioners in previous years (Jones et al., 2008). The main probable reason for this attention is the belief that teams can influence the work of organizations. Team competence Many studies identify specific competencies that support team effectiveness in the health sectors. Knowledge...
1 Page 487 Words

What is Military Bearing

Military Bearing is one's outward appearance that includes their uniform, hair, the amount of motivation they have and pride in their appearance. “It is also the way you maintain your composure and contain your emotions at all times. Even when some might think it is necessary to speak one's thoughts, that is where military bearing comes into play and maintains the composure of the soldier himself or herself.” Military bearing is the way you take pride in your accomplishments and...
1 Page 505 Words
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