Cell Cycle essays

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4 Pages 1901 Words
Abstract Cancer is a frightful disease and represents one of the biggest health-care issues for the human race and demands a proactive strategy for cure. Exploration of natural product containing anticancer agent provide a promising line for research on cancer. Moringa plant (Moringa oleifera) is one of the medicinal plants used in traditional medicine for the treatment of cancer. Several...
4 Pages 1658 Words
Have you ever wondered how a kitten could turn into a full adult cat? If so, you are more than likely familiar with the impression of a life cycle. Cats go through some similar life cycle transition as we do. We watch something that looks like an ordinary baby kitten turn into a magnificent creature that runs free in the...
1 Page 594 Words
An ongoing outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 has raised global concerns in 2020 with millions of confirmed cases, which is identified as another clade within the Betacoronavirus genus, Coronaviridae family. This article will help to figure out how this kind of virus infect human body by introducing the interaction between the four stages of the life cycle of coronavirus and the cytoskeleton....
4 Pages 1629 Words
The cells in the cell cycle need to be assessed in order to ensure the prognosis of the disease. It serves as an important hallmark to differentiate between healthy state and disease condition. The cell cycle, or cell-division cycle, is the series of events that take place in a cell leading to its division and duplication of its DNA (DNA...
4 Pages 1692 Words
Cell Division Mitosis Mitosis is a stage within the cell cycle whereby the parent cells divide into two to produce two identical daughter cells. Each daughter cell results with the same identical genetic information like the original mother as well the fertilised egg in which it originated from. Mitosis is the division of non-sexual cells. It is significant because it...
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