Drum Major essays

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1 Page 508 Words
Introduction The role of a drum major is a prestigious and demanding position within a marching band. This individual not only conducts and leads performances but also serves as a symbol of excellence, discipline, and leadership. The drum major's responsibilities extend beyond musical expertise; they encompass the realms of organizational skills, motivational capabilities, and the embodiment of the band’s values....
2 Pages 829 Words
Introduction The drum major in a marching band is in charge of both the musical skill and the organization of the group. The desire to become a drum major stands out as a clear goal as I think about my musical journey and my hopes for the marching band. This essay will be about all the different reasons why I...
2 Pages 584 Words
This year has been a bit of a challenge, I came upon a lot of obstacles, it was a challenge at times but I found ways to overcome it. I only wanna talk about one today, it’s about the way I had to step up and take the role of being a leader. As a young musician, I have always...
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