700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Evolution of the Aircraft Wings

The wings are the heart of an aircraft. Missing wings means an incomplete aircraft. Almost everything has an evolution. The planet Earth, humans, animals, countries, cultures, religions, etc. You can endlessly continue counting the amount of things that have an evolution. Just like other things, aircraft wings also have an evolution. Just imagine, why would someone spend days and nights in order to bring the idea of the aircraft wings into practice? Who could it be? How did the wing...
1 Page 682 Words

Effect of Climate Change on Polar Bears

As human activities lead to rising greenhouse gas concentrations in Earth’s atmosphere, less incoming solar energy is released back into space, causing a net energy gain that increases global temperatures. Climate change will be an important driver of biodiversity loss into the foreseeable future. Habitat degradation, phenological shifts and ecosystem change are expected to result in an increasing number of species of conservation concern. The Arctic is warming at a rate three times greater than the global average and Arctic...
2 Pages 714 Words

Statement on My Purpose of Postgraduate Education

There are various factors that for which a person can be classified into which status he belongs to. According to me, I would rate education as the foremost factor. Having education in an institution comprising of high standards is essential. For having such education from such institutions, apart from money a person should have zeal and should be curious towards learning new things. One of the qualities which drove me to this position is my robust zeal which I have...
2 Pages 700 Words

Statement of My Purpose of Studying at SAIT

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work”, - Colin Powell. This is the statement in which I strongly believe and have always inspired me to research and understand the possibilities for anything which I would have deemed beyond my ken. I started understanding objects and phenomenon occurring around me, I have always been interested in the engineering field because of my father, who always encouraged and guided me to choose this field. Mechanical...
2 Pages 711 Words

Should Young Teens and Older Pre-Teens Be Able to Play Violent Video Games? Essay

Despite the introduction of video game age ratings all the way back in the early 1990s, I have played violent video games for a fair portion of my life. These video games included titles like the Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Left 4 Dead and Halo series and I even still play them today to an extent. Some people believe younger teens and older pre-teens should be able to play violent video games if they wish as there are...
2 Pages 699 Words

Seasoned Milk in Schools

Do you incline toward chocolate or strawberry milk to normal milk? Assuming this is the case, you should know that a few instructors what's more, wellbeing specialists need to prevent school cafeterias from giving chocolate or other seasoned milk to understudies. The article 'Chocolate Milk in School Cafeterias?' clarifies that this gathering of individuals is concerned that the additional sugar added to chocolate milk, or other seasoned milk, is unfortunate. While overabundance sugar is absolutely unfortunate, I figure it is...
2 Pages 723 Words

Review of the Movie 'Moana'

John Musker and Ron Clements partner up yet again to make another astonishing film. Disney's hit movie ‘Moana’ is a sensational film created to fascinate its viewers. Featuring lead actors Auli’i Cravalho as Moana, and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson as Maui. Taking place in the large island and village of Motunui is very beautiful, as well as it is filled with life and love. This movie ages back to two thousand years ago and earned a 5 out of 5...
2 Pages 697 Words

Review of the Movie 'Do the Right Thing'

Spike Lee, also known as Shelton Jackson, is an American film director, producer, writer, and actor. He is most famous for controversial movie productions such as ‘BlacKkKlansmans’, ‘Malcolm X’, ‘Chi-Raq’, and ‘Rodnei King’. These movies display impactful meaning in depth to every conflict present in society, which is why Spike Lee is one of the most hated and admired people in film making. One particular movie that displays the concepts that are held up to Spike Lee’s reputation is the...
1 Page 702 Words

Review of the Movie 'Dear Dad'

Here is the review of the movie 'Dear Dad'. ‘Dear Dad’ is a feel-good movie directed by Tanuj Bhramar. The movie stars Arvind Swamy, Himanshu Sharma, Ekavali Khanna, Aman Uppal and Bhavika Bhasin in the lead roles. The story revolves around Nitin Swaminathan (Arvind Swamy) and his 14-year-old son Shivam Swaminathan (Himanshu Sharma). It also involves Nupur Swaminathan (Ekavali Khanna), wife of Nitin and Vidhi Swaminathan (Bhavika Bhasin), their daughter. Aman Uppal plays alongside as Aditya Taneja, a reality television...
2 Pages 699 Words

Review of Nadine Gordimer's Short Story ‘The Moment Before the Gun Went Off’

‘The Moment Before the Gun Went Off’ is a story written by Nadine Gordimer. It is a narrative of a white farmer named Marais Van der Vyver, whose gun accidentally shoots and kills his young black man farmer, Lucas. The story's plot is strongly influenced by the apartheid policy, the segregation of whites and non-whites and the white supremacy for 50 years in South Africa. The story is about how people perceive the issue regarding the death of a young...
1 Page 681 Words

Review of Jon Kaufman’s Book ‘Long Walk on a Dry Road’

You can go and study in the most prestigious universities or colleges and learn from the most brilliant professors in the world, study through all the religious organizations and even go to the best cosmetic surgeons ever to use a surgical blade, but none of them can ever turn your heart into a heart of gold. In Jon Kaufman’s book, ‘Long Walk on a Dry Road’, you meet the man who has spent selfless years to try and give clean...
2 Pages 688 Words

Reflections on Optimism and Its Value

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world”. True words from Holocaust survivor, Ann Frank. Everyone at some time in their life is once told to be optimistic about something. Many of us have been told an analogy of optimism is to think of a glass half full instead of it being half empty which is another way of saying, you should not be pessimistic or I would like to call...
2 Pages 706 Words

Reconstruction and Women’s Rights Movement

The woman’s rights movement paved the way for the future of woman’s roles today and how they are able to contribute in today’s society. I believe it is one of the most monumental events in history and their hard work towards achieving greatness goes unnoticed. The women’s rights movement advocated to achieve full civil rights in this country. Over the past seven generations, dramatic social and legal changes have been accomplished that are now so accepted that they go unnoticed...
2 Pages 703 Words

Pros and Cons of Beauty Pageants

Beauty pageants are effectively endorsed by the media with TV and pictures, which impact young female’s thoughts on appearance. The paradox of modelling is that one must represent the cynosure of female beauty, selling an illusion of perfection (Shepherd, Ball, 2000). An outvoted amount of females can practically accomplish this 'perfect' feminist body. The media undoubtedly nurtured this issue, as it constrains women to modify their bodies, whether it be by undesirable dietary problems, tanning and cosmetic medical procedure. Numerous...
2 Pages 721 Words

My Sweetest Childhood Memories

Childhood memories are strange because sometimes I can't be sure if I remember anything. Someone said that spending your whole childhood wishing would grow up, and then spending the entire adult life hoping to become a child, that's right! On the hustle and bustle of life, accidentally bumped into small corners that in my childhood years, it was the whole world. At those moments, for a few seconds, watching fragments of old memories pour-over, suddenly wishing I were a kid,...
2 Pages 688 Words

My Story about Myself

My story talks about life in my home country, consisting of what I do when I visit and what it’s like there. I talk about my favorite hobbies, food and what I do on vacation. Lastly, I was able to talk about my studies at Lindenwood and why I chose to go there. As I grew up, I realized that I am a force to be reckoned with. Everything that surrounds me from family, friends, and activities has shaped me...
2 Pages 694 Words

My Nursing Career Project

In my career aptitude test my results had some jobs in the medical healthcare field. The jobs were mainly jobs that work with the health of animals. For example, i received jobs like veterinarian assistant, and veterinarian. I don't believe my skills would be shown to the fullest extend working with animals because I have very good social skills that would help me care for others. I believe I would excel in the career field of nursing. I am interested...
1 Page 680 Words

My Major Philosophies as a Future Teacher

Being a teacher is not an easy job, so you have to work sincerely and have passion to make student a good learner. I am as a future teacher I will try my best to give my students a comfortable environment with no stress or pressure, so in this report I am going to concentrate in 4 major philosophies: my role as teacher, teaching method, dealing with students and classroom environment. First, my role as a teacher is to make...
2 Pages 690 Words

John Steinbeck's 'The Chrysanthemums': Character Analysis of Elisa

Imagine the life of a woman in a rural setting; the feeling of being isolated and underestimated by all men, even those that should praise the ground they walk on. This is the constant feeling of, not only Elisa Allen, but all women in a setting as such seen in ‘The Chrysanthemums’. The protagonist, Elisa Allen, is a degraded, isolated woman in which not even her own husband acknowledges her capabilities as a woman. Throughout this short story, Elisa only...
2 Pages 685 Words

Irony in O. Henry's Story 'The Ransom of Red Chief'

In ‘The Ransom of Red Chief’, the characters’ actions are the opposite of what is expected, which creates irony. O. Henry, the author, develops irony through contrasting character points of view and uses irony to create humor and surprise. O. Henry begins the story with Sam, the narrator and kidnapper, discussing how he and Bill Driscoll plan to kidnap a child to earn money so they can commit a crime in Illinois. The kidnappers select Summit because they expect the...
2 Pages 694 Words

I Am a Materialistic

The concept of materialism involves predominantly focusing on tangible items over intellectual or spiritual values (‘Materialism’). The majority of today’s adolescents can be identified as the most materialistic generation in history, as many of us are extremely conscious of our social status and our self-worth is driven by our material possessions. However, the obsession of engaging in social comparison with others over material belongings can ultimately lead to consequences for the individual. I have a materialistic mindset because I believe...
1 Page 687 Words

How Are Film Techniques and Features Used in the Film 'Big Hero 6'? Essay

‘Big Hero 6’ uses many different film techniques and features in interesting ways to engage the audience. The film big hero 6 was produced in 2014 by directors Chris Williams and Don Hall. The film is about a young robotics prodigy, Hiro, who forms a superhero team to fight against a villain. There are many different themes explored in the film to tell the story. ‘Loss’ is an important theme in the film as the main character, Hiro loses his...
2 Pages 712 Words

Free Trade Vs Fair Trade

As the name suggests, free trade is the unrestricted flow of products, services, labor, and capital across the country's geographic borders without any government intervention on behalf of the economy or regulatory obstacles. The term 'free trade' is often contrasted with 'fair trade'. In the simplest sense, the term 'fair trade' refers to the buying and selling of goods and services that are paid to producers fairly and equitably. It is an international social movement made up of countless producers,...
2 Pages 707 Words

Faith Can Not Be Lost According to the Book 'Night'

Buddha, a teacher, philosopher, and spiritual leader, once said, “Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life” In Elie Wiesel's ‘Night’, the victims of the Holocaust lived with a highly spiritual life. They lived by their traditions. However, many felt as if their faith was lost after witnessing the horrors of the concentration camps. Several people believed that they could not go on any longer. Through the use of tone, hyperbole, and mood,...
2 Pages 701 Words

Elie’s Relationship with God in the Book 'Night'

Religious views can change depending on the things a person experiences. Some traumatizing situations could lead a person to question their belief in God. Elie Wiesel’s memoir, ‘Night’, talks about Ellie’s life as a Jew during the Holocaust and his relationship with God. From Sighet to Buchenwald’s liberation, Elie Wiesel’s faith changes from strong devotion to a cynical view to changing the position God holds in his life. In the beginning, Elie Wiesel shows a strong devotion to his relationship...
2 Pages 707 Words

Dogs and Cats: Similarities and Differences

Did you know that there is around 86.4 million cats and 78.2 million dogs in the USA? Dogs are the most popular pet around the world, owned by 33 percent respondents, with cats next at 23 percent. There are many differences between cats and dogs but also many similarities. Cats and dogs have different ways they hunt, when they die, show affection, are trained, and their body shapes. They also share many similarities, such as how they are infected by...
2 Pages 711 Words

Dengue Prevention Campaign in Costa Rica

To begin, the epidemic of dengue has become an increasing global public health concern in developing countries in the regions of Central America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. However, Costa Rica presents the largest amount of cases, which enhances the probability of a person contracting the hemorrhage form of the disease that may lead to death if not properly treated (Lopez, 2014). As a result, the Ministry of Health declared a public health alert and is allocating resources to areas that...
2 Pages 705 Words

Current Trends and Challenges in the World of Work

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” – Confucius. The world of work is diverse. This massive world of work provides people across the globe, a buffet of opportunities through the means of various jobs, for personal growth as well as social development. This helps individuals get jobs that relate to their skills and talents. Almost all people desire to choose jobs that not only provide them with a high...
2 Pages 707 Words

Chocolate in Ivory Cost

Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) is located in West Africa and it is one of the world’s top cocoa producers. They produce cacao beans which are very treasurable and important for the country’s financial management and consistency. The cocoa bean is the dried and fermented seed of Theobroma cacao tree and the basic ingredient of chocolate and develops in the tropical atmospheres in Western Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The cacao bean is all the more normally alluded to as cocoa....
2 Pages 683 Words

Childhood Memories of Daddy's Park

Entering the park, remnants of my childhood memories started to re-emerge. A slight breeze rustled the leaves making them fall to the concrete ground one by one. The air was warm, and the beams of sunlight glowed onto my skin, providing me with comfort. The sounds of parents playing with their children was enough to completely push me back in time and pour my mind with sentimental memories. My late father and I would spend every summer afternoon in the...
2 Pages 697 Words
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