Essay about Paris as a Megacity

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My chosen megacity to talk about was Paris. Paris is the capital of France and is located in Europe. It has a population of 2.141 million people and is a very popular tourist destination. In this essay I’m going to be talking about the environment, education, and safety in Paris.

How Has Climate Change Affected Paris?

Paris is in an agreement with the United Nations that deal with climate change and greenhouse gas emissions which must mean it has affected them in some way. Regarding how climate change has affected this megacity, the average daily temperature in winter has increased by 2.5 degrees Celsius and the average daily temperature in summer has increased by 5 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature in summer recently has become a whopping 42 degrees Celsius. This has increased largely over a short period of time. There have been large decreases in rainfall in the south of France and a large increase in the north of France. These are the key features of how climate change has had an impact on Paris.

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What Are They Doing to Prevent Environmental Damage?

Paris founded a climate agreement that 195 countries joined to fight against greenhouse gas emissions, mitigation, adaption, and finance. Despite all their efforts, people still think they are failing their promises and being too ambitious especially in light of the Notre Dame Cathedral being repaired. Paris has promised to have neutral carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 but the media think otherwise.

How Do Paris Schools Compare to the Rest of the World?

Schools in Paris have 2-hour lunch breaks with 3-course meals served. They have fewer subject selections and opportunities than an average Australian school. They are also forced to do at least 2 language studies. They don’t have to wear uniforms to their classes, and it is mandatory to attend school from ages 6 until 16. They have big classes also. Their private schools are extremely expensive, but their public schools are free much like other countries.

How Similar Are Paris Schools and Australian Schools?

Paris schools and Australian schools both have their major holidays over summer, but while their summer is in June, July, and August, our summer is December, January, and February. Both schools have a public and free option and a private expensive option.

How Does the Paris Crime Rate Compare to Australia?

The age of criminal responsibility in Australia is 10, while the age of criminal responsibility in Paris is 13. Paris has 8% more crime than Australia, in general, most likely due to the amount of pickpocketing, scamming, and rioting. Australia has 24% more illegal drug use than Paris, and in Australia it is 77% more likely to get raped that in Paris, but Paris has twice as much gun violence.

How Safe Is Paris?

Compared to the rest of Europe Paris is statistically one of the safest cities. There is a very high risk of pickpocketing and getting scammed, and its more common than violent crimes. Unlike some other European countries, it is quite safe for female travelers. Despite that, there has been a significant rise in terror attacks in the past and they continue to happen. The Eiffel Tower is a popular place for pickpocketing. In 2015 there was a big terrorist attack. Three suicide bombers attacked during a football game in Saint-Denis. There was also gunman. 413 people were injured, and 130 people died.

Recommendations and Conclusion

While Paris is very aware of its problems, some of them are yet to be improved. There have been complaints about the waste of money Paris spends on unnecessary things instead of fulfilling their climate promises. They could change this by spending more time to find out what the people who live there would want money to be used on and what needs to be done first, like working towards neutral carbon dioxide gas emissions instead of rebuilding old cathedrals. Paris schools can be improved by giving the students more choice to do what they enjoy and will use in the future like giving them more subject selections and reducing the number of languages they have to learn. This would increase the student’s attendance, happiness, and overall academic life. The safety in Paris can be improved by making sure people know where the most likely places to get pickpocketed or scammed are. This would not only make people more cautious but also scare off thieves.

So, as this essay has shown, Paris is one of the world’s safest megacities even though it has its pros and cons.


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  5. Ingham, R. (2000). Nations of the World - France. New York: Raintree Steck-Vaugh Publishers.
  6. Master, N. (n.d.). Crime Stats. Retrieved from Nation Master:
  7. Post, C. C. (2019, October 28). France. Retrieved from Climate Change Post:
  8. Prosser, R. (2002). Countries of the World - France. London: Evan Brothers.
  9. Traub, C. (2019, June 26). Paris Safety Tips. Retrieved from Trip Savvy:
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