After viewing the documentary ‘Andrew Jackson: Good, Evil, and the Presidency’, my attitude towards Andrew Jackson changed. I can conclude that Andrew Jackson had very serious anger issues and this could lead to some problems.
Andrew Jackson had some very bad anger issues and this would lead to some problems. Jackson resigned from congress after a year of service and began raising race horses and made large sum bets on the races. Andrew was a man who loved violence, whiskey and horses. Andrew and Charles Dickens got into an argument about a horse race pay out, and Charles supposedly said something and this made Andrew mad. They settled their problems by a duel that led to both of them being shot and Charles Dickens dying. This is where most of Andrew Jacksons problems started.
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Jefferson thought that farmers were what was keeping America great. He wanted to keeping expanding westward, in his eyes the frontier was where the Republican Party would be. The main problem with this is that the natives are already living out there. Jackson got approval for an Indian Removal Act in 1830 that would be around a half a million dollars; Native Americans living east of the Mississippi would be moved to the west of Mississippi. Native Americans tribes had a much different view on the land, one example is the Cherokee and they believed that the land should be shared. This eventually led up to the Native Americans taking Thomas Jefferson’s advice, to embrace the white man’s way of life or culture. After even taking on the white man’s way of life, the Native Americans were still made to move because even though the Supreme Court ruled in the Natives favor that they could stay, Jackson told Georgia to ignore the ruling. This was the reason for the Trail of Tears.
Abolitionist Lewis and Author Tappan produced pamphlets and mailed them to influential people in the south to try and convince them to speak out against slavery. The first batch of those pamphlets arrived in Charleston, South Carolina, they were never delivered because they were actually taken to the town square and burned. Jackson was kind of paranoid that slaves would get the word and start rebelling. So, Jackson encouraged mail carriers to not deliver them and telling Congress to outlaw mailing them.
From these three events I have changed my mind about Andrew Jackson and now think that he was more of an evil person. If you look at these events and closely examine them like, I have you might just see why he was evil. It’s also what he sort of stands for, he mainly did everything for himself and was very appointed about others. As we see Jackson tried to keep slavery by telling all of the mail carriers to discard those pamphlets that were to encourage speaking out against slavery. We also see how he gets rid of the Native Americans in Georgia with the Indian Removal Act and that went on to create a lot more damage further on down the road. I would say that Andrew Jackson was a bad person.
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