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Social Issues

Macbeth By William Shakespeare: The Consequences Of Murders

All five acts of the play “Macbeth” written by Shakespeare, have an exploration of the present tragedy throughout the play that results in chaos and destruction in which shapes the overall story and influences the main characters to act with such ambition, greed, and guilt. Although Macbeth is seen as the main protagonist and is responsible for the decisions and acts he makes that leads to the tragedy of his downfall, the encouraging influences around him ultimately lead to his...
2 Pages 889 Words

The Characteristics Of The Main Character In Maya Angelou's I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

Maya Angelou was a writer who writes about and records all her enjoyable experiences. She’s a writer who went through a traumatic event that led her to becoming almost completely mute. Maya is best-known as a writer and for her numerous books. Although born in St. Louis, Angelou spent much of her childhood in the care of her paternal grandmother in rural Stamps, Arkansas. When she was not yet eight years old, she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend and...
2 Pages 910 Words

Development Of Cognitive Function Activities

Cognitive function refers to the multiple mental abilities a person may develop and keep in their lifetime, these skills include learning, thinking, processing motor movement, reasoning, and decision making. According to many theories, such as Piaget’s (1985), Bartsch & Wellman’s (1995), and Lindenberger’s (2001), development comes through these stages as they are the essential building blocks to the cognitive function of an individual. There have been studies conducted (such as Dadvand, 2015) that investigations into activities and environments that may...
2 Pages 934 Words

The Effects Of Gossip In The Workplace

At some point in your career, you will encounter certain problematic behaviors and issues that are rampant in many offices, regardless of what line of work you may belong to. In this case, we are going to talk about gossip According to The Balance Careers, gossip usually starts as a trivial thing since it stems from either boredom, wherein people have nothing better to do than gossip about each other. Also, most employees and employers often find it hard to...
2 Pages 894 Words

Dealing With The Peer Pressure

What is peer pressure? Peer pressure simply means the influence of your peers on you. This influence could be of positive or negative effect, but in most cases the later prevails. As humans we want to be accepted and recognize especially by our friends and peers: that sense of belonging is just so tempting and as such we tend to compromise and do all it takes just so we fit in and be accepted by them. This could be dreadful...
2 Pages 946 Words

The History Of Depression: Depression Is Curable And Not Caused By Some Evil Spirit

Depression referring to the mind is defined by google as “feelings of severe despondency and dejection”, despondency meaning low spirits or a general feeling of sadness. while the common person hears depression they will think of “Major depression” which as its name states is one of the most common types of depression, (information published by Harvard Medical School in January 2017, updated June 8th, 2018) but in fact, the definition presented by google is a basic overview for a disease...
2 Pages 881 Words

Distraction By Smartphones While Driving: Responsibility To Own And Other People Lives

Have you ever been in a car and felt like the driver’s mind wasn’t completely on the road? If yes, do you think they should lose their licence for distracted driving? Particularly using a mobile phone while driving? Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today, distracted driving by using a mobile phone is becoming a severe and growing threat to road safety. Distraction is one of the major contributors to a car crash. Researchers have shown that using a hand-held electrical...
2 Pages 936 Words

The Reasons To Legalise Polygamy

Most believe that those who are polyamorous are but simple cheaters trying to seem innocent, though this is only a baseless accusation that uses a false stereotype to prove a bad point. All around the world a debate over polygamy is taking place getting increased attention as time continues to pass. Polygamy is the practice of having two or more partners in a relationship, romantically, sexually, or both. Many believe that Polygamy should not be legal due to a multitude...
2 Pages 934 Words

Elements And Features Of The Fiction

Originally the word 'Fiction' came from the Latin word 'Fictus.' Fiction, along with non-fiction, is one of two specific branches of literature. It's a story that is trying to be bigger than the story itself. To do this, literary fiction must comment on something that is deemed important, such as social or political issues or the human condition. The primary difference between genre fiction and literary fiction is their emphasis on plot. Although genre fiction is plot-driven, literary fiction is...
2 Pages 950 Words

Weather Forecasting Using Machine Learning

Introduction One of the most important thing for humankind it to plan their day, to plan their day human need to know about the weather forecasting so they can plan their day or even their month accordingly, as said wiki: “Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the conditions of the atmosphere for a given place and time'. from a long way back weather forecasting always play a big role in humanity. Before to predict the...
2 Pages 888 Words

The Archetypes And Characters Of American Born Chinese

American Born Chinese is a graphic novel written by Gene Yang that focuses on the characters Jin Wang, the Monkey King, and Chin-Kee. Throughout the story, the focus switches between these characters after each chapter. Jin has low self-esteem and cares excessively about what others think of him. His insecurities later spiral out of control, causing him to idealize appearing more typically “American” in hopes he won’t seem foreign. Jin’s desire to transform becomes reality in his dreams where he...
2 Pages 893 Words

Major Contributors Of Enlightenment Movement

The eighteenth century was a period of Enlightenment as well as an intellectual movement and was known as the age of reason. Many philosophers contributed to the term Enlightenment because it was the awakening to a new outlook on life. Intellectuals realized that they could come up with theories and logic on their own without the guidance of another. The seventeenth century was a revolution of scientific break through based off of previous theories throughout the years. This gave intellectuals...
2 Pages 933 Words

Short Story Role In Developing The Comprehension Skills In Libyan EFL Learning

SUMMARY In this research paper, the aim is to investigate the attitudes of the Libyan EFL learners towards literature in general, and short stories in particular for developing reading comprehension skills. Also, It discusses the advantages of the use of short-stories in ELT classrooms and the implications of this use of short-stories for the Libyan EFL teachers and learners. Advantages and implication The use of short stories in ELF classrooms for developing language skills has many advantages and implications. Pathan...
2 Pages 911 Words

Feminist Movement From 1960 To 1970 Years

Feminism is “the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.” There were many succuss in the feminism movements in 1960 and 1970 also known as the second wave of feminism allowed women to achieve legal and social equality. These succuss include abortion and oral contraceptives, Sexism, and harassment laws although there are succuss there are also failures like the equal pay act. The second wave of feminism was also part of the widespread social...
2 Pages 916 Words

What Does College Success Mean to You Essay

What is College Success? Definition of College Success: There is no clear definition of college success, college success is relative and there is no clear cut measures or yardsticks to determine College Success. College success is defined by the parties involved because it has to do with the attainment of set goals or Targets. For something or someone to be successful, goals must be set, such that progress can be tracked and measured against the goals set. Having graduated from...
2 Pages 889 Words

Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare: How Love Has The Ability To Change Familial Relationships

‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a tragedy by the playwright William Shakespeare which explores the journey of the fateful tragedies between a pair of two star-crossed lovers. The emotion of love conquers throughout the play and is particularly evident when investigating the growth and change in certain characters. Juliet Capulet, Lord, and Lady Capulet’s only living child approach the age of 14 years old, falling in love with the son of their rivaling family, Romeo Montague. Throughout the play, Juliet’s character...
2 Pages 928 Words

Cultural Pattern Of The USA: Equality, Language And Values

INTRODUCTION United States of America is the third largest country with the population of more than 300 million people and globally powerful. But for many people from other countries who arrive for their different needs like academics, business purpose were not aware of American culture and they struggle a lot to adapt to such culture based on religion, language, values social customs and practice. VALUE AND BELIEFS The value and beliefs of American Culture can be predicted in four ways...
2 Pages 890 Words

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Dating

There is an increase in the number of people looking for life partners through online dating platforms. Nowadays, dating is often online and not formal, as it was in the past. Social media has also provided a way for family and friends to keep in touch, even though they are hundreds of miles away. It might seem there is a lot of opportunity on such websites, but reality is far different from what it seems. I believe that it has...
2 Pages 877 Words

My First Day Of Nursing School

First Clinical Skills Lab I woke up at six in the morning on the day of my very first clinical skills lab with feelings of anxiousness and, oddly enough, a little excitement. Maybe it didn’t show in the first few hours, but I knew my first day would be meaningful. After getting through the first two hours, I was able to wake up and function, eager to listen to what our instructor had to say in our discussions. I felt...
2 Pages 929 Words

The Impacts Of Society Oppression On The Main Character In The Novel Native Son

“Violence is a personal necessity for the oppressed...It is not a strategy consciously devised. It is the deep, instinctive expression of a human being denied individuality.” (Wright, PAGE 45). Native Son (1939) is a novel written by the American author Richard Wright. It tells the story of 20-year-old Bigger Thomas, a black youth living in utter poverty in a poor area on Chicago's South Side in the 1930s. Richard Nathaniel Wright was born on September 4, 1908 at Rucker's Plantation....
2 Pages 926 Words

Equality Vs Equity In The Book Native Son

Bigger Thomas is African-American from Chicago who is convicetd of the rape and murder of a white women. Bigger Thomas is also a man who lives in poverty and is uneducated. It’s the 1930’s in Chicago and a family of four is living in a cramped apartment on the south side in a neighborhood known as “The Black Belt”. Bigger’s mother insists he take the job with Daltons, a wealthy white family who have offered him a way to live...
2 Pages 949 Words

Singaporean Banking System Peculiarities

Singapore become the one of the world’s largest financial centers that provide a variety of products and services. This country also have created one of the most advanced banking system in the world. The banking sector is involved in a wide range of financial services including traditional lending and taking deposit as well as corporate and investment banking activities. Most of the bank in Singapore have different types of client which is consist of individuals, corporations or government agencies. All...
2 Pages 888 Words

Life And Contributions Of Niccolo Machiavelli

On May 3, 1469, a man by the name of Niccolò Machiavelli, was born in Florence, Italy. Known as the father of modern political theory, he was most famous for his strong efforts in his book titled, “The Prince.” This book alone gave a clear indication that Machiavelli was a non-believer and yet pessimistic. In his early life at that time in the thirteenth century and forward, Machiavelli's family was very rich and conspicuous, as they were known for holding...
2 Pages 948 Words

How To Use Learning Theories To Motivate People To Learn In Your Organization

As a big organization, my working places not only provide medical healthcare community but at the same time also provide education because is a teaching hospital and doing research too. Every year large number of new staff in different category in different unit will joint in service. Each department they try their level best to train, educate and mole their new staff accordingly to their unit protocols, to ensure they able to perform well their carrier. Each time when train...
2 Pages 915 Words

Fast Fashion Essay: Reasons Why It is a Problem

A popular trend in clothing in a particular place during a specific time period. Inexpensive clothing is created based on fashion trends, which encourages clothing disposal as a result of its fast-response system. Started and influenced due to competition among clothing brands and to increase profit. Large apparel brands such as Zara, H&M, Uniqlo, and GAP would produce cheap, low-quality clothes consist of synthetic chemicals and non-sustainable dyes. These large companies manufacture their products in 3rd world countries, where the...
2 Pages 910 Words

Julius Caesar As The Best Ruler As Depicted In The Prince By Machiavelli

In Machiavelli's, The Prince, he discusses with the reader what a prince should look like and how he should act in the presence of his kingdom. Many of these traits are what everyone man and woman should follow, including being compassionate, strong, and intelligent. Consequently, Machiavelli really focuses on the traits of a true prince, such as Julius Caesar. Caesar was a ruler who ruled by force, kept his word, and had his hands on cruelty and mercy. These three...
2 Pages 949 Words

Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer: An Imbalance Of Community And Self-reflection

The book, Into the Wild, reveals an imbalance of community and self-reflection in the life of Chris McCandless. Throughout McCandless’s journey, it is evident that he spends a great deal of time by himself, reflecting and contemplating his life choices. McCandless obtains self-actualization in the end. The irony is that McCandless comes to understand the connection between happiness and human relationships too late as he perishes during his trek back to civilization. This book was thought-provoking and has encouraged me...
2 Pages 916 Words

The Experiences Of Men And Women In Candide

Candide, a novel written by French Philosopher Voltaire, takes place in Europe throughout the 1800’s. Women in the 1750’s did not have many privileges and were taken advantage by the men. Voltaire portrays this through the very limited female characters of Cunegonde, Paquette and the Old Woman. These women all coming from different origins, still suffer from the same hate, cruelty, and sexual abuse that women went through in the 18th century. As the book follows Candide through his journey...
2 Pages 931 Words

Isolation And Remoteness Of The Main Characters In The Catcher In The Rye And The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Young teenagers suffer from isolation and remoteness causing them to have a feeling of anxiety and depression. J.D Salinger and his novel The Catcher in the Rye reflects on Holden and how Holden is affected by the death of his younger brother Alie, it makes Holden feel isolated and lonely. Stephan Chobosky and his novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower reflection Charlie as he was affected by the loss of his best friend Micheal, Charlie is affected by Micheal’s...
2 Pages 911 Words

Organizational Culture: Symbols, Beliefs, Myths, Rituals, Artifacts And Stories

Abstract A culture emphasizes significant role in the organizations. In Schein’s culture triangle, there are five mechanism for leaders to keep up the organization culture. The article gives us examples of the companies how leaders focus on social appearances includes symbols, belief, myths, rituals, artifacts and stories. Introduction Organizational culture defines aspect of culture in similar approaches the organizational employee’s hold that helps differentiate an organization from the other organizations. Organizational culture represents how members perceive organizations. However, people from...
2 Pages 891 Words
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