550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Still I Rise and A Caged Bird: Critical Analysis of Maya Angelou's Works

Still I Rise This famous poem still I rise was created by Maya Angleou in 1978, the poem still I rise is supposed to be on the theme of racism and gender, as in the text you can easily hear how hurtful and hateful these words are that were used against Maya, all throughout the poem Maya writes down everything that she has been told and called throughout her life, disgusting depressing put down comments. But Maya tells us that...
1 Page 533 Words

Concept of Identity The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid: Analytical Essay

Let me start by asking you all some questions, who are you, what is your purpose, what do you aspire to be? Now I’m sure some of you have your whole future seemingly planed out but, for the large majority of us we’re still unsure. In psychology, the concept of identity is described as “the qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that make a person or group”. The 2011 Novel, The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid, takes this concept on...
1 Page 541 Words

Comparative Analysis of Enlightenment and Romanticism

Firstly, Enlightenment is a era that stressed on rationalism. It is characterized people for being self determination and more like fulfillment of individual aptitudes. However, Romanticism is more like individualism, emotions and nature. The Age of Enlightenment opened the ways to free reasoning and improvement. For example, mathematics, astronomy, politics and more. At the finish of the Age of Enlightenment, the Romantic Era was conceived and it was by all accounts in challenge to the thoughts that the Enlightenment had...
1 Page 528 Words

Rules of the Game by Amy Tan Analysis

In “Rules of the Game” Amy Tan helps to understand that when trying to obtain independence, patience to experience growth can hinder any obstructions from stalling this sought-after element of growing up. By the end of the story, Waverly recognizes that she “had nowhere to go” and “was not running away from anything,”(507). She didn’t have an “escape route”(507) and therefore possessed no strategy in winning this fight against her mother. Waverly realizes that she cannot escape because she is...
1 Page 535 Words

Reflection on the Rest Zones inside My University: Opinion Essay

It is necessary to have rest zones in each educational institution, isn’t it? But is rest zones really consistent with its name in many universities of our country? The second year I am watching students of my university who can’t spend their leisure time between classes with pleasure. Nearly every day I have this problem too. Usually it happens when I wait for my classes for a long time. I am tired. I can have a rest only on the...
1 Page 528 Words

Byzantine Empire and Roman Kingdom: General Overview

The Roman Kingdom was built on seven hills split between Tiber River in Italy. The Tiber River allowed Rome to have easy access to the Mediterranean, where people could come together and trade over water. The Roman Kingdom also built roads and Roman Forum, a public place were all citizens could meet, network, and pray together. Over time Rome begin to create social structure as humans begun to develop city-states. The Patricians were wealthy landowners of Rome, who were born...
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Reflective Essay on Holiday Traditions: Celebrating New Year and Christmas in My Family

In my family we celebrate different holidays. It’s Christmas, Victory Day, Independence Day, and more. I have two favorites: New Year and Christmas. These holidays are very popular in my family and throughout the country. Moreover, they are observed almost at the same time but are still different. However, they are more different than similar, and I will try to explain. Firstly, these holidays have different meanings. New Year is the main calendar holiday that occurs at the time of...
1 Page 538 Words

Critical Analysis of Theories: Strain Theory, Social Disorganization Theory, and Broken Window Theory

Introduction The following theories listed below are believed to play an appearance in crimes committed in the United States. All of these theories can be useful and help us better understand and explain the world around us. However, this can be used for good or bad purposes. Strain Theory Strain theory is a theory in which an individual is very much to commit a crime for acquiring acceptance and have credentials. For example credit card skimming is used for financial...
1 Page 548 Words

A Shot by Shot Analysis of a Selected Scene from The Notebook

The film The Notebook, directed by Nick Cassavetes is a romantic drama. The film takes place in a nursing home with an old gentleman reading a story to an old woman. The story is about a rich girl named Allie Hamilton and a mill worker named Noah Calhoun who meet at a carnival and fall in love. Allies parents disapprove of Noah’s poor family and moves Allie away. After Allie waits for Noah to write her letters for several years....
1 Page 530 Words

Analytical Essay on the Role of Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Program

As the years go by, the number of sexual assault reports continue to increase throughout the U.S. Army. According to the biannual Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, the prevalence of sexual assaults reported has risen for female Soldiers from 4.4% in 2016 to 5.8% in 2018; and 0.6% in 2016 to 0.7% in 2018 for male Soldiers. Campaigns, such the U.S. Army’s “Intervene, Act and Motivate (I. A.M.) STRONG,” and...
1 Page 545 Words

Importance of Transcontinental Railroad for Utah: Analytical Essay

Prior to the arrival of the Mormon pioneers in Utah the first contact with Europeans were with the Spanish explorers. Father Dominguez led an expedition from Santa Fe NM to try to find a route to Monterrey California. Also, father Escalante explored southern Utah and today a city is named Escalante. The European explorers wanted to trade with the Indians. The Mormon pioneers arrived in 1847 and at once settled Salt Lake City shortly thereafter Brigham Young sent groups of...
1 Page 527 Words

Everyman Hero, the Anti-Hero, and the Tragic Hero: Analytical Essay

Almost every work of literature has a protagonist and antagonist. The antagonist is normally presented as an evil character whose actions or ideas interrupt the peaceful existence of society. On the other hand, the protagonist is the hero who saves every other character from the dangers posed by the antagonist. From the characteristics observed in the literature, heroes can be categorized into classical heroes, Everyman hero, the anti-hero, and the tragic hero. The traits of the protagonists assist the reader...
1 Page 554 Words

General Overview and Analysis of Watergate Scandal

What does Zinn mean by Under Control? Zinn makes it quite clear on how impressive and amazing the United States of America truly is even after all the behind the scene dirt that came out. Furthermore; the events that occurred during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. This reality of American’s perception came into light in the 1970s. Zinn shares that people believed that the government was only interested in gains that served their purpose, not in its people. Zinn says...
1 Page 566 Words

Systematic Study of Organizational Behavior

Abstract Organizational behaviour studies about the behaviour of human being within an organization. Management have to face countless challenges in their work life. As organizations have entered into the new World which is called “GLOBALIZATION”. (research, 2020) It means to interpret an economy with the World’s economy. With the intensity of the Internet moving data at its peak, business can be directed without public limits. As an aspect of the rising globalization in business, higher levels are managing another arrangement...
1 Page 530 Words

Difference between Avenge and Revenge

As many words really do sound or appear similarly, they often create a lot of confusion for people while speaking or writing. Many people are either confused or sometimes do not even know there are significant differences between such words. Avenge vs. revenge is found among such pairs of words with almost the same sound and similar spellings but really do have distinctive differences in context and meaning. And in order to use these two words fittingly and accurately, it...
1 Page 574 Words

Rip Van Winkle as an Example of American Mythology

American Mythology has been normalized with tails like Johnny apple seed and gorge Washington cutting down a cherry tree but this but this wasn’t always the truth. Everything has a beginning and American Mythology has an origin one example being Rip Van Winkle by Benjamin Irving. This story has many elements synonymous with American mythology that effect the readers experience. Van Winkle has exaggerated characters, mysterious events, and is set in the past. The elements from American mythology can affect...
1 Page 530 Words

Why is Shakespeare Still Relevant Today?

When you hear the name Shakespeare, who do you think he was? Do you think that he was some crazy writer that made up words and phrases because he wanted to? Or did you think he was a mastermind and an idol for English literature? If you looked at everyone’s reasons, I’m sure that the pros would outweigh the cons. The main reason being is that the globe theatre is still alive today, along with his words, phrases, sonnets and...
1 Page 560 Words

Application Of Artificial Intelligence In SAR Analysis

Statistics show that it usually takes a biopharmaceutical company $500 million to $1 billion and 10 to 15 years to successfully develop a new drug. The high risk, long cycle and high cost of new drug research and development are all big challenges for pharmaceutical companies. AI technology can help analyze the structure-activity analysis of compounds, which can, to some extent, ease the burden of researchers. The structure-activity relationship of a drug refers to the relationship between the chemical activity...
1 Page 543 Words

Coronavirus Impact over the Tourism Reservations System

A reservation is a process of booking and blocking rooms, tables or, according to the Cambridge dictionary, an arrangement to have something kept for a person or for a special purpose in advance for the guests or tourists. When we refer to hotel rooms or a place arranged for the tourist to stay the right term we use is accommodations. Accommodation is one of the basic needs of any tourism activity since tourists need a place to rest after their...
1 Page 528 Words

The Importance of Freedom of Media

Every individual is making new innovative technologies with their brilliant ideas and imaginations from time to time. We, people, use one of these various inventions as our mediums in expressing one's thoughts and in communicating with others—media. It is a more accessible channel in communication to deliver information and knowledge. In different types of media, there is a fundamental right to work openly in society without government interference, limitation, or censorship, including print, radio, television, and online media--freedom of media....
1 Page 535 Words

Rip Van Winkle and Covid-19 Nowadays

In the story Rip Van Winkle by Washington, Rip sleeping for twenty years result in him missing the revolution of America altogether. During rip van winkle absence, his village developed and became crowded with a lot of transformations. According to the story, we can see a huge contrast with the village Rip was in 20 years ago and the one he finds himself in now. This distinction suggests Irving view of the clash between traditionalism and modernity. In the sight...
1 Page 560 Words

The Meaning of Ghost in Hamlet

Almost fourty years before Shakespeare had written Hamlet, the Church of England had explicitly rejected the Roman Catholic notion of purgatory and the practices surrounding it (Greenblatt 235). Contemporary pneumatology had declared that only devils – which came out from hell and not from the middle state of purgatory – wandered the earth (James 33). Consequently, much critical debate was focused on the nature of the Ghost: as a mere ‘hallucination’ (Greg), as a devil (Battenhouse), as originating from a...
1 Page 533 Words

Why Obesity is a Growing Cause in the U.S.

Obesity is currently a major issue in the United States due to social media, technology, and everyday life, which needs to be controlled because it can eventually lead from minor to major health issues. Obesity is the condition if being overweight; a condition characterized by excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. “Obesity has become a serious health problem in the United States (US): nearly 35% of Americans have obesity. Obesity is not just a problem of “girth...
1 Page 559 Words

Is Obesity Affecting Your Sex Life?

Let me be clear before I dive into the world of sex and being overweight. If you are confident, and your partner, or yourself makes you feel sexy, and desirable, then you are guaranteed to communicate that between the sheets. This isn’t the case for everyone though, there have been studies done that connect being overweight to having lower energy levels and less motivation. So, I guess the question is…will losing weight help my sex life? Men: There has been...
1 Page 561 Words

The Correlation of Justice and Forgiveness

People are asking, can justice and forgiveness go hand in hand? This is mostly depending on the situation, like if somebody killed someone that you knew for a really long time or they killed a family member of yours then in that case it would be justice. That's just my opinion because I don't think I would be able to forgive a person that killed someone I knew my entire life. It sucks to think about someone you knew and...
1 Page 537 Words

Difference between Germany and UK’s Refugee Policy

Germany and UK both are European countries, but when it comes to the refugees, Germany is way more generous than the Uk. The three main differences between the refugee policies of the two countries are the number of asylum applications, financial support, and license to work. Beside these differences, the two countries have two similarities that are public involvement and security issues. To begin with, the number of asylum applications in Germany and UK is the first difference. “In 2016,...
1 Page 568 Words

A Different View On Procrastination

Procrastination if usually seen as a negative habit, but sometimes it can actually be beneficial. The Cambridge Dictionary defined procrastination as “To keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring” (Cambridge University Press 2019). Procrastination is considered a bad habit that we all do at some point, in fact I’m doing it right now while I’m writing this essay. Procrastination means leaving everything for the last moment, and although this can cause stress and...
1 Page 543 Words

Effects of Competition in the Emotional Stability

A study conducted by Jean Twenge revealed the rampancy of depression among high school and college students, which is five times more than that of the number during the era of the Great Depression in the 1930’s. “This is a very dangerous time for our young people. We’re seeing more anxiety and depression in children of all ages,” Kathy Harms, a Staff Psychologist at Kansas City’s Crittenton Children’s Center, said to Portland Press Herald. One of the reasons identified for...
1 Page 535 Words

The Aspects Of Child Sex Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the most severe forms of human rights violation against men, women, and children. It is a market fueled by supply and demand forces. Poverty, corruption, and illiteracy are all baits for trafficking. Forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, and domestic servitude are the main reasons for the annual trafficking of millions of people worldwide. Asian nations especially India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan have high levels of poverty that traffickers use to lure desperate citizens. Pedophilia is another...
1 Page 547 Words

Holden Caulfield's Journey from Depression to Happiness

Imagine that you are living in the middle of the 1950s and you are located in the middle of New York City, ordering a smoothie from a store with your girlfriend. You look ahead and watching her eyes glow beautifully. But assume then your girlfriend disappears one day and leaving you with an untouchable smoothie all alone. That is what the protagonist of the novel, Holden Caulfield feels like. Holden is a 16 years old teenager living in America. He...
1 Page 556 Words
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