550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Compare and Contrast Essay: Jamestown and Plymouth Colonies in New England

Jamestown and New England were two different settlements that the English colonizers hereby the people were looking for either land, opportunities, or jobs. Similarities between Jamestown and New England Both settlements were formed by English immigrants who moved from their homeland either due to political, economic, religious, or social reasons. The migrants wanted better opportunities that were becoming scarce in their country. The English empire was expanding, and migrants either who came to New England or Jamestown were all part...
1 Page 544 Words

Call to Action: Argumentative Essay

The people waiting outside for their day in the RTIA studio are sharp. They come bearing their birth certificates, certificates of employment, various proofs of their suffering, and a deep understanding of systemic oppression. It's easy to argue why such a formula is unhealthy for any society, for it is trial by publicity. Instant justice; is one that's fallible, extralegal, and prone to abuse. It makes a spectacle out of suffering. It infects the general population with the idea that...
1 Page 553 Words

Alexander the Great Versus Caesar: Compare and Contrast Essay

It is often said that history is filled with “what ifs”. What if this was never discovered? What if this land was never conquered? What if this leader never ruled? There are three people who I think if they had not existed, or accomplished what they did, would have changed Western civilization as we know it today. The three people I am going to discuss are Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Constantine. The achievements of these three great rulers...
1 Page 536 Words

Happy Life Is Good: Reflective Essay

Happiness is a common feeling of human beings. 'Happiness is a state of mind,' said Walt Disney, It's just according to the way you look at things.' People often view happiness in different ways and the states can always change depending on how they react to it. Personally, the thing that gives me joy is a happy life. To obtain a happy life I need to focus on the positive, have a healthy relationship with people, and enjoy little things....
1 Page 573 Words

Ethos in Julius Caesar: Rhetoric Analysis Essay

The author analyses why Brutus’ obsession with honor and how it is “called into question by the action of the play” while exploring the character's reasons for using certain rhetorical methods. Having sensed Brutus's 'passions of some difference' regarding Caesar as a potential tyrant, Cassius proposes, like an honest mirror, to reveal Brutus's 'hidden worthiness' to him (1.2.57). He concretizes the names of Caesar and Brutus as capable of being weighed and compared (1.2.142-47). Among other things, Brutus's honor encompasses...
1 Page 566 Words

Education for Better Life: Persuasive Essay

Proper and good education is very important, it is the fundamental requirement of every individual. Education improves our knowledge and amplifies our personality. The more knowledge we gain the more opportunities will open up to allow individuals to achieve better possibilities in career and personal growth. Education is the reason our world is the way it is today. Many inventions had been made by so many great minds whose purpose is to make our life always better than before. Education...
1 Page 537 Words

What Else Am I Missing in My Life: Essay on Bucket List

Ever thought about what else is missing from your life? The thrill which everyone should experience at least once. Are you the one still sitting on the couch and binge-watching on Netflix? Get up and explore the world. Because the best things in the world await you. What is living your life to your fullest if you are just scared of everything, take risks. Have you wondered what is on the shelf which you need to pick out? If not,...
1 Page 541 Words

Essay on My Professionalism as a University Student

As pharmacy students, we learn that the quality of patient care we provide is linked to the quality of our professionalism. Professionalism begins as a university student, to build ourselves to be professional practitioners. Professionalism is not only the act of having to make judgments on uncertainties that we face, professionalism can be the way one carries themselves. According to (Tipton, 2014) professionalism is built upon an individual’s core values, centralized on the willingness to serve a patient's best interest...
1 Page 572 Words

Why Is Responsibility Important: Argumentative Essay

If there is no responsibility, nothing in life can be fully utilized. If it is difficult for people to take responsibility for their actions because they believe that they will not face any consequences. Responsibility is the responsibility of the individual or the department for the concept of responsibility. The performance of a particular activity o As a result, for example, when an employee is tasked with ensuring the smooth progress of the project and knows that he will be...
1 Page 569 Words

Slavery Essay

500+ Words Essay on Slavery Introduction Slavery stands as a dark chapter in human history, particularly concerning the United States. The institution of slavery had a profound impact on the nation, shaping its social, economic, and political landscapes. This essay will delve into the impact of slavery, explore the reasons behind its occurrence in the United States, and question how the government and people allowed such a dehumanizing system to persist. Impact of Slavery The impact of slavery on the...
2 Pages 573 Words

Why Is 'Death of a Salesman' Considered a Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

Death of a Salesman is regarded as one of the three most remarkable tragedies in America. The author, Arthur Miller, emphasized that the drama should not only express characters’ psychological and subjective world but also convey the real complex social situation. It has successfully characterized the tragedy of a common salesman in America. It is significant to analyze why Willy committed suicide. This paper managed to analyze the causes of Willy Loman’s death, namely, mainly from three perspectives: a personal...
1 Page 533 Words

What Is a Personal Legend in 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho

Ralph Waldo Emerson once declared that “Life is a journey, not a destination”. This recurring idea can be found throughout numerous works of literature. These pieces are conveying the message that one should focus on what they gain from their experiences, rather than living for the goal. In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, the author presents a comparable idea through the use of Personal Legends and a treasure that one can find at the destination of their journey. The most...
1 Page 563 Words

West Side Story: Musical Review

I chose the musical, West Side Story to critique for my final assignment. I will touch on several topics in my essay including cast members' performances and the costumes used in this performance, the theme of the story, and my overall opinion of the performance itself. The West Side Story takes place on the west side of Manhattan in New York City. It is a modern-day Broadway musical of Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet and West...
1 Page 544 Words

Should the Electoral College Be Abolished: Mini Essay

The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and the election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. The Electoral College...
1 Page 527 Words

Should Recycling Be Mandatory: Argumentative Essay

There is no doubt that we cannot replace plastic completely, but we need to find a way to manage it. If everyone starts recycling, it can benefit not only mammals but us as well. It will help reduce land and water pollution. A lot of plastic ends up directly in the environment, breaking down into small portions, polluting our soil and water, and contributing to the ocean's Great Garbage Patches (Guern 2019). So, not only that but recycling helps creates...
1 Page 558 Words

Short Story Analysis: 'Marriage is a Private Affair' by Chinua Achebe

The excerpt from Nectar in a Sieve and “Marriage Is a Private Affair” demonstrate the negative and the positive influences of modern ideas and modern ways on traditional cultures. To begin with, one of the pronounced positive influences of modern ways on traditional cultures in the excerpt from Nectar in a Sieve is the medical expertise that is more advanced and effective than the traditional method of seeking aid by prayers which was demonstrated unsuccessful by Rukmani herself. Kenny, an...
1 Page 536 Words

Shakespeare's Sonnet 18: Analysis Essay

When you hear the name Shakespeare what do you think of? Do you think he was overrated or do you think he was a great established writer? At first, I thought he was overrated and didn’t want to study him and his work. Only after studying have I realized that he is very important to our history. Even though he passed away over 400 years ago we are still studying him but why? Shakespeare is a mastermind who has helped...
1 Page 575 Words

Pros and Cons of Greenhouse Gases

What is the greenhouse effect and what are the main greenhouse gases? A greenhouse effect is the heating phenomenon of the Earth and its environment due to sunlight incident radiation energy captured by greenhouse gases especially water vapors and carbon dioxide. This process occurs naturally, it happens whenever an incident striking shortwaves attains the gaseous layer surrounding the Earth, one portion is reflected back into space normally, and the other part is captured and emitted on the planet by greenhouse...
1 Page 536 Words

Ocean Pollution: Thesis Statement

Oceans are large expanses of water that expand across more of the Earth’s surface than land. In recent decades, a surplus of harmful human activities has adversely affected marine ecosystems by increasing ocean pollution. Ocean pollution is the spread of harmful toxins and debris throughout ocean waters, which negatively affects surrounding ecosystems. Increasing ocean pollution influences the formation of dead zones lethally affects marine animals, and harmfully affects human health. Dead zone areas are a direct result of ocean pollution...
1 Page 540 Words

Make Recycling Mandatory to Help the Environment: Persuasive Speech

Even though you may think this speech is rubbish. Please don`t throw it away. Recycle it instead. Did you know that the energy saved from recycling one glass bottle is enough to power a light bulb for up to 4 hours? That`s a lot of energy saved! Recycling has been around us for many years although the amount of waste on the planet is accumulating every day, which can be minimized if the majority of people begin to recycle. I...
1 Page 574 Words

Literary Criticism of ‘Robinson Crusoe’

By masquerading as an autobiography, Robinson Crusoe attempts to blur the lines between fact and fiction. Although written by Daniel Defoe, the novel’s first edition credits the fictitious and titular Robinson Crusoe as the story’s true author. In order to add validity to the claim of Crusoe acting as the work’s author, Defoe crafts an entire preface featuring a fake letter from an editor praising “Crusoe’s” narrative as absolute fact. “The Story is told with Modesty, with Seriousness, and with...
1 Page 568 Words

Literary Analysis: 'Lord of the Flies' Metaphor

Lord of the Flies written by William Golding is a novel that tells a story about a group of English school boys who find themselves stranded on an island without any adult supervision. From the start, it is quite evident that there are some distinct personality differences between the boys on the island. Because of this, the batch of boys experience different challenges whilst they are stranded on the island which results in numerous conflicts betwixt the boys. Eventually, there...
1 Page 552 Words

Life of Banksy in 'Exit Through the Gift Shop'

Banksy, now a renowned and established graffiti street artist, was born in Bristol, United Kingdom in 1974. He is also known for being a political activist and a film director. Although his full identity still remains unknown, the possible names of Robert Banks and Robin Gunningham have been widely speculated. Banksy had joined a Bristol graffiti group in the 1990s which started to fully launch his street art career. As I will further elaborate, Banksy’s art uses unique techniques and...
1 Page 528 Words

Figurative Language in Sonnet 18 and in 'Manjhi Moves a Mountain'

Creative writing can be defined as writing that imaginatively expresses ideas and thoughts (YourDictionary.com). Creative writing can be designated into three types which are fictional prose, non-fictional prose, and poetry. In this assignment, I will give my creative response to ‘Manjhi Moves a Mountain’ by Nancy Churnin, which is prose non-fiction, and poetry written by Shakespeare, Sonnet 18. ‘Manjhi Moves a Mountain’ by Nancy Churnin is a true story of one man’s endeavor who, after failing to bring his wife...
1 Page 561 Words

Explain How Whitman Develops an Extended Metaphor in His Poem: Analytical Essay

Whilst at first glance this poem, Aboard at a ship’s Helm by Walt Whitman, is displaying the scene of a ship at sea, the closer one looks the more apparent it becomes that this is merely an overall metaphor for someone who is beginning to take control of their life, steering it in the direction that they want by making their own choices. To assist with this the poem consists of many effective aesthetic features and stylistic devices including the...
1 Page 571 Words

Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychology

Introduction Forensic psychology refers to the professional application of specialized knowledge in psychology to aid in solving legal problems. Since forensic psychology straddles two great fields- the study of human behaviors (psychology) and correctional measures that can deter wayward behaviors (law), its guide on ethics should be two-throng. Robert Wettstein agrees: Given the interdisciplinary work of forensic psychiatry, questions arise about what principles of ethics should guide forensic psychiatry and what theory of ethics should underlie those principles Discussion When...
1 Page 528 Words

Essay on Snowman Template

If you are a resident of countries with snowfall in winter probably the bone-freezing cold may or may not be your favorite climate, but playing with snow and other entertainments involving snow is sure to be the fun part of it all. Very low temperatures cause snowfall, indicating a freezing cold climate. The layering of clothes to protect oneself from the cold may also be insufficient in these winters. Ignited fireplaces provide sufficient heat and prevent the family members from...
1 Page 551 Words

Essay on Sea in Which Connell Set Ship Trap Island

In the story ‘The Most Dangerous Game' by Connel the Ship-Trap Island was set in the Caribbean Sea. Rainsford arrives at the mysterious island after a yacht to see what the gunshot came from so he goes overboard, and swims to the nearest island. The island was the mysterious island that was known as ‘Ship-Trap Island’ because many ships would go missing. So he decides to sleep in a cave. The next morning he woke up to see a person...
1 Page 530 Words

Essay on Role of Hubris to Oedipus

Pride comes in all shapes and sizes. It could be the feeling of a parent whose child graduates from college or using pride to help uplift one's self-confidence and esteem by reflecting an intrinsically motivating “can do” attitude. To some degree, every living being needs pride, but when this self-confidence is so overwhelming that it blinds the person to the truth, it prevents one from making the right decisions and ultimately leads to their downfall. This type of pride creates...
1 Page 565 Words

Essay on Pro Life (Abortion)

Abortion can be described in a variety of ways but the end result is always going to be the same as terminating pregnancies. Abortion can be performed in a variety of ways including unplanned, surgical, and medical abortion. For decades abortion has been a controversial topic or subject. Some people view, they see abortion as a sinful act taking an innocent infant's life while some see it as a choice for an individual who is pregnant, and these people all...
1 Page 534 Words
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