550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Critical Review of the Article 'Workspace Satisfaction: The Privacy-Communication Trade-Off in Open-Plan Offices'

In recent years, open-plan offices have been the subject of considerable controversy. This journal argues that the benefits of open-plan offices which can be defined as the interior office space without the partition of wall or door are less than the disadvantages of it and the main reason for the dissatisfaction with the open-plan offices is the lack of privacy (especially in acoustics). The purpose of this journal is to evaluate the impact of conflict between advantages and disadvantages of...
1 Page 570 Words

‘The Dark Knight’: Good Vs Evil

Good and evil are very difficult terms to define. Some would seek help from their religions to help them determine whether a person is good or evil. It appears good and evil is based more on perspective than a set-in stone definition. Sources of good a d evil in today’s society is criminals are the evil and the non-offenders are the good even though that is not always the case. It affects the individual and society negatively. People become like...
1 Page 569 Words

‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’: Movie Review

Responsible for the creation of over 40 movies throughout the 1960s to early 2000s, director Milos Forman attempted to bring to life the best-selling novel, ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’, written by Ken Casey. With a prominent director at the helm of the movie, and backed by an all-star cast composed of Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, and Danny Devito, this movie unsurprisingly won many awards. If I was writing this movie review in 1975, I would say this is...
1 Page 550 Words

A Stray': Movie Review

The movie, ‘A Stray’ was released on October 21, 2016. It was created by the writer and independent filmmaker, Musa Sayeed. It was directed by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun. The two were inspired to work on the film following a Somalian refugee because they are both Somali-Americans. The movie was even shot in the neighborhood where the director grew up. The creator, Sayeed, said in an interview that he wanted to film to show the diversity of Muslims and Somali people in...
1 Page 555 Words

Why do you Desire a Faith-Based Education Essay

Introduction Faith-based education offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the importance of faith in life and to learn about the values and beliefs of a particular religion. It is an education that can provide students with the knowledge and understanding needed to make informed decisions and to develop a personal spiritual relationship with the world. In this essay, I will discuss why I desire a faith-based education and how it can help me to become a better person. Definition...
1 Page 546 Words

The Strategies and Tactics Used by the US and the Guerrilla Forces During the Vietnam War

During the Vietnam War, many tactics were used by both sides in an attempt to defeat the other, while the Viet Cong mostly engaged in guerrilla warfare, the USA usually used chemical warfare and conventional warfare to fight the other side. Many of these tactics were not intended to kill the enemy, but to demoralise them and limit their supplies. A key strategy that was used by the Viet Cong was guerrilla warfare, which encompassed rapid, small groups of combatants...
1 Page 533 Words

Greek And Romans History

Introduction Between Rome and Carthage, there is a wide variety of social, cultural, religious, military, etc. However, the ending Punic Wars determined its viability. Rome and Carthage are the most famous cities in the Mediterranean. Rome is a land power, Carthage is a sea power, and it is expanding its energy through trade. After defeating Carthage, Rome proved to be a reliable pressure. In 1509 a. C., the last king of Tarquino was banished and the Roman Republic was established....
1 Page 531 Words

Plastic Garbage Essay

In today's world there is a very big issue, garbage. there's garbage everywhere and there is nowhere to put it so we need to recycle. My 9th-grade class walked around Canarsie and a beach to do a street and beach clean up and we found a lot of waste such as cigarette buds, beverage bottles, food packaging, etc. We did this to collect data and to see which is worse the street or beach. Thanks to the data we collected,...
1 Page 531 Words

Geologic Time and the World Ocean: Diving a Bit Deeper

Since the surface of the Earth is far from being even, the distribution of oceans is not quite equal between the two hemispheres. Taking a closer look at the map, one will see that the Southern Hemisphere (206 x 106 km2) has more water resources than the North one (154 x 106 km2) (Distribution of Water and Land Between Parallels para. 2). What is sea ice? How does it affect the salinity of seawater? Sea ice is traditionally defined as...
1 Page 559 Words

Karl Marx: A Short Biography

Karl Heinrich Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in Trier's comfortable middle-class home on the Moselle river in Germany. In one of the sites that I found, it mentioned that, “when he was 17 years old, he attended the University of Bonn, where he also enrolled in the faculty of law” (Karl Marx 1818-1833). He was engaged to Jenny Fon Westfer, who was a famous member of the Trier community, the daughter of Von Westfalen, and was responsible for...
1 Page 567 Words

What is the Condition of Amazon Rainforest Fire? Essay

World's largest rain forest, Amazon has been burning for over 16 days now and holds the risk of burning out completely. Contributing almost 20 percent of the earth’s oxygen, the rainforest is in a major loss of trees and biodiversity. It will get completely burned out if it is not put out soon. The impact of the fire can already be seen in different regions in South America including the Atlantic coast and Sao Paulo. Located about thousands of kilometers...
1 Page 544 Words

Water VS Soda Essay

There's a reason nutritionists recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day while limiting soda — or better yet, avoiding it altogether. Water is calorie-free, hydrating and the benefits are many. Soda is loaded with sugar and calories but does nothing for your health. While the sweetness of the carbonated beverage may be enticing, ditch the soda pop and reach for water instead. 1. Water Helps You Stay Hydrated Throughout the day, you lose about 8 cups of...
1 Page 564 Words

The Solution of Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest

Today I am going to address a serious topic related with global warming issue. Deforestation. When the word ‘deforestation’ appear the first thing that comes to our mind is man-made. Deforestation is a method of constantly removed of trees and forest which people clearing trees for their own benefit. Deforestation can be occur in many method such as logging, burning, intensive agriculture and more. Deforestation occurs all around the world, particularly targeted towards the tropical country. Modern day deforestation is...
1 Page 531 Words

The Nepal Earthquake Overview

The Nepal earthquake happened in 2015 on the 25th of April. It destroyed many homes, health facilities and took about 9000 lives away. The intensity of the earthquake had a maximum Mercalli Intensity of VIII (Severe) and magnitude of 7.8. How it Happened Since Nepal is in between two large tectonic plates, it is particularly prone to earthquakes. The Nepal earthquake occurred because of two intersecting tectonic plates; the U.S. Geological Survey said the India plate was overriding the Eurasia...
1 Page 527 Words

Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Solar energy is one of the most beneficial sustainable forms of energy that human beings can use for a variety of purposes. It is a thoroughly renewable form of energy and can be used by the entire human race till the end of time. There are several different uses of solar energy in our day to day life, such as cooking food in solar cookers, using solar energy for generating electricity as well as heating waters in large reservoirs for...
1 Page 553 Words

Layers of the Earth Essay

The phenomenon of the Earth's crust has currently been determined in geology. It is due to the fact of these layers that mountain ranges have been formed. The outer surface of the planet on which we live is like a strong shell. While the internal layers are hot and fluid where human existence is now not possible. It is now known that mountains stand on the chest of the earth because they are buried in these layers. Huge rocks of...
1 Page 544 Words

How Significant The Effects of The Treaty of Versailles Were on German Political Life

Through a constructive approach, this essay shows the extent to which the Treaty of Versailles was to blame for the extreme political instability in Weimar Germany. It includes contemporary and primary evidence such as Reichstag speeches, economists opinions and newspapers which examine the political climate during 1919-1933. Accounts, stories, and opinions have all been included in a narrative framework, and conclusions drawn consider general and generational experiences. A study of this issue is crucially important in a modern context. As...
1 Page 557 Words

Gorilla Extinction

For my great ape, I chose the Gorilla. I chose this because I think it is a very common ape that most people know of. I was not, however, aware that they are close to extinction which is very saddening to hear. Going to the zoo and seeing them walk around might soon be a thing of the past. Gorillas originate from Africa and typically travel in large groups of up to 50. Although they all originate from the same...
1 Page 564 Words

Frustaration or Hybridity: A Comparison of the Main Characters in the Novel The Namesake

This study tries to examine the two main characters of the novel The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri including Ashima and Gogol; in order to do that, the researcher uses the ideas of postcolonial theorist Homi Bhabha, especially the concept of hybridity. The study tries to see the way the two main characters see and experience the world as to representative of the first and second generation of immigrants who have started to live in the United States of America. Using...
1 Page 567 Words

Few Ways of Carpooling and Its Advantages

There are many great benefits to carpooling, many of which people do not know about or even think about. With these benefits in mind, it will be easier than ever to see why making the switch, even for just a few days a week, can be a good idea. It can save money on gas and such by diving up the gas fees among carpool passengers. The more people you have the more you can save. Or, moreover, it’s better...
1 Page 567 Words

Fast Food is Killing Everyone

In, The trouble with Fries, an article written by Malcolm Gladwell, talks about how fast food is killing us. Reading through this article, Malcolm tries to show the audience through facts on how simple, delicious items like french fries are unhealthy and the health risks you can have on eating fast food. He also explains alternative ways how fast food chains can reduce these health risk and provide healthier options on their menu. Malcolm states that an average person in...
1 Page 549 Words

Fast Food Business

Introduction In the fast food business people need to know two things one is how to start a business and two is how to satisfy a customer's. How to start a business When someone is buying a plot of land maby buying smaller plot would help that person starting off because buying a smaller plot uses less money and using less money if their business does not succeed in the end. But before buying a plot make sure that the...
1 Page 568 Words

Essay on Earth Hour

The property and objects that the Earth affords to us are abundant. Over centuries, the human race has made use of these resources. Every one has utilized the money and used to it to gain themselves. However, the rational use of the sources have brought on injury on the planet. We are inserting the Earth in hazard due to the reality of the things to do we do. It's immoderate time we commence defending the Earth and attempt to preserve...
1 Page 531 Words

Earthquakes’ Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts

The Nepal Earthquake occurred on the 25th of April and 11:56 AM, there was nearly 9,000 casualties and nearly 22,000 injuries with the main injures occurring in the capital Kathmandu. Earthquakes such as this one are quite common in the Nepalese area because the country is on top of the of two huge tectonic plates in the world the Indo-Australian plate and the Asian plate. While this was caused by the fault line along the gap between the Indian/Asian Plate...
1 Page 537 Words

Does Troy Love Rose in Fences? Essay

In The Fictional Story Fences by August Wilson, I do truly believe Troy does loves Rose because he does the best he can to provide for his family and still is affectionate with her and cares about her. Troy does choose to have an affair with Alberta but that doesn't mean he doesn't still love her, I Believe he loves Rose but he's more In love with Alberta because he feels he can be himself and laugh. In the play...
1 Page 549 Words

Book Report on 'The Outsiders'

The Outsiders is a young adult fiction that plays the role of many adolescent characters and shows what teenagers from a different day an age were like. With the book being published in the year 1967 and the major differences and changes within society itself, young adults are still attracted into reading it today. The book is narrated from the perspective of a fourteen year old boy named Ponyboy, who’s known as a ‘greaser’. Unlike the others boys in his...
1 Page 571 Words

Battle for Life Hunger Games

War, a terrible war. A war in the form of a game. How would you feel if you were a tribute in a game like that? The hunger games by Suzanne Collins is a dystopian novel reflecting on the world we live in right now. The hunger games have many aspects that reflect on this world. The dystopian novel portrays the biased government(the capitol) and the social classes we live by. I am here to convince you that The Hunger...
1 Page 564 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy Essay

Introduction Today’s world is dependent on electricity, which is supplied from many different sources such as fossils fuels which emit harmful gases that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming by producing large quantities of CO2. However, with recent improvements in technology, renewable energy has been introduced in our daily lives in the form of solar power. Other forms of renewable energy that are consistently used include hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal power among others (International Rivers Network 2015). At present,...
1 Page 538 Words

A Day at the Beach

It was a sweltering summer day, the kind where it's almost too hot to walk, and most kids were inside playing games or having fun at the beach. But unlike most kids, I was moving our stuff into our new house. The house was pretty sizable for a beach cottage, but when you walked in, the stench of a cat assaulted your nostrils. Luckily, we had some air freshener that could clear away the smell. Carrying boxes was boring and...
1 Page 540 Words

Social Mobility in the United Kingdom as a Serious Issue

Social mobility is critical for a healthy society and a good state of mental well-being. Equal access to education and skilled employment is vital to boost families' movement from any community within a society's social strata and raise the living standard. Since 1980 economic mobility has slowed in Great Britain, and currently, the nation ranks near the bottom among OECD countries for income mobility (Owens et al., 2017). Continued reduction in job opportunities and the high unemployment rate among migrants...
1 Page 561 Words
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