Common Causes Of Industrial Accidents

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Table of contents

  1. Worker Fault
  2. Risky Behavior
  3. Unsafe Procedures
  4. Known and Unknown Dangers

An industrial accident is a sudden and unanticipated event that can result in injuries, fatalities, property damage and lost production time. Mishaps in the workplace are fairly frequent despite federal laws to protect worker safety. Ignoring safety procedures and using poor judgment are among factors that put workers at greater risk, resulting in serious job-related injury or illness

  1. Poor leadership from the top
  2. Inadequate supervision
  3. Insufficient attention to the design of safety into the system or careless attitude on EMS.
  4. An unsystematic approach to the identification, analysis and elimination of hazards.
  5. Poor training facilities and employee motivation
  6. Taking Shortcuts
  7. Being over-confident:
  8. Starting a Task with Incomplete Instructions
  9. Poor Housekeeping
  10. Ignoring Safety Procedures:
  11. Mental Distractions from Work:
  12. Failure to Pre-Plan the Work

Worker Fault

While multiple factors can contribute to n accident, usually it comes down to someone making a mistake. Employee behavior often leads to workplace mishaps, whether they're related to improper procedures, misuse or poor maintenance of equipment, fatigue or the lack of training. Despite the establishment and enforcement of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards, the agency estimates the annual cost of known workplace fatalities alone at some $40 billion.

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Risky Behavior

Failing to follow safety procedures not only endangers workers but often puts others at risk. Likewise, overconfidence can affect a worker's ability to make sound decisions. An employee who overestimates his abilities can underestimate the risk associated with a particular action, leading to costly errors or physical harm. Taking shortcuts intended to save time or increase productivity can also cause problems. Even relatively minor mishaps can come at a high price in direct and indirect costs.

Unsafe Procedures

Employers generally create written policies that include proper procedures for completing specific tasks. Neglecting to follow them can lead to unsafe conditions. Specific instructions should give employees a clear understanding of how to go about a task and the safety precautions needed to complete it. Handling materials in the wrong way or using the wrong equipment can cause problems.

Known and Unknown Dangers

Unless workers know what kinds of dangers to watch for, hazards can be hard to avoid or protect against. Falls, being struck by objects, getting caught in machinery and exposure to hazardous chemicals are common causes of on-the-job injuries. Inexperienced workers in particular are at higher risk for accident-related injuries. Manufacturing defects involving machinery and poorly designed equipment often are involved in work-related accidents as well. Consequently, it's important to minimize workers' exposure to dangerous substances or conditions.

Therefore, safety is required. Because safety increase employee moral, increased productivity, helps to follow the legal instruction and finally save the cost related to accident and after. When an injured worker returns (if he / she is lucky to do so) he/she may operate at less than his / her normal efficiency for sometimes. Co workers, too may become emotionally upset for some time and consequently turnout fewer and inferior goods. Finally, customers may be lost because of the non-execution of orders on time.

Safety programmes deals with the prevention of accidents and with minimum the resulting loss and damage to persons and property. Five basic principles must govern the safety programmes of an organization:

  • Trace out the root cause of Accident.
  • Identify the potential hazards
  • Continuous monitoring the safety performance
  • Assuring the accountability of employee and employer for safety performance in the working areas.
  • Assuring the continuous training and education on eliminating safety hazards and prevention of accidents
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Common Causes Of Industrial Accidents. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from
“Common Causes Of Industrial Accidents.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
Common Causes Of Industrial Accidents. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Sept. 2024].
Common Causes Of Industrial Accidents [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Sept 11]. Available from:

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