550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Significance of Women in the Reformation of Progressive Era Society

By looking at women activists during the Progressive Era we can discern both the problems of the period and the different roles that began to emerge for women. Reform, combined with a wider job market and changing lifestyles, gave rise to a new women’s movement. Up-and-coming big businesses created new job opportunities for women; women were now able to become saleswomen and clerks, as well as factory workers. However, women still found that society was fully male-dominated and that these...
1 Page 557 Words

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Black Lives Matter's Protest Marches

The protest group black lives matter was founded on july 13th 2013 subsequent to when the young 17 year old, trayvon martin was shot and killed by a local police officer, Geroge Zimmerman on february 26th 2012. There are based on the majority of us, because America is where most black people police related deaths are located. The statistics show that 7.13 million people out of the 18.26 million people that were killed wrongfully by the police were black in...
1 Page 575 Words

Concepts of Sociological Imagination and Social Inequality and Their Vital Role in Human Life

Sociology is basically the development of human structure and this society. In order to make the society a better place we study the theories and concepts of sociology so that we can learn what this world demands from us and what we are actually giving to it. There are a lot of sociology theories which we can apply to our daily life to reflect the positive results from it. Sociology emerged in the context of the sweeping changes that the...
1 Page 542 Words

Lessons of Manifest Destiny and American Frontier for Outsiders About America

The manifest of destiny was a term that was coined in the mid-18th century by a journalist called John L. O’Sullivan, where he urged his fellow Americans to uphold their Divine Providence and undertake the mission to conquer the entire country. Furthermore, the American frontier refers to continuously advancing western border in North America. This essay will examine and interpret these two terms. Religion and colonization also played a massive role in North America, in the 17th century. The Americans...
1 Page 542 Words

The Dark Duality of Romanticism in 'Young Goodman Brown'

People’s inherent personality traits come from their core values. Within these values exists an innate duality of both light and dark characteristics; this coincides with the ideas of Dark Romanticism, which aim to normalize the darker desires of people’s minds. Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown’ embodies Dark Romantic ideals like innate evil and sin, which reveal how human nature is more complex than it seems and has a conflicted, inherent dark side. Characteristics of Dark Romanticism, such as elements of sin...
1 Page 532 Words

Achievements of the Neolithic Age

When analysing the differences between the Neolithic era and the Paleolithic era the first thing we notice is the duration of each period. The Paleolithic age ranged from about 2 million BC to 10,000 BC. The Neolithic age on the other hand lasted for a much shorter duration, from 9,000 BC to 3,500 BC. In correlation with the time periods these eras took place they were given nick-names. The Paleoloithic age is known as the Old Stone Age and the...
1 Page 531 Words

The Death of Arthur and the Arthurian Legends: Sir Thomas Malory's Version

Sir Thomas Malory, was an English writer, the writer or compiler of ‘Le Morte d'Arthur’ (‘Death of King Arthur’). A traditional English language chronical of the Arthurian legend that used to be posted in 1485 by William Caxton. In this essay the references and compiles will be discussed as how did he conclude his manuscript and how it is one of a kind from others. Malory persistently refers to his works as having been drawn out of French. When a...
1 Page 569 Words

The Threat to Freedom of Speech

All people around the world practice free speech daily, but not all people have the privilege of doing it publicly. Even though there is freedom of speech in many western countries, other countries in the world still do not have the luxury of this basic right, but now we may be in danger of losing this right after fighting long and hard for it. After centuries of Americans fighting and dying for the right of free speech, a generation of...
1 Page 531 Words

The Romantic Era in Music

The Romantic era was a time in music when there were tons of change throughout the 1850s until the 1920s in the theory and compositional practice of music. Many composers made their work with freedom, experimentation, and creativity more than the composers of older times. There were many composers that originated out of this era, some like Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, Frédéric Chopin, and Richard Wagner. Because of inspiration, many Romantic composers found inspiration in visual arts, poetry, drama and...
1 Page 538 Words

Reasons Why Sony Betamax Fails in the Market and How to Avoid it

The company named Sony is successfully running in the market but there is the product which is failed when they open the company or newly start. The product was video cassette recording which is also called vcr. The name given to the product was Betamax and in the market it was called sony Betamax. This product has several features but there are many demerits of that product due to which the product was failed in the market. The company sony...
1 Page 546 Words

True Meaning of Christmas Essay

Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth and life of Jesus Christ with loved ones. Or at least that was the point of this holiday, because it seems that many have lost sight of what Christmas is really all about. Between the decorations, the constant advertising, and the millions of Christmas lists made each year, it easy to see why we have lost the true meaning of Christmas. You can't go anywhere without seeing some sort of Santa decoration...
1 Page 533 Words

Merits and Demerits of Distance Learning

The meaning of distance learning is a manner or way of learning remotely or we can say that learning from a long or far distance without being in regular face to face contact or not in touch with a teacher in the classroom. More than the number of 2,70,000 students who are just only undergraduates are taking or having their 1st degrees via or by using the facility or by taking the opportunity of distance learning together with some number...
1 Page 559 Words

Causes of the Salem Witch Trials

Samuel Parris left the room full of anger. Despite the tax problems he was facing from the visiting Salem village, he now has another difficulty for his daughter of 9, and his niece of 11, have both been diagnosed by the doctor to have been bewitched by someone. The past couple of days, Elizabeth and Abigail have been acting very strangely. Parris heard them scream bloody murder, heave things across the room, make strange abnormal sounds, and find them in...
1 Page 566 Words

Computer Versus Books: What Deserves More Attention

Computers or books? What deserves more attention? What is more important in our lives? I am genuinely surprised by the people who are still trying to choose something better for these two essential things, more importantly. I do not understand how one can choose between the two most reputable sources of information of all time. Therefore, I believe that both the book and the computer in the near future will not surrender their positions and will occupy equally important places...
1 Page 553 Words

Hull House as the Nation's Most Influential Settlement House

Money. Food. Education. Jobs. Homes. Hygiene. All of which are of utmost importance for Americans, yet are being wrongfully denied to immigrants of our country. Immigrants are constantly forced into low-paying unskilled labor, demanding and tiresome work shifts, and cramped tenements swamped with disease. These conditions not only affect their lives but future generations as well, plunging thousands of immigrants and their families into poverty. The “land of opportunity” that people once sought when coming to America is no longer...
1 Page 558 Words

Chris McCandless: Hero or Fool

Have you ever regretted any of the decisions you have ever made? Chris was a smart and athletic person. He had parents who he wasn’t in a great relationship with. After he graduated from high school, he wanted to live on his own and have nothing handed to him. He wanted to find out who he really was. Chris McCandless, main character of Jon Krakauer’s book ‘Into The Wild’, is a fool because he was smart, and athletic, and his...
1 Page 533 Words

An Essay on What You May Not Know About Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation previously known as workmen's compensation is a form of insurance given to an employee who is injured in the line of duty. It is presented in form of payment of money commensurate to the work or medical services needed by the injured persona. The employer is mandated to show humanity and avoid litigation. While there are many plans depending on the jurisdiction, payment can be made on the basis of financial provision replacing wages, compensating economic loss, meeting...
1 Page 559 Words

Key Motifs of Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’

In Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’, we see how the use of motifs is used to demonstrate the devastating effect that the war has. It is revealed throughout the novel using the motifs ‘so it goes’, ‘poo-tee-weet’, and ‘mustard gas and roses’. From early on in the novel all the way to the end, ‘so it goes’ is brought up whenever there is a mention of death. ‘So it goes’ simply means life goes on but in the story, it has been...
1 Page 536 Words

Rhetorical Analysis of John Lennon's 'Imagine'

‘Imagine’ presents the argument by John Lennon that world peace is a necessity. This song has become a large part of pop culture, Lennon proves his argument through the use of several different examples of throughout history. He uses rhetorical strategies like ethos, pathos, and logos. ‘Imagine’ is a song about a better world, he sings of peace, equality, and love. The song’s lyrics contain several references to war, such as “imagine there’s no countries/ it isn’t hard to do/...
1 Page 526 Words

The Concept of the American Wilderness

The American wilderness includes the geology, history, old stories, and social articulation of life in the forward rush of American development that started with English pioneer settlements in the mid seventeenth century and finished with the affirmation of the final western regions as states in 1959. This period of gigantic movement and settlement was especially energized by President Thomas Jefferson following the Louisiana Purchase, offering ascend to the expansionist way of thinking known as 'show predetermination'. A 'wilderness' is a...
1 Page 528 Words

Negative Influence of Mass Media on Society

Mass media is today's greatest indispensable tool of socialization. It plays a crucial role in helping society interact, collaborate and propagate ideas and opinions to the mass audience on a day to day basis. Major platforms of mass media used commonly to distribute information is through newspapers, television, radio and the internet. There is no doubt, that mass media has an immense influence around the world and it impacts people's thoughts, views, and decisions. However, this has led to the...
1 Page 561 Words

White Rage Privilege in Judicial System

Many skinheads and racist whites have been prosecuted for violence against African Americans, Asians, and other racial or religious minorities. People are not aware of any of them arguing that they should be acquitted because of their hatred of other races or religions. However, there is a famous case in which white rage was a determining factor and which allows us to explore with the viability of a white rage defense. The case took place in Hawaii in 1931 and...
1 Page 542 Words

The Irony of the Concept of Race

Race is an aspect that impacts our lives on a daily basis, whether it be negatively or positively. This is largely due to the hierarchy of the races that exists in the United states. In the 19th century, scientists and scholars began attempts to scientifically justify the existence of races and the inferiority of non-white races compared to their white counterparts. Dr. Samuel Morton, for example, used craniometry to provide biological evidence of the inferiority of non-whites. Through measuring the...
1 Page 575 Words

Federal Government: Ingredient of Catastrophe

Many Filipinos have been screaming and waiting for a change to happen. It is to have a much better, safer, and stabilized economy for us to live. One of the solutions that President Rodrigo Duterte presented is changing the country’s current form of government into a new constitution – a federal government. However, even though many countries have been known to become successful under this constitution, I don’t think it will be the same in our country, considering that the...
1 Page 529 Words

Icarus as the Ambitious Hero

In 'Musee de Beaux Arts' by W.H. Auden, 'Flight 063' by Brian Aldiss, and 'To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Triumph' by Anne Sexton, Icarus is a hero not because he is always successful but because he is determined, hardworking, and an inspiration to others. Icarus having strong determination proves that when someone has a goal they want to achieve they become ambitious and work hard to achieve their goal. In stanza 4 of Brian Aldiss’ 'Flight 063',...
1 Page 566 Words

Link Between Lactose Intolerance and Genetics, Age and Gender

Quite a lot of people are actually lactose intolerant and that means that they can not have milk or almost any other dairy because their bodies can not digest the sugar in dairy that is called lactose. Researches and studies show us that being lactose intolerant has a lot to do with genetics, age and gender. Doctors can test you lactose tolerance by using the lactose tolerance test that is done by a glucometer that can exactly tell you how...
1 Page 541 Words

Why Puerto Rico Should Not Become a State? Essay

Puerto Rico is a political oddity. It is part of the United States, but unlike the United States, it has citizenship but does not have full political representation. Puerto Rico has been a US colony for over one hundred and twenty-three years. The statehood bill would allow Puerto Rico to become the fifty-second state and have all the powers that a state has. They will have two seats in the Senate and six seats in the House of Representatives. House...
1 Page 566 Words

A Risk Appetite of Heathrow Group

A risk appetite of Heathrow group would be their plan to expand by building a 3rd runway and opening a new terminal. In this ace, the business is operating as risk tolerance and being risk taker as they are willing to put huge capital into developing and expanding. This could be costly due to Brexit and if economy in the future collapses and they don’t have enough cash to operate at full capacity. But by being in between risk tolerance,...
1 Page 532 Words

Lessons Learned After Hurricane Katrina

On August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans, Louisiana. With winds reaching more than 125 miles per hour, Hurricane Katrina at one point, reached a category 5 level hurricane. According to Rubin, Hurricane Katrina had a direct loss of $81 billion and was one of the deadliest hurricanes causing approximately 1,870 deaths. Once the hurricane had passed, approximately 80% of New Orleans was flooded, New Orleans was left with no power, many people lost their homes, and...
1 Page 574 Words

The Influence of Gender on Benjamin Franklin's Life

In Benjamin Franklin's life, we can assume that male and female spaces were different. His life indirectly revealed a difference between genders. Back then, men deemed more worthy than women. Gender greatly influenced education, workspace, and politics. Gender played a big role in education. Men could decide if they wanted a great education. On the other hand, women weren't authorized to have one. As a boy, Benjamin and his elder brothers went to school. The text of the Authbiography of...
1 Page 535 Words
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