Essay About Bringing Mobile Phone to School by Kids

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A mobile phone is a portable device that is used as a tool of communication between people over a long distance. It allows people to make calls and send text messages. Nowadays, mobile phones are being used not only by adults but even the kids now are most likely having them. This leads some of the kids are heading off to the school while bringing their mobile phones along which creates an issue whether should or should not the kids bring along their mobile phones during school hours. As for my opinion, I do not think that the kids needed to bring along their mobile phones to the school.

The first reason for my opinion is mainly because the class hour may be disrupted. Not only the students who bring their mobile phones, but the other students might also be distracted when the phone going off during the class hour. Furthermore, when the teachers who are giving lectures noticed some students playing with the mobile phones, he or she might be losing their focus because they have to stop the lecture for a while to stop them doing that.

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The second reason is when the students bring along their mobile phones to the school, their performances in class might be going down and they will be getting bad grades in the upcoming test. This is because they did not pay much attention to the teacher in the class during the class hour. Most of them keep being tempted to playing with their phones and slowly losing their focus on what has been said by the teacher. So, they cannot give their full performances during the tests.

The last reason is the students might spread bad behavior among the students. This is because some of the students are being disrespectful towards their teachers. After all, they keep texting or may also take a call during class hours. It is so rude not only towards the teachers but also the others student who are giving their full attention towards lectures. Furthermore, the students might also get into a fight because of the mobile phones. For example, if there is a case when a student losing their mobile phone, he or she might accuse other students of stealing theirs and get into a fight among them. This might lead the school and also their parents into a difficult situation.

From all of these reasons, it is proved that students should not bring along their mobile phones to the schools. Despite some of the students using an excuse which is their difficulty to contact their parents, they can also use another alternative by asking the teacher to use their mobile phones or the school’s phone to contact their parents. There are more negative influences than positive towards the students when bringing their mobile phones to the school.

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Essay About Bringing Mobile Phone to School by Kids. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“Essay About Bringing Mobile Phone to School by Kids.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
Essay About Bringing Mobile Phone to School by Kids. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Jan. 2025].
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