Biomedical Technology Improves The Potential Of Medical Equipment

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Biomedical Engineering is a part of engineering where the technology focuses on medical equipment. It focuses on the precision and automation of the current equipment used by professionals or doctors. It was shown in the seminar how the old equipment looks. In some people, it can be as scary as it can be a reason to not go to a doctor. The equipment is long, pointy, and rusty as opposed to what we are using today, with soft edges and stainless.

Biomedical technology improves the equipment's potential. There was a point in time where a patient will die just because of the lack of advancement in the equipment. Yes, advanced equipment is expensive, but they are slowly being used everywhere, and are trying to be mandatory to any hospital to avoid the case of a patient dying because of lack of equipment. The equipment helps the doctors in operation, monitoring, and check-up. It is for the better to have all the equipment automated also. A surgeon operating a patient can take up to hours depending on the operation at hand. Aiding the surgeon in operating can be a nice touch as it will help ease the difficulty on the surgeon’s side. In a case where a surgeon’s hands can affect the operation, now with the advancement in technology, the precision and accuracy will be aided by the equipment to help the doctor. And right after the operation, there will also be therapy and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is also one beneficiary of biomedical technology. There is a bunch of equipment that helps athletes and other patients in rehabbing their body parts. These focus on the athletes where an injury can hold them back and halt their progression in their career. This was a big focus, and now there is a lot of equipment aiding these athletes to regain their body functions during the rehabilitation so that after the rehab, everything is back to normal and progress can be made. But this equipment will aid the athletes so that the exertion of pressure and stress to their body will be minimal and ensure not to be injured again. Same with a car accident, where a patient has a broken leg, with the advancement in equipment, they can regain their power in the legs to walk again with the help of rehabilitation. This is the main focus why advancement in the equipment is needed, to shorten the rehab and to aid the doctors in performing an operation.

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Biomedical technology helped doctors in knowing the disease of a certain patient. There is a lot of equipment, a lot of tests for this. They can check if the patient is sick with just the urine, fecal, and blood tests. This helps also the patient so that they can know whether they are sick or not as soon as possible. Some people would not like to have a long process of tests or just don’t trust the doctor because of a lack of scientific evidence. But with the tests provided, this will ensure the patient if he/she is sick or not. There are also x-rays to help see something behind what a human eye cannot see. X-rays are a big part of medical equipment nowadays as they can see abnormalities and diagnose a patient as fast as possible and painless as possible. It is also shown in the seminar, the prosthetics, where Engr. Moral showed a bunch of equipment used in a dental clinic and a prosthetic tooth. At first, it can be scary to see something like that embedded in your gums, but this will provide the patient a tooth that emulates a real tooth. With this advancement, it will be stayed in place and not be moved unless wanted just like a real tooth. It will also provide the patient the grinding or ability to eat hard food. But also, the prosthetic parts such as arms and legs. The prosthetic arms and legs are becoming widely known and being accepted nowadays. You can see a marathon runner with a prosthetic leg, smiling and embracing his new life with his own new leg. It is nice to see a patient accept the technology and use it to its maximum potential. With the prosthetic legs, an amputated patient can regain his body part and the ability to do. Also, the prosthetic arm, where it emulates how the arm moves. Now, it is still far away from being trusted as an arm, because the arm is still a part of the body that a mind can move. Advancement in the prosthetic arm with the use of the brain is still in progress and will be the future.

Technology Advancement is what engineers sought. Technology will help society and will help the public in their daily lives. The medical side is always scary, not everyone likes to be hospitalized even with the slightest pain. They will always think of “it will go away” pain, rather than getting it checked by a professional or a doctor. With biomedical engineering, the fear should be minimized, and trust should be maximized. The patient will trust the doctor more because of the technology at hand, and the patient will have peace of mind inside a hospital thinking that he/she is in the right hand. As an engineering student, serving people will be something to be proved of. Serving the medical side of society, seeing all the fears become smiles after the operation or the consultation is a sight to see. I would like to see more of the technology progress to a point where it can be commercialized and be used in public hospitals as well. The price and number of equipment will increase, the knowledge about the equipment will be publicized.

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Biomedical Technology Improves The Potential Of Medical Equipment. (2021, August 02). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from
“Biomedical Technology Improves The Potential Of Medical Equipment.” Edubirdie, 02 Aug. 2021,
Biomedical Technology Improves The Potential Of Medical Equipment. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Jan. 2025].
Biomedical Technology Improves The Potential Of Medical Equipment [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Aug 02 [cited 2025 Jan 9]. Available from:

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