Animals Are Intelligent: Neurons Make The Magic Happen

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Have you ever heard of a gorilla that can use sign language? Or understand human language. I believe that animals are intelligent. Animals are intelligent because they know how to interact or may even be as smart as a human. For example, an elephants neurons measures to the human brain amount, but they are still not the smartest, that means there are animals more intelligent than humans. Some can have half a million neurons even though this does not scale to the amount of a human brain contains 100 billion neurons it will still give the animals some intelligent abilities. Some are even as smart as humans because of their brain size counting their neurons to the same as a human brain. My opinion is neutral on this topic, I believe the bigger amount of them are intelligent, the rest remain unintelligent.

Animals are intelligent because they know how to interact with objects and humans and even know how to use sign language. For example, that animals know how to interact is that Koko the gorilla took Robin Williams wallet, he then opened it and took out his identification and checked it hilariously, put it back into his wallet and closed it up. Additionally, he grabbed his sun-glasses and unfolded them and put them on. Now keep in mind, he could have never seen or touched and a wallet or glasses, so if he has never seen them before, then he must have enough intelligence to know how to interact with these certain objects. Also, Koko used sign language to say “Chase me”, and “Tickle me”. Now this is not very common among animals, some humans have enough problems with learning sign language, but if a gorilla were to learn it, think of how hard it would be for him to learn that as an animal.

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Moreover, animals are intelligent, is that dogs have half a million neurons which you might not think that is a lot considering a human can have up to 100 billion neurons or more, but it can give them the ability to learn complex tasks, especially those that benefit humans. Dogs guide the blind and herd livestock. They sniff out explosives and help find survivors buried beneath earthquake rubble. They also have strong memories and an impressive capacity to understand human language. They have the ability to do so because their brain contains half a million neurons. Some animals have very low neurons in their brain a lot of studies would probably be saying that this means that animals are not smart, but this does not mean that they are not intelligence. The cat has about 200,000 neurons, and you might think that they are not smart, but cats can hunt, which isn't so great for the wildlife, but anyways, cats can clean themselves, relieve themselves in tiny kitty litter boxes, and sometimes if they are a more intelligent cat than others, they can even use human toilets, but cats are also better at food portion control then other animals and pets.

Furthermore, animals are intelligent because some can be as smart as humans. For example, elephants have enough neurons to have as much neurons as humans’ brains, containing 100 billion neurons. Elephants also have the biggest brain of any land animal. 100 billion neurons give animals the ability to have exceptional memory meaning, that they can memorize complex things as complex as a human brain can. For long periods of time, they cooperate with each other in various ways, and engage in play intelligently. Believe it or not some elephants can even do art!

There are those who claim that animals are not intelligent. They could say that birds and crows are not intelligent because they have small brains, but that never! According to an article called 'Top 10 Most Intelligent Animals' says that ravens and crows are the #1 most intelligent animals are ravens and crows. The amount of neurons are unknown and could be near 3 billion, it gives them the ability to recognize human faces and communicate complex concepts with others, many experts compare the corvid family to much of a 7- year old brain. The other side could also say, that cats are not smart, they have 200, 000 neurons, that is two fifths of a dog’s brain in neuron size, but they are better at food portion control then dogs, believe it or not they can hunt, and they also relieve themselves in litter boxes, dogs aren’t smart enough to do that they do that anywhere else.

I believe that animals are intelligent, because of the measure of their neurons in their brain they can use sign language and know how to interact with things and humans. They can have half ½ a million neurons, and even though that is not even close to humans, it gives them great intelligent abilities, they can even be as smart as humans, be as smart a 7-year-old, recognize human faces, and even communicate complex concepts with others.


  1. Jan Turner, producer of video ‘Koko the Gorilla with Robin Williams’. YouTube, Kokoflix, July 2, 2012,
  2. Bittel, Jason. “Which Animals Are Smartest: Dogs, Cats or Raccoons?” Newsela, Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2017 Washington Post. All rights reserved. 10 Jan. 2017,
  3. Helmenstine, Anne Marie. “Can You Name the 10 Most Intelligent Animals?” ThoughtCo, 8 May 2018,
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