Internship essays

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4 Pages 1826 Words
This past February, I was lucky enough to get selected as a data science intern. It was my first internship experience. I was so excited to experience the professional world, eager to learn new things that will prepare me to become a successful data scientist, but also worried about a few things. Now, after my internship, I felt that It...
1 Page 525 Words
Introduction: Embarking on an internship at Evan Guthrie Law Firm was an exciting opportunity to gain practical experience in the legal field. As a law student, I was eager to apply my knowledge and learn from experienced professionals. Little did I know that this internship would be a transformative journey, shaping my understanding of the legal profession and providing invaluable...
1 Page 591 Words
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Currently, I'm a Health Science student at Grant County High School taking Principles of Health Science, Medical Terminology, and Emergency Procedures for college credit. I am interested in becoming a senior intern at St. Elizabeth for everything the internship entails. I believe I would be a good fit for this internship opportunity because I have a strong desire for learning...
3 Pages 1372 Words
Introduction The internship is a helpful technique for students to interface their university involvement with companies exercise. It offers understudies a chance to hone their aptitudes, gain ability through taking a shot at cutting-edge preparations, and be comfortable with challenging certifiable conditions. Entry-level position likewise gives any scientific establishment a chance to get fully informed regarding new industry incline. And...
3 Pages 1467 Words
1. Introduction 1.1 Rationale I have been granted an internship at Devnet Limited to acquire the goal of being acquainted with the best practices of “Software Development” from an esteemed organization. During the period of my industry experience, I worked with the finest ones in this industry and learned cutting-edge tools to solve problems from the requirement of companies who...
4 Pages 2036 Words
An Overview of public health internship placement The internship training was held at Naguru Teenage Information and Health Centre (NTIHC). NTIHC was Established as a voluntary activity by a Swedish gynecologist and several volunteer counselors in November 1994. Naguru Teenage Information and Health Centre located in Kampala, Uganda is a pioneer in providing youth-friendly adolescent sexual reproductive health services and...
2 Pages 1116 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Constraints/Challenges I couldn’t have asked for a better internship experience. Working on M.J. Papers helped me to explore real job life and how Corporate HR operates. This has been by far the most interesting and cherished worthy experience of my life. Identified/Observed in the Organization This internship has provided me with a wonderful opportunity to acquire practical knowledge, communication skills,...
7 Pages 3201 Words
I. Brief executive summary of the Internship: This is the internship report based on the two-month internship duration that I completed in VNPT DongThap under the Human Resource Division from 18.06.2018 to 31.08.2018 as a requirement of my Undergraduate program in the Department of Business Studies, International University, VNU-HCM. Throughout the internship, I had a chance to work in VNPT...
4 Pages 1864 Words
This quarter, I had the opportunity to intern at the Colorado Department of Transportation as a Budget Analyst. This public organization is one of the twenty-eight departments under the Government of Colorado, and its primary purpose is to execute state transportation responsibilities in creating a safe and multi-modal transportation system for Colorado. It is a billion-dollar institution that incorporates engineering,...
1 Page 449 Words
Since Jacobi Hospital is a large facility, it’s almost always very busy. I’ve learned a lot of different aspects of my field. This was one expectation I had before starting the internship, to learn different aspects of my field. My second expectation was taking orders from a manager and completing my daily assigned tasks. Although to some extent this expectation...
4 Pages 1926 Words
Sports facility management is a concept in sports designed to help keep leagues, tournaments, sports complexes, and all other activities orderly and running most efficiently (American Association for Health Education). Sport facility management is not just an issue of making sure that the leisure center is organized. It also involves providing better services and ensuring all stakeholders, especially the customers...
7 Pages 3035 Words
Introduction Graduate employment opportunities are becoming rare by the day. With the global economic crisis that recently hit almost all sectors globally, the situation is worsening with some firms retrenching their staff. This is because it is not economically viable to maintain them when the firm is making losses. The few opportunities that are coming up as some of the...
4 Pages 2096 Words
Abstract The internship is a career-based learning opportunity given by employers both in the non-profit and for-profit sectors to potential students which involves a “real world” work environment. It offers a hands-on opportunity for the students to work in their desired field. It is a period of time in which students can gain work experience related to what they have...
3 Pages 1383 Words
Internships, college programs, and job shadows are all things that college students seek in the hospitality industry either because they are required or they want the experience. I know that I personally have learned so much from each and every internship whether it was negative or positive. I feel very lucky that Rosen requires internships and paid ones at that...
6 Pages 2689 Words
Preface Internship at Nestle Pakistan Ltd.(Kabirwala Factory) was an attempt to seek experience of the corporate lifestyle, professional exposure to the market, build and enhance professional ethics for future. The idea was to understand the corporate structure, and culture while developing skills needed to thrive, of one of the leading global multinationals whereas applying the knowledge and skills acquired during...
4 Pages 1981 Words
About the Company: Elixir Securities Pakistan (previously Indosuez W.I. Carr Securities) is one of the main, independent boutique Investment Banking & Capital Markets Advisory firms in Pakistan, established on account in 1994. They are a Corporate Member of the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited & Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited and duly Licensed & Regulated by means of the Securities and Exchange...
1 Page 563 Words
It is important for an individual to reflect and evaluate hisher performance after performing a task and it is also important for me to evaluate my performance during my internship. Reflecting on my internship experience and the skills learnt, I realize the weaknesses and strengths I had during my time at Care for Basotho Association. The weaknesses had a negative...
4 Pages 1753 Words
Throughout the summer 2019 semester, I got the opportunity to receive a Management Information System internship in one of the various well-known corporations in Viet Nam. The association I connected to being HongLeong Bank Vietnam (HLBVN). ‘The Bank is technology-focused and emphasizes the development of financial capabilities to serve its clients across Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, and China. Hong...
2 Pages 827 Words
What a student wants to do after getting a graduation degree. Many of them might want to get a good job and many of them might be interested in starting their own business and some want to do other things. For getting a good job you require experience and for experience you need a job However internships are able to...
3 Pages 1135 Words
Executive Summary The executive summary gives an overview of our internship which includes of learning, meetings and experiences. Our project starts with an introduction and market analysis of the Newspaper industry. This is an attempt to know how the theories can be applied in practical life so as it becomes helpful for the company to create awareness and sell of...
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