Cervical Cancer essays

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5 Pages 2208 Words
Introduction The role of the General Practice Nurse (GPN) within the cervical screening programme is evaluated with emphasis on abnormal cytology result. Cervical sample taking started in the 1960s however it was not until 1988 that a national screening programme was introduced in Scotland, with the aim of reducing the rates of cervical cancer. Since it’s introduction there has been...
Cervical CancerNurse
like 214
6 Pages 2849 Words
Health Issue Before Malawi gained independence in 1964, it was colonized under Great Britain as a British protectorate called Nyasaland in 1907. In the 1950s, neighboring Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe and Zambia, respectively, had a much larger European population that was in favor of merging the three nations into one. Nyasaland resisted this union due to the higher...
Cervical Cancer
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5 Pages 2497 Words
Abstract: This paper presents the Chicken Swarm Optimization algorithm for feature selection, which can be used for the prediction of cervical cancer. Cervical Cancer is the type of cancer that occurs at the cells of the cervix – the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Various strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection,...
Cervical Cancer
like 432
4 Pages 1802 Words
Introduction to public health assignment Background According to the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO), the world is facing many global threats or challenges which range from the outbreak of diseases, environmental effects like global warming which lead to climate change as well as non-communicable diseases like obesity and cancer. Our group will focus on one of this threats namely cervical cancer...
Cervical Cancer
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7 Pages 3009 Words
1. Chapter 1 1.1. Background of the study Cancer has emerged to be the 3rd leading killer disease in Kenya after infectious and cardiovascular diseases. Cervical cancer ranks amongst the most frequent cancer among Kenyan women. According to (HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Information Centre, 2018), each year more than 5000 Kenyan women are diagnosed with cervical cancer while more than 3000...
Cervical Cancer
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3 Pages 1467 Words
The idea of modern hunter-gatherer societies in the world today is a subject that often ignites the academic community. Trying to solve world problems and public health issues are also central topics of discussion among the younger academic community and the scholarly academic community. Debates ranging from subsistence consumption to disease patterns among populations have generated a plethora of research...
Cervical CancerHunter GatherersWoman
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6 Pages 2737 Words
Taking cells from patients is a standard practice of biomedical research worldwide from the 50s till today. The first immortal cell line (HeLa cells) were created from cervical cancer cells taken from Henrietta Lacks, a young mother of five children died in 1951 at the age of 31 after seeking treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital for an aggressive form of...
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