Argumentative essays

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Social Issues

Argumentative Essay about Health Care

3 Pages 1366 Words
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Similar to education, for instance, health care is a basic need of every human being and should be a fundamental right of all US citizens. Universal healthcare is a system that provides quality medical services to all of its citizens. The United States might be the only country that does not offer publicly funded health care to all of its...

Argumentative Essay About Vaccines

3 Pages 1556 Words
Argumentative Essay Topic: Vaccinations General Purpose: To argue Specific Purpose: I want to argue why vaccinations should be mandatory for everybody of all ages. Thesis Statement: The Federal Government should make vaccinations mandatory for everybody because: (1) vaccines are designed to protect us and others from certain diseases; (2) vaccines are one of the easiest ways to protect our health;...

Cyberbullying Argumentative Essay

6 Pages 2973 Words
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The Shift from Face-to-Face Communication to Digital Interaction In today’s society, we rely on interacting with people via phone, past generations didn’t experience this because phones were too expensive, or were a luxury to have. The norm is to text or email, and with people today the internet is the way to express emotion to others. What people miss from...

Argumentative Essay About Education

3 Pages 1487 Words
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Introduction to Digital Education and the Pandemic's Impact Will the world be the same after the coronavirus pandemic? Most people would probably answer: “No”; especially parents who have been wondering how to keep their kids engaged during the lockdown, teachers who have been struggling to adapt to online teaching, and government officials who have been trying to come up with...

Negative Effects of Video Games Essay

6 Pages 2626 Words
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Gaming has grown as a gripping and ubiquitous phenomena in an increasingly digital world, spanning age, culture, and country. Video games have progressed from basic pixelated amusements to rich, interactive experiences that equal literature and cinema's storytelling prowess. As gamers immerse themselves in virtual worlds brimming with adventure, strategy, and creativity, the value of gaming as a source of entertainment,...

Screen Time Essay

4 Pages 2038 Words
In recent decades, digital technology has developed at an exponential speed, computers have evolved to small handheld sizes and cell phones have developed to small-sized can fit into a pocket, along with the availability and extensive usage of the Internet, both of which cause a phenomenon that children spend increasingly more time watching a screen. Screen time is not only...

Argumentative Essay: Should Organ Donation Be Compulsory

4 Pages 1689 Words
Recently, the English organ donation law has changed to an opt-out system on 20th May 2020. This means that all adults are automatically presumed to consent to be a registered organ donor unless they choose to state otherwise, and they do not wish to donate. However, there are excluded groups, where the opt out system does not apply to them....

Media Bias As a Negative Aspect in Our Society: Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1652 Words
The problem of 21st century In 1/16/2019, a news editor form Seattle’s local fox affiliate Q13 was fired, after it was revealed that the editor had aired a doctored clip of president Trump’s January 8 oval office address to the nation. The video was changed to make it look as if the president was sticking his tongue. (studentnewsdaily 1) Media...

Argumentative Essay on Whether International Law Is Really a Law

4 Pages 1716 Words
Is international law Really a law? The most seen to; issue regarding those who study international law is whether or not it can be seen as ‘real law’. There are two different types of thoughts that can be perceived through this, one being from the realist view and the other from a liberal view. I will be looking at both...

Argumentative Essay on The Necessity to Provide Smoking Ban on the Production and Sale of Cigarettes

4 Pages 1841 Words
Abstract With the development of global economy, citizens' life condition has significant improvement in various countries. in case of this, these countries contribute to control the air pollution and improve the environment in order to offer a better surrounding for its people to live. Then, they try to limit the sales and production of cigarettes, even totally banning it; which...

Argumentative Essay on the Controversy of Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs

5 Pages 2276 Words
Introduction It can be seen throughout the history of sports that there have always been ways of enhancing an athlete’s performance. Some ways may be natural, but the one that brings the most controversy is the use of performance-enhancing drugs. These performance enhancement drugs are used by primarily athletes and bodybuilders to increase their muscle size and strength as well...

Critical Race Theory Essay

4 Pages 1759 Words
Introduction to Critical Race Theory Critical race theory scrutinizes a paradox; how does racial subordination prevail despite international denunciation through state rules and norms of a moral society? (Harris, 2012, 1). This paper will argue that the main tenets of critical race theory maintain that one’s race, religion, culture, gender/sex and economic standing all intersect together to further oppress individuals...

Video Games Don't Cause Violence Essay

9 Pages 4016 Words
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Introduction: Misconceptions About Video Games and Violence There have been many things to come from the 20th century and one of the most notable ones was video games. Video games are a form of digital media used for entertainment. One of the most common tropes in video games is violence. Violence is usually looked down upon in our society minus...

Why Marijuanas Should not Be Legal Essay

5 Pages 2463 Words
Should Recreational Use of Marijuana Be Legalized in All 50 States? Introduction Passing from various phases of its use in hem, ropes, and medicines, marijuana now has reached the point of discussions where its legality and illegality have stirred debates across the country. In America, the use of recreational use of marijuana is legal now in many states and in...

Why Homework Should Be Banned Essay

3 Pages 1508 Words
“Implementation of No Homework Policy” Education has been a significant part of society. As of today, education plays a vital role in the success of every individual however, education has changed through time. Students nowadays experience a much faster pace than students generations ago (Cordz, 2017). Students are often looked upon as the building blocks of society thus the present...

Israel and Palestine Conflict Essay

6 Pages 2567 Words
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Introduction The Middle East has proven to be a crucible, occasionally caused by tensions between two ethnic groups, including Jews and Arabs, and two different and incompatible monotheistic faiths, respectively, Judaism and Islam, since the end of World War I and the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Many experts view Israel's ongoing hostility with Palestine as a major source of...

Argumentative Essay About Immigration

5 Pages 2545 Words
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Historical Context of Immigration in America Imagine being a guest at someone’s house. How would you feel if you were asked to leave by another guest? Chances are you would probably think the other guest had no authority to ask you to leave, especially considering they are only guests themselves. The country now referred to as the United States of...

Why Should School Start Later Essay

2 Pages 1044 Words
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Have you ever got up on Monday morning and felt like you needed more sleep? Students are required to have eight to ten hours of sleep every night to function best for the day, but it's not possible when having to juggle homework, sports, work, and social life. Many students have a hard time staying awake during lectures; they are...

Should Animal Testing Be Banned Essay

3 Pages 1237 Words
Argumentative Essay Humans and animals: both beings that feel pain and have a soul. What separates humans and animals that makes animals subject to, often deathly, laboratory testing? Activists around the world have used the same basic concept to plead their cause for years. Many countries and brands have already banned cosmetic animal testing, but the US has yet to...

Argumentative Essay About Technology

5 Pages 2436 Words
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Abstract Nowadays, new technology becomes one of the most popular things that help people to solve their problems in the easiest way and facility their life. Many people contradict the positive and negative effect of this new technology this research paper talk about the negative effect of new technology. The objective of this term paper is to award people about...

Is College Worth It Essay

2 Pages 1044 Words
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Most people want to get a good job and have a future out of high school but don’t know if it’s worth it to proceed to college because of its high cost. Every year millions of students attend college to have a chance at a better life by receiving a college degree. Every single student has to pay an immense...

Animal Testing Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1748 Words
Historical Context and Prevalence of Animal Testing Is it morally right to progress in health and medicine? Would killing an animal with society’s own bare hands be right? Animal testing is when a scientific experiment is undergone by an animal that might cause them pain or suffering. Experiments go back to the Ancient Greeks with Aristotle, a well-known Greek philosopher,...

Issues of Wearing Body Cameras by Police: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1242 Words
So, 717 people have been shot and killed by police in 2019. Look at that number again, 717. In 2019 alone, 717 people, who may have been breaking the law but nonetheless, lost their life by the hands of a police officer. 992 people were shot and killed by police in 2018. There were only 23 days in 2018 where...

Evaluation of the Gap Inc.’s Working Conditions in Terms of Social Responsibility: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1583 Words
In this commentary, I will examine The Gap Inc.’s working conditions and will eventually come to a conclusion whether or not they can be considered as socially responsible in terms of the manual labour process The Gap, Inc, is an American multinational corporation which operates as an apparel and accessories retailer with international associations. Over the past 50 years, the...

Why Zoos Should be Banned? Essay

2 Pages 863 Words
Introduction Most of you here have been to zoos before, whether as a fun family trip or with your school as an educational experience, but have you ever considered how the animals you stare at for a minute or so before moving on are treated? Have you ever thought about how constrained they are, stuck in an enclosure with space...

Does Recycling Really Make a Difference Argumentative? Essay

2 Pages 756 Words
Recycling is very important as it helps us in reducing landfills, conserving energy, raw materials and of course saving money. Items like paper, aluminium, food, glass can cause environmental problems if not recycled. This thought must have occurred in your mind while looking at a blue bin marked with the recycle symbol ‘“does it really make a difference?” If you...

Argumentative Essay on Gentrification: The Positive and Negative Impacts of Gentrification

6 Pages 2649 Words
Gentrification is the complex social process by which large amounts of money and investment, pour quickly into lower income communities. Thus, leading to the displacement of many longstanding residents and local independent businesses. The effects of this process can be observed across almost every major city in The United States a prime example being, New York City. When New York...

Should Abortion be Banned? Essay

3 Pages 1152 Words
Introduction Throughout time, Abortion has been one of the most controversial issues all over the world, a cause of debate between a group of people who are against its legalization, and those who seek its legitimation in those countries where it is forbidden by legal system. Abortion is allowing a woman the right to make choices about their body and...

Can Cell Phones Be Educational Tools? Essay

1 Page 457 Words
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Learning can be done in several different ways, methods, and procedures. As what Marvin Minsky, an American computer scientist concerned with research of artificial intelligence, “You don’t understand anything until you learn in more than one way”. We are now in the 21st century a modern world full of vast technologies to provide wider platforms, and tools. Moreover, what is...

Is Our Election Process Fair? Essay

3 Pages 1285 Words
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The United States presidential election process is flawed because its main components have lost their fairness, importance and simplicity. The electoral college over represents the smaller states, with the winner of the popular vote able to lose the presidency in the electoral college. The cost of the election has become too high in recent years making it almost impossible for...

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