550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Reflection on Perseverance: Opinion Essay

Perseverance can be much of things, think perseverance can be courage. Perseverance takes a lot of courage. Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one and perseverance is persistence in doing something despite difficulty. The difficulty. The two definitions are very similar and there’s much of ways someone can have perseverance that shows courage. For example of perseverance working out for two hours each day to lose weight. I have an example, that you can relate to is...
1 Page 548 Words

The Concept Of Madness In The Fall of The House of Usher

Another theme that is used in the Fall of the House of Usher is the fact that madness is a major factor in the story of the Ushers. Many of Poe’s stories deal with the mental struggle-taking place inside someone and how that is affecting the others. In the Fall of the house of Usher the narrator states “In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherence—an inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise...
1 Page 570 Words

Tragic Hero Creon - The King Of Thebes: Character Analysis

The tragic hero of the drama Antigone is Creon, the king of Thebes. This is proven throughout many points of the drama. First of which is when he denies Polyneices a proper burial. The second is when he believes that everyone is conspiring against him. And he reacts too late to fix his mistakes. Due to his blunders and faults he loses all the things close to him and greatly changes his character stance, making Creon the tragic hero of...
1 Page 537 Words

Race And Gender: Analysis Of The Article Memoirs Of A Gay! Sha: Race And Gender Performance On Rupaul’s Drag Race

Zhang, E. (2016). Memoirs of a gay! Sha: Race and gender performance on RuPaul’s Drag Race. Studies in Costume & Performance, (1), 59. https://doi-org.proxy.library.brocku.ca/10.1386/scp.1.1.59_1 This article was written by Eric Zhang, who is a graduate of New York University’s MA Visual Culture: Costume Studies programme. Zhang’s research primarily looks at the visual representations of Asian American women and queer men. In this article, Zhang focuses on the subjects on race, gender and sexual identity by providing an analysis of several...
1 Page 558 Words

Blood Donation And Violation Of Woman’s Rights In Armenia

Today I want to talk about blood and blood donations, and how a woman’s rights are violated, because of some restrictions of blood donation in Armenia. Sounds crazy? Let’s start. So what is it about? Firstly, what is human blood? Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells, ( Wikipedia, Blood, 2009) and bla bla bla...
1 Page 562 Words

James Baldwin As An Author Of Sonny’s Blues

Before reading the first 60 pages of If Beale Street Could Talk by James Balwin I knew very little of him, other than reading a short story by him in high school by the name of Sonny’s Blues. What struck me most in the reading of If Beale Street Could Talk was the way he wrote about love. I personally wanted to know whether James Baldwin ever fell in love or ever had kids of his own. After reading a...
1 Page 530 Words

Why Is College Important: My Opinion Essay

Education is an important standard of obtaining crucial knowledge, skills, and information about life, job opportunity, or future careers of someone’s interest. Education is broader and more comprehensive than learning or reading from books. Getting an education is important to every person worldwide. Every person has a right to a proper education for any school. Learning how to read, write, draw, and count is a basic ability people acquire that they use in their everyday life. That being said, I...
1 Page 538 Words

HIPAA To Meet Federal Prerequisites For Electronic PHI Upkeep, Transmission, And Capacity

The healthcare business is continually developing to meet federal prerequisites for electronic PHI upkeep, transmission, and capacity. The present healthcare organizations are picking HIPAA-compliant partners that diminish the risk of PHI breaches, decrease network unpredictability, counterbalance capital expenses, and upgrade network nimbleness to convey better patient care and healthcare service conveyance at a lower cost. As these healthcare organizations coordinate their data and business structures in the virtual space, they have to constantly put resources into hardware-improved security technologies and...
1 Page 560 Words

Influence Of The American Civil Rights Movement On The Australian Civil Rights Movement

The prejudice and misrepresentation of Aboriginal peoples in state and federal law has existed in Australia ever since the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. The American Civil Rights Movement (1955 – 1968) was lead by Martin Luther King and encouraged by the people. This significantly affected the Australian people in realising the inequality in their country. One man that was greatly influenced by the social leader in America was Charles Perkins, an Aboriginal activist that was a huge...
1 Page 542 Words

Justification of Euthanasia: Giving People the Right to Die Peacefully

Euthanasia is the assisted dying of giving people the right to die peacefully in people who are terminally ill or not experiencing their fullest life. euthanasia is all about letting the ill keep their dignity and having a peaceful death and limiting pain and suffering During the last century, medicine has improved and the acceptance of these diseases and disabilities “it has become normal”. In saying this there are still many sicknesses that can’t be cured but also cause extreme...
1 Page 550 Words

A Jury of Her Peers: Short Answer Reader's Response

Select one of the short stories and discuss how a particular social group is constructed eg race, gender, socio-economic status. Particular social groups are often constructed in a negative light. In the short story “A Jury of Her Peers”, the author, Susan Glaspell constructs a patriarchal society in which females are tremendously disregarded. The author uses various narrative conventions to convey this theme. The story features two males trying to solve the murder of a husband, while their wives are...
1 Page 534 Words

Proper Nutrition To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Proper nutrition is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As I have learned in this course, the key to establishing good health in the future stems from nutritional choices made today. For the purpose of this assignment, I will delve into the components of my two-day food diary, asses the nutritional adequacy of my diet based on multiple dietary guidelines, and highlight areas that require improvement. As a young adult with no ongoing medical conditions, I will structure my analysis...
1 Page 545 Words

Much Ado About Nothing: Critical Analysis

Much ado about nothing 'literally explanation is: had deliberately dispute without problems. So is the fact really a matter of much ado about nothing? No one would do things without a purpose. “Much ado about nothing” is a comedy by Shakespeare written around 1598. Content lively joy, rich philosophy. The main themes of the story are masks, disguises or games, while the characters explore self-awareness and honesty and respect in relationships. The story is told in the city of Messina...
1 Page 574 Words

Necessity Of Social Change In People’s Attitudes To Mental Illnesses

Mental health tends to be treated quite differently from physical health due to people’s attitudes that mentally ill persons are violent. Mental health problems usually happen in a psychosocial context, and this implies that social factors have a significant role in the management of mental illnesses. Nurse practitioners (NPs) have a responsibility of ensuring that individuals with psychiatric mental health disorders have received adequate assistance to avoid stigma and discrimination. Angermeyer, Matschinger and Schomerus (2013) asserted that the perception that...
1 Page 549 Words

Critical Analysis of Alison Bechdel’s Autobiography Fun Home

Endearing in many ways, Alison Bechdel’s autobiography, Fun Home, shows readers that stories, metaphors, and archetypes can allow us to comprehend a person’s troubles. Allison’s characters embody transformative aspects where they become ciphers and reflections of people living in the real world. Furthermore, Allison’s recollections of a family unit that was physically, intellectually, and emotionally monopolized by her father, Bruce Bechdel, echoes fictional allusions of an unconventional storyline as a way to broadcast multiple perspectives. For instance, Camus’ ‘A Happy...
1 Page 566 Words

Meaning of Life: Exploring Existential Meaning

Within the closing remarks of his outstanding work Mans Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl set the stage for which meaning-orientated therapy (Logotherapy) was to be born. For Frankl, human beings were meaning-seeking creatures; compasses tilted towards meaning; towards carrying out the appropriate activities that could help to contextualise a purposeful future, despite the inherent trials of life, or external tragedies of their situation. Frankl (2004), who bravely survived the torturous conditions of the German Nazi concentration camps, arrived at the...
1 Page 547 Words

Occurrence Of Endangered Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin

Humpback dolphins, members of the genus Sousa spp., are most common medium-sized delphinids was found along the coastal water of the eastern Atlantic, western Pacific and Indian Oceans. According to Jefferson and Rosenbaum, the genus Sousa comprises of 04 species. According to Cuvier, the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin Sousa plumbeawas treated as Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin, Sousa chinensis. However, genetic analysis, skeletal and external morphology, and colour have revealed these animals occurring in the Indian Ocean are recognized as taxonomically distinct...
1 Page 533 Words

Life, Career And Influence Of Marie Curie

Early life Marie curie was born Maria Salomea Skłodowska on November 7th 1867 in Warsaw Poland. Her mother was the headmistress of a Private school, but she took after her father a math And physicist instructor. She lived in the Victorian era. Russian government said that the Polish people should not have the right to learn. But her father had other ideas and sent her and sisters to an illegal night school. They avoided the authorities by continuously changing their...
1 Page 551 Words

Quantitative Research Importance And Use

Education Education for me is the most important part of a persons life. This is the part where we are absorbing every single learning that we need in order to have a better chance of getting a good work or a stable financial capabilities. In order to have that we need to have a good educational system and one of the things that can help improve it is by doing a quantitative research. By doing a quantitative research we will...
1 Page 538 Words

The Unique Feature Of Noxia Aqua Tigris Or Mertiger

Today we are going to be talking about a new species of tiger that was just discovered. It is called the Noxia Aqua Tigris, which translates to toxic water tiger in Latin. The Noxia Aqua Tigris, or Mertiger for short, came from the species the Siberian Tiger. For a quick backstory, the Siberian Tiger was from a small southeast region of Russia. They lived mainly in the eastern forests, and in 2019 there was about 400-500 of them left in...
1 Page 561 Words

Biography And Achievements Of The Greatest Mathematician Archimedes

Archimedes was a greek citizen. He was born in 287 B.C. in a city called Syracuse on an island they called Sicily. When Archimedes was born they hung an olive branch on the door post as a sign that Phidias had a son. One of the slaves would put the baby in warm water and then wrap him in a woolen band all the way from his neck to his toes. As Archimedes grew so did his mind. He never...
1 Page 560 Words

Kings Of The Sea Whales And Sharks

Have you ever taken the time to actually figure out the big creatures in the oceans that can bite off your arm out of nowhere, or think about what is this huge fish swimming under my boat? Or what about when looking out on the ocean, some may wonder what is all out there and how do the animals in there survive in such a vulnerable place. The two most common thought of marine life is whales and sharks. In...
1 Page 555 Words

Types Of Penguins And Their Features

There are many unique birds, they can be fast or slow, small or big, can fly or stay on the ground! I am going to be listing a type of bird that interests me immensely, the penguin! There are many types of these strange birds, so I will be introducing Ten of the Seventeen types! The first five I am explaining are types that are not endangered. The first type of Penguin is the classic Emperor Penguin. There are about...
1 Page 567 Words

Biography And Scientific Contribution Of Marie Curie

Marie Curie, originally named Maria Salomea Skłodowska, was born on November 7, 1897 in Warsaw, Poland, where she would be raised until moving to Paris for further education. Marie grew up living under the Russian control of Poland; and at just 11 years old, she had lost her mother and sister. This prompted her to throw herself into her studies. As she grew up and finished their required school (our equivalent to high school), she decided she wanted to further...
1 Page 562 Words

My Interest And My Aim In Mechanical Engineering

My interest in mechanical engineering was instigated through my curiosity of how vehicles and machinery work. Studying maths and physics has strengthened my analytical and problem-solving skills. Modelling in mechanics has helped me gain a greater understanding of movement and energy. Additionally, through my geography studies my awareness of environmental problems has increased which must be considered in engineering nowadays. For example, the fastest eroding coastline is on the North-East riding of Yorkshire where the coast on average recedes two...
1 Page 530 Words

Joseph Stalin: Ruler Of The Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics

Joseph Stalin born on December twenty-one, 1879, was the ruler of the soviet union for over twenty years once the death of Vladimir Lenin. people believe that he was a villain and associated him with violence as a result of he was chargeable for the reason for the death of many of his own people; however, he additionally helped defeat the Nazis and remodeled the soviet union from a peasant society into a military world power. Joseph Stalin was a...
1 Page 556 Words

Changes In Lives Of Women During 19th And 20th Century

In glancing back at the times, we have considered we see that normal examples of thought with respect to gender orientation have run however the course of history, so we shouldn't be amazed that despite everything we are impacted by and experience the impacts of these convictions. Women life has been better and changed during the 19th to 20th century than before. The main changes in women's life were women in the military, more job opportunities, birth control, and flappers....
1 Page 558 Words

Weimar Republic: The Expansion Of Creative Expression Throughout The Country

Before the Third Reich in Germany, the general population was on the brink of acceptance of cultural diversity within the entire country of Germany. The governing body of Germany at the time known as the Weimar republic allowed the expansion of creative expression throughout the country that was not expressed under the monarchy that had governed the country before. In 1933 the possibility of this occurring began to vanish with the new rise of Adolf Hitler as the Chancellor of...
1 Page 564 Words

The Relation Between Rats And People During The Black Death

While mice are getting more and more acceptance in modern society, they are linked with cuteness, such as Mickey Mouse, a world-famous cartoon character, you won’t think that 600 to 700 years ago, mice caused a globally spread plague, which made countless global population decrease. Especially in Europe, the plague directly cut off 1/3 of the middle century's European population and strongly changed the relationship between rats and the crisis in politics, medication, and the social structure during the Black...
1 Page 537 Words

Mahatma Gandhi: The Primary Leader Of Independence Movement In India

If I could invite any historical figure to come and have dinner with me, my choice would be to invite the great Mahatma Gandhi. He was the reason a whole nation stood up against a fierce ruler with an iron fist, and dared to fight back, and reclaim what was truly theirs. A nation that felt pressured, and with the feeling of no escape, but given a chance to break free, all because of him, Mahatma Gandhi. A man daring...
1 Page 552 Words
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