700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Electric Vehicle Sound

Sound is a huge part of a vehicle’s personality, especially when it comes to motorcycles. As electric bikes and cars become bigger parts of the transportation ecosystem, figuring out what they’ll sound like is a big deal. Not only do electric vehicles have to be distinctive, there are safety and regulatory factors surrounding noise, too. Both the European Union and the NHTSA in the U.S. have regulations shortly coming into effect which will require hybrid and electric vehicles—cars and motorcycles—to...
2 Pages 711 Words

The Mystery Of Alan Turing's Death

Half a century ago, Alan Turing disappeared. A true war hero and mathematical genius, Alan Turing is also considered by many today to be the godfather of computer science and one of the precursors of artificial intelligence as a field of study. He radically, and forever, changed the destiny of Europe. But he also laid the foundations for a technological revolution that today affects every aspect of our lives. A complex character with a broken destiny. A martyr of his...
1 Page 677 Words

Mathematical Models In Biology

Mathematical biology is commonly referred to as a division of biology that relies on mathematical models and theoretical analysis. These models areused to explain biological factorsusing mathematical representation, which researchers hope to display in order to showaccurate results based ontheir data.Within mathematical biology numerous peer-reviewed journal articles have been published, I have chosen to research the mathematics behindthe population dynamics of animals.In this articlethe researchers talk about marine mega vertebrates or more specifically about the population of lemon sharks, which...
2 Pages 723 Words

Mathematical Modelling Of Microbial Growth

Mathematical modelling of microbial growth in packaged refrigerated beef stored at different temperatures. Introduction Gompertz and logistic models were used to experimental counts of microbes growing in beef stored at 0, 4, 7, 9 and 108Celicus. Samples were packaged in polyethylene (high gaseous permeability) and in (EVA / SARAN / PVA) (low gaseous permeability) films, being (EVA) ethyl vinyl acetate and SARAN polyvinyl and poly vinyl chloride (PVC) copolymer. Lag phase duration (LPD) and specific growth rates (m) were obtained...
1 Page 696 Words

The Role Of Intelligent Machines In People's Lives

In recent years, people and machine start working together in many organizations, this development takes attention of the majority of people, many of them worry about their jobs and most of them think that machine can take their jobs. Authors of this review read seven articles about people and machine topic from 2010 to 2019 and we can see some advantages of an engaging machine in organization such as enhance of performance which constructed from making a survey and data...
2 Pages 686 Words

Darwin's Theory Of Development

Characteristic determination acts to domain and collect minor advantageous hereditary changes. Darwin's idea of regular determination depended on a few perceptions. Qualities are regularly heritable, in living life forms, numerous attributes are acquired or go from parent to posterity. A greater amount of the posterity is delivered, living beings are fit for creating more off spring than their surroundings. The people with the supportive attributes will leave more posterity in the cutting edge than their companions, since the qualities make...
2 Pages 718 Words

The Ruthless Horse Abuse In Races

The hoofed herbivorous mammal called Equus caballus (horse) is made up of different species and has many breeds. Before the year 1769 when mobilized vehicles were created, horses were used as animals for transport using a horse and cart. The horse and carts would transport goods from town to town, since there were no trains or mobilized vehicles. Different breeds of horses: thoroughbred Mustang Arabian horse Shire horse American quarter horse Andalusian horse Akhal-teke Miniature horse Friesian horse Mongolian horse...
2 Pages 702 Words

Electricity And Types Of Electric Current

Electricity has, voluntarily or in voluntarily, become one of the driving forces in today’s society. Everything from the latest 10nm process nodes from Intel1 to the Large Hadron Collider, a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with numerous accelerating structures. Electricity powers machinery, which, in turn, powers humanity. Electricity exist in our understanding of the universe in two forms, Static and Current electricity. Static electricity was first observed by Greek Philosopher Thales of Miletus, he, “in his 6th century B.C writings,...
1 Page 678 Words

Types Of Mathematical Models

Mathematical models are tools we can use to replicate real-world situations, solve problems, analyse behaviour and predict future behaviour in real-world scenarios using mathematical concepts and language. The most common form of mathematical modelling are equations, formula used to solve the area of a sand box problem is an example of a mathematical model; we transform a mathematical problem into a modelling problem. Models help to explain a system and examine the effects of various components and make predictions about...
2 Pages 700 Words

How The Victorian Era Shifted The Life Of America

Looking back in history at The Victorian Era, many events occurred in which shifted the life of America and the world as a whole. This era took place from about the middle of the 1800s to the beginning of the 20th century. Within this time frame, the Victorian culture experienced many challenges, especially involving race, gender, and immigration. In this paper, I will discuss with you the features and beliefs of the Victorian culture, the hardships that arose in this...
2 Pages 721 Words

Majdanek Concentration Camp Controlled By The Nazis

Under Adolf Hitler’s dictatorship, many concentration camps were established across invaded European regions as a way to impose control, further war effort, and execute Nazi evil plan of genocide. Different types of camps were set up for different purposes. The concentration camp was where people were forced to do labor and work to death, which came to be known as the German policy of annihilation through work. Extermination camp, also known as a death camp, was designed “specifically for the...
2 Pages 702 Words

Trial And Interrogation Of Anne Hutchinson

Anne Hutchinson has become a major figure in the history of American feminism as a forceful symbol of women's role and women's theology in the churches of America. The complexity of Anne Hutchinson’s ordeal, however, calls for a far greater inspection of her nine years of life in the colonies, as well as the history of the Puritan faith. The Puritan leaders of Massachusetts Bay Colony ordered the banishment of Anne Hutchinson in 1637. The Boston Court officially charged Anne...
2 Pages 693 Words

Cause And Effect Of The Crusades And The Black Death

Historians suggest that The Black Death was a deadly epidemic that hit millions of people spread by the disease known as the bubonic plague. This all happened during medieval Europe, fleas and rats were the cause of to spread of the disease to other people and the bubonic plague did not stop, it was so contagious that it almost killed half of Europe’s population at the time. As the people suffered during this epidemic, they kept thinking as to what...
2 Pages 690 Words

The Fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate Essay

In Feudal Japan, the Shogun was the absolute leader in terms of the military. During the decline of the Shogunate, specifically Tokugawa Shogunate, the emperor was not the figure with the most power. Instead, he was just a figure to be worshipped and looked up to while the Shogun ruled. Eventually, this way of running Japan collapsed due to many internal and external factors. Japan started to be criticized by other countries for being extremely closed off and not evolving...
2 Pages 713 Words

Nuclear Medicine: Technological Advancements In Medicine

Studies are showing that today's generation heavily relies on the latest nuclear equipment and medicine heavily. The advancements in medicine and technology are tremendously different than 50 years ago and really show how far this world has really come. There are many benefits of these advancements but some say that the medicine can be very dangerous and hazardous if not used in its proper manner. This essay will further show all information and reasons to believe if this new type...
2 Pages 701 Words

The Theology Of The Body

Introduction God created everything on earth and saw that it was good. My observation from the Bible in the book of Genesis, God created man and God saw that man was lonely therefore he made a woman out of man’s rib. God made a companion for man to be a helper. Man and woman are brought together to become one. Is it rightful for a man to divorce his wife? Since the beginning many things has changed due to man’s...
2 Pages 713 Words

Buddhism Theology Versus Greek Theology

Theology since ancient times is a mysterious topic. There are two kinds of typical branch of theology, Greek theology and Buddhism theology. They are more popular than many other theologies. People may think that they are so similar in many aspects that they can’t be distinguished very clearly. As a matter of fact, they are different in some ways. This essay will show 3 similarity and 3 differences between Buddhism theology and Greek theology. Admittedly, there are many similarities between...
2 Pages 702 Words

The Diffusion Of Buddhism

The influence of Buddhism in the eastern world is modernly profound, enduring from its roots thousands of years ago. Founded in the 6th century B.C.E. the emergence of this religion in Asia was a result of a convergence of numerous factors and events in the following 1000-year time frame. Originating in the outer rim of Indian civilization, Buddhism developed from Siddharta Gautama’s enlightenment and teachings. King Ashoka of the Mauryan dynasty’s support of Buddhism effectively propelled the spread of the...
2 Pages 697 Words

Comparing Buddhism And Materialism

Through the inalienable expression of divided perspectives, the formation of contrasting worldviews has ultimately created separate identities for different aspects of life. Comparatively, the spiritual religion of Buddhism and secular philosophical ideology of materialism offer an array of similar and contrasting facets. Foundational aspects such as the origins of the universe, factors which shape the value of the world, as well as the ideal vision and goal of life, are all evidently enforced as unique perspectives when comparing Buddhism and...
1 Page 679 Words

How An Islamic Society Emerged

The birth of a new civilization. The Islamic society has been built throughout thousands of years. The prophet Muhammad received his revelations around the year 600. Muslims believed that the word of God was revealed to him. Unlike many other civilizations, the Islamic society rose and spread through converters. It started as a religious movement but suddenly became a historical entity, body of knowledge and a physical presence throughout the west and some parts of Europe and Asia. The Qur’an...
2 Pages 694 Words

What Is The Significance Of Afterlife In Islam?

The looming presence of the afterlife plays a monumental role in the Islamic religion. Within the umbrella concept of the role that the afterlife plays to the Muslim community, things get complicated, as many different people in the Islamic religion believe the afterlife consists of a different experiences or purposes but there is a common idea of surrender to god and a life in the name of Allah. “Life is a gift given by God, not by man” The thought...
2 Pages 722 Words

Catholicism And Episcopalians Position On Abortion

Introduction How do the Catholics and Episcopalian views clash on the topic of abortion? These two religions are similar and may be hard to distinguish from each other. One of the major differences between Episcopalians and Catholics is the fact that they both have different views on abortion. If you attend their masses and other practices, you may tell the two apart by paying attention. However, the Episcopal Church is pro-choice and pro-abortion. It’s necessarily bad for murdering babies, but...
1 Page 720 Words

Sports Coaching – Team Sports: Coaching Male Or Female Athletes Requirements

When being a sport coach, there are some coaching consideration for different sports and gender. For example, coaching individual and team sports differently, coaching gender affects athlete’s performance, coaching male and female athletes differently, and also coaching different level of athletes differently. In my point of view, I do believe coaching male or female athletes requires a change of coaching and communication methods based on the reason of the body structure, coachability, plus confidence differently. First, coach requires a change...
1 Page 680 Words

The Benefits Of Competitive Sports

What is the point, you pay all this money and all you do is work work work and work. Then you do the same in a game and you might win and you might not. so what is the point, all you do is get yelled at right? NO, sports will transform you into an athlete a better person and hears how. When you are doing sports you be healthier This is important because only 5% of people are completely...
1 Page 676 Words

Should We Consider Sports Betting Illegal?

On my eighteenth birthday my family took me to a casino to gamble for the very first time. I started off the night with three hundred dollars. When I got there, I thought I was going to be the dark horse, gamble well and win it all even though everyone was expecting me to lose. I was so excited to gamble that I kept betting money. By the end of the night I had actually gambled badly and lost all...
2 Pages 700 Words

The Aspects Of Nomadic Lifestyle

In the year 1206 Genghis Khan had banded the Mongolian tribes together for the first time forming a united front to lead them on an expedition still known as one of the greatest conquests in history, forming the Mongolia we know today. Beyond the great Genghis Khan, the Mongols were known for their pastoral way of life, known as pastoral nomadism (Thomas, 6). This way of life caused the pastoral nomads to rely heavily on a specific five types of...
2 Pages 686 Words

Summary On Personality Traits Of Entrepreneurs

There are different components capable for the entrepreneurial victory. The researchers have distinctive suppositions as for the effect of differing parts on entrepreneurial achievement. Numerous researchers, has confirmed that personality traits have an essential influence in making pioneering success. This article centres around three primary segments and they are 1) Personality trait of the entrepreneurs 2) the risk attitudes of entrepreneurs. And 3) Objectives and wants that business person visionaries bring to their inclinations. These segments give a short clarification...
1 Page 687 Words

Difference Between Personality Vs Character

What do you readily see when you meet someone for the first time? Does the person seem intimidating, brilliant, and proper, or do they come across as calm, introverted, and reserved? Whatever be the case, we all have the tendencies to perceive the characteristics of a person, even before we get to know that person. What we find out about someone after we get to know them is a different matter entirely, like we would be discussing in this post...
2 Pages 704 Words

The Elements Of Successful Family

“Only 46% of American kids now live in a “traditional family” – defined as a home with two married heterosexual parents in their first marriage. In 1973, 73% of U.S. children lived in such families.” stated in the book Rereading America Tenth Edition. It has been proven that no family is perfect, no matter what image they are portraying for their audience. Families in the early ages of time were considered perfect when they met the requirements of having a...
2 Pages 710 Words

Integration Of Faith And Learning

Just as there are several laws created to regulate different business sectors and curb unethical practices, which organizations strictly follow to avoid paying fines, there ought to be moral standards amongst organizations, such as having a good character/integrity. According to the Cambridge Dictionary (2019), character means the “combination of qualities in a person or place that makes them different from others.” In the marketing world, firms desire their offerings and brand to stand out in the market and be different...
2 Pages 691 Words
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