Drunk Driving As a Major Issue in the World: Argumentative Essay

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Drunk drivers are a worst nightmare to a loving family. If an accident ever occurs the life of an entire family will be struck with lifelong hardships. Not only financial oppression like medical bills or possibly a loss of a vital income, but the emotional tolls will be relentless. Those who must deal with the agony and the thought that the accident was preventable is truly hurting.o I know this because I experienced it first hand, although I didn’t personally know the victim, I still felt the anguish as they lived on the same street as me. It is not surprising that drunk driving is a severe issue in the city of Las Vegas and in fact, drunk driving is accounted for 30 percent of road fatalities in Nevada during 2015 (bdjlaw.com). Although drunk driving rates in Las Vegas, Nevada are decreasing over the last few years we are still not doing enough to solve this major problem. By using facts and statistics, I hope to persuade the sheriff and the LVMPD (Las Vegas Metro Police Department) to act and to decrease drunk driving in significant numbers or to even eliminate it in a whole.

First, I would like to make apparent the negative effects that drunk driving incidents have on loved ones of the victims. This would catch the reader's attention while also helping them understand the lifelong agony one would go through. I would support this by using people I personally know who has been structed with such a tragic event to someone they know along with my personal experience. On top of that, I would use facts and statistics from credible sources about the seriousness of drunk driving in Las Vegas. For example, Las Vegas Now, a local news outlet, states “Deadly DUI crashes are on the rise across Clark County, and in the state of Nevada,” which then goes on to discuss about recent accidents caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol.

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To begin, there are many solutions which can be implemented which could seem like they would work but won't. For example, ignition interlocks, restrictions on hours of alcohol sales, and public relation campaigns are all solutions which wouldn’t entirely work out. To start off, ignition interlocks are a world of trouble when it comes to laws and putting them on other people’s cars. The financial costs would make them nearly impossible to make them become a thing. Next, restrictions on hours of alcohol sales, this can be seen in many states while Nevada has no laws or rules about when alcohol can be sold or served. Nevada falls right into the average for number of DUIs which show that this law would no work. Finally, public relation campaigns, these are seen all the time and it is clear that they have little to no effect compared to what is put into them whether its time or money.

However, the solutions that would work are very simple and easy to do. To start, we need to make the penalty for driving under the influence so stiff people would be too scared to even attempt to make it to their destination. This would make people think twice before sitting behind the wheel while being impaired. Next, we need to lower the blood alcohol limit which would only cause there to be fewer impaired drivers on the road, allowing the roadsto be safer. Finally, but not least, we need to have more sobriety checkpoints. These would allow drivers under the influence to be caught before they can cause harm to someone or something.

The present resolution to this problem is simple: make the penalty for driving under the influence so stiff that no one would want to try, lower the blood alcohol limit for impaired driving, and set up more sobriety checkpoints around densely populated areas which DUIs are caught. This argument will be supported with financial data on how this will be funded and how this would even create a profit for the city. As for the counterarguments some may suggest, I will overcome them with statistics and data to back up why these solutions would work and have worked in the past. Drunk driving is a major issue in the world, and I care about the safety of everyone. Based on the research I have conducted; this change will be beneficial to everyone in the city. With my research and easy solutions, I believe I can convince my audience to act and make these changes.

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Drunk Driving As a Major Issue in the World: Argumentative Essay. (2022, August 12). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 2, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/drunk-driving-as-a-major-issue-in-the-world-argumentative-essay/
“Drunk Driving As a Major Issue in the World: Argumentative Essay.” Edubirdie, 12 Aug. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/drunk-driving-as-a-major-issue-in-the-world-argumentative-essay/
Drunk Driving As a Major Issue in the World: Argumentative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/drunk-driving-as-a-major-issue-in-the-world-argumentative-essay/> [Accessed 2 Jan. 2025].
Drunk Driving As a Major Issue in the World: Argumentative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 12 [cited 2025 Jan 2]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/drunk-driving-as-a-major-issue-in-the-world-argumentative-essay/

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