Basics for Finding an Immigration Lawyer

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While the immigration process has become even more challenging all over the world, there are many top notch lawyers who will help you throughout with their expertise. Most people simply fear the process of immigration to the US with its lengthy and complicated process which is daunting at every step of the way. In order to quickly sort out the proceedings, you will need to be in touch with immigration attorneys who offer useful consultations.

It is not easy to pick an attorney with so many people practicing the law. You might get confused especially if this is your first time dealing with something that involves the law.

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You can easily find an immigration lawyer in New York who will be your guide is a tough task. Here are some things to keep in mind when you are looking through your options.


You can always trust your family or friends to give you their honest opinion about the attorneys. If they have particularly dealt with residency visa in the past, they will let you know about their experience. This can be useful information regarding picking immigration lawyer in New York.

Another important thing that will help you get a trustworthy immigration lawyer in New York is extensive research. After all, you want to hear positive results with all the time and money you will be investing. It is always a good approach to learn about immigration lawyers in your area and compare their qualifications and successful cases.

Invest in Future

It goes without saying that many immigration lawyers in New York only want to make as much money they can. That being said, a good attorney’s fees will cost you more than someone who does not have a stealthy record of successful cases. In order to avoid delays and rejection, invest in your future.

One of the critical aspects of hiring an attorney for the immigration process is to ensure that they can understand and even speak your language. This will make the communication easier. Besides, someone who can speak or read your language will ensure that when the documents are translated to English, they are accurate and precise.

Fee Structure

Since the immigration process does not promise a certain time of completion and it is different for everyone. However, your attorney can look into your case and offer you an estimated time beforehand. Most of the times, you can ask different attorneys and decide which one to pick based on reasonable fee structure.

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Basics for Finding an Immigration Lawyer. (2022, Jun 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Basics for Finding an Immigration Lawyer.” Edubirdie, 29 Jun. 2022,
Basics for Finding an Immigration Lawyer. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Basics for Finding an Immigration Lawyer [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jun 29 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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