Critical Essay on Ideal Renaissance Man

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What made the people of the Renaissance?

When you hear the term 'Renaissance Man', the first name that usually appears in a person's mind is Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo is the epitome of humanistic ideals during the Renaissance. He is not only a prominent painter, but also an engineer, inventor, scientist, and philosopher. Leonardo is the illegitimate son of a wealthy legal notary in Florence. His father kept changing wives, usually marrying women younger than him (16 and 20 years old), but he also took good care of his young son. At the age of 14, Leonardo became an apprentice in the studio of the painter Verrocchio. This apprenticeship is one of the main reasons Leonardo became a man. This put him on the path of becoming an ideal figure in the Renaissance. When you think of a painter's studio, most people think of some brushes and canvases, but the Renaissance painting studio is much more than that. In fact, it is a small incubator for those who can do all kinds of things.

Verrocchio encourages his students to learn anatomy to draw the human body correctly. Therefore, the young Leonardo spent countless hours studying the body and all its characteristics and even performing anatomy. The painters of that period must also be chemistry experts because they been trying to use new materials to try to create the best possible colors. Proficiency in anatomy and chemistry is only a small part of the works that artists of the Renaissance must understand. This makes them completely different from modern artists. Artists of that period must be experts in all walks of life and resemble scientists in many ways, always trying and trying to find new ways of doing things. He was originally a painter, and this fact made Leonardo particularly interested in his scientific exploration. His way of studying the world is very different from other scientists. His theory closely combines art and painting. Through painting and sketching, he tried to capture what actually happened in order to better study it, and this is the core of his analytical method. Another term used by people in the Renaissance was 'scholar'. Scholars are people who are proficient in various disciplines and fields of knowledge. Leonardo fits this description very well. He not only drew the Mona Lisa but also worked as an engineer. For example, he designed a mobile roadblock system to protect the city of Venice and painted several very accurate pictures. Maps made many inventions (including specifications for primitive tanks and helicopters) and conducted many scientific experiments. An important aspect of his work is that he keeps very detailed notes and diaries, which include many sketches of various ideas. Interestingly, many of his works are written in mirror scripts. This attempt to keep secrets may raise internal fears that some people may steal your ideas. However, he never left any explanation as to the reason for using this duplication script, so it will likely remain a mystery forever.

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Twenty years after the death of the King of France, he told Leonardo: 'No one in the world knows better than Leonardo. He does not know much about painting, sculpture, and architecture, because he is a great man. People. Philosophers.' Brings ideas from ancient times The humanism of the Renaissance tried to recover the knowledge inherited from antiquity. Humanists of that time searched the library and read a lot, trying to find as much ancient knowledge as possible and trying to learn from it. They then apply these ancient ideas to their world. One of the basic principles of humanism is that human development capacity is unlimited. The ideal of the Renaissance was to try to include all knowledge and develop it as fully as possible. One must receive training in different fields: intelligence, art, society, and body. A person must meet some general prerequisites in order to realize his full potential in society. One must be able to speak the fluent language and write, describe things clearly, and be persuasive. You should also be in good health and have a thorough understanding of various topics. Having all these skills will make you a perfect gentleman, not only will you be able to speak on any subject, but you will also be able to promote the development of several of these fields. office The idea at the time was that Renaissance people should complete all of these tasks effortlessly. Baldassare Castiglione described this in a book entitled 'The Book of Courtiers'. In this book, he introduces the concept of 'sprezzatura', which seems to make things effortless.

The courtiers must be able to show a relaxed means to execute difficult actions, thereby concealing the conscious effort made.' Modern movies have always tried to show this relaxed and boring attitude in their main roles. Just think about all the protagonists in movies that seem impossible. Things are as easy as heroes. Heroes can easily break into high-security facilities and cross the desert effortlessly while dispatching ten enemies at the same time, using soap on ropes and some wooden sticks to make powerful bombs, or solving difficult problems through powerful deductive skills. A Renaissance man has a good mind and a healthy and strong body. Another Italian humanist who embodies the ideals of the Renaissance is Leon Battista Alberti. At first, he was primarily an architect, but he was a poet, linguist, philosopher, and cryptographer. He designed and built many famous buildings in Italy, but he also invented the first multi-letter code. It is worth noting that he did not neglect his body when he engaged in all these intellectual pursuits. Apparently he 'excelled in all physical exercises; he can tie his feet and jump over standing people; he can toss a coin into the great cathedral and run to the dome from afar. It amuses me to tame wild horses and climb. mountains. The thoughts on people's self-development capacities proclaimed by these Renaissance scholars have a solid foundation. Modern research also seems to have confirmed the purpose of the Renaissance, that is, human beings have an almost unlimited capacity for development. Its purpose is similar to the 'growth mindset' described by some psychologists. Recent scientific research has found that the brain is not a static organ but changes due to external stimuli, which is called brain plasticity. This means that one can learn and improve at any age. The skills of an ideal man of the Renaissance. A rejuvenated person seeks perfection in mind, body, and spirit.

The iconic painting of the ideal man is the Vitruvian Man, painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The Vitruvius was created based on the writings of Vitruvius, an ancient Roman architect. Vitruvius described the ideal proportions of ideal people in his works. Da Vinci accepted these works and used them as a guide in drawing this image. Today, this painting has become a visual synonym for the people of the Renaissance. A Renaissance man tried to develop his skills as much as possible. He has deep knowledge in many fields and extensive experience in certain fields. It is important not only to become an amateur but also to study one or two professional fields in depth. The most important asset of a man in the Renaissance is his huge knowledge base, which he can combine to form different models. You can solve complex problems by looking at them from different directions. It can bring the analogy of one discipline to another, and it can also act as a bridge between different disciplines. Having a broad knowledge base is a valuable asset. A person who only knows a few isolated facts will not know much. These facts must be viewed from a broader perspective. The existence of facts and contexts, and their different combinations, allow us to discover the true workings of the world and then use this knowledge to generate new ideas and put them into practice.

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Critical Essay on Ideal Renaissance Man. (2023, July 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Critical Essay on Ideal Renaissance Man.” Edubirdie, 20 Jul. 2023,
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