Why Is Responsibility Important: Argumentative Essay

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If there is no responsibility, nothing in life can be fully utilized. If it is difficult for people to take responsibility for their actions because they believe that they will not face any consequences. Responsibility is the responsibility of the individual or the department for the concept of responsibility. The performance of a particular activity o As a result, for example, when an employee is tasked with ensuring the smooth progress of the project and knows that he will be blamed for not doing so, he may also say that he is responsible for the project while setting goals. Accountability can be applied in two ways. The first is internal accountability. When people promise to be true to their own values and fulfill their commitments, it is from the inside out and creates the credibility of trust and respect from others; the second is external. Accountability, which comes from the outside, is not responsible for oneself but for others. Create an environment where people feel pressured. Follow a set of social norms and standards.

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Accountability is responsible for one's actions. It can be used in public service through rules and regulations. Have the security of punishment and fear of the relationship between superiors and subordinates of the law: external and internal accountability mechanisms are moral values, education, on the other hand, is responsible for conscience, accountability is a value important in public services because it leads to good governance, it relates to The relationship between the state and its citizens and the degree to which the state is accountable for its actions and full project timelines help make the most of time, and through accountability records. And the measurement results provide opportunities to reflect on success, which in turn will help motivate people to gain experience and challenges in the future and also help create achievable milestones to achieve goals. In long-term projects, public services significantly involve the use of public resources, so accountability is an important factor.

The principles and concepts that are important to public sector accountability include transparency, fairness, integrity, and trust. The same principles that will be discussed are as follows: First, transparency includes responding to requests for information and providing people with the information they need to participate in decisions that affect them. The public debate needs transparency to strengthen public sector accountability and promote fairer, more effective, and more efficient governance in the context of transparency in this report. Degree of openness of public entities to their activities. Provides information on where and what it does. And the degree of information about how it happened and how it was carried out. Second, it is about the power to be exercised in a way that fulfills the purpose of value and the responsibilities of that power granted or maintained by public entities and individual holders. The third equity is equity and equity in practice. The concept of addressing issues fairly means that investigating agencies act independently and openly, and believe that all relevant information is carefully and without undue delay. Most cases also include allowing the complained party the opportunity to comment on any findings that are detrimental to them. Also, the essence of trust is consistency between the proposed content. Over time, when the parties act with considerable transparency and consistent integrity, the parties begin to understand each other's expectations, understand that they can support each other, and build a relationship of trust.

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Why Is Responsibility Important: Argumentative Essay. (2023, July 11). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 2, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-is-responsibility-important-argumentative-essay/
“Why Is Responsibility Important: Argumentative Essay.” Edubirdie, 11 Jul. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/why-is-responsibility-important-argumentative-essay/
Why Is Responsibility Important: Argumentative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-is-responsibility-important-argumentative-essay/> [Accessed 2 May 2024].
Why Is Responsibility Important: Argumentative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Jul 11 [cited 2024 May 2]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-is-responsibility-important-argumentative-essay/

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