Special Education teachers teach students how to be as successful as they possibly can by creating behavior, social, and academic goals. The ultimate goal is for special education students to not need special education classes and to be independent at grade level in a typical classroom. That doesn't happen often, but it's supposed to be the goal. Academic goals are written for language arts and math. Social goals are for things like maintaining on-topic conversations using social cues and taking turns speaking and listening. Not every student in special education needs behavioral goals, but in the event they do, it's usually in coping with stress and frustration and how to deal with those stresses appropriately.
As a student and future educator, I have watched a lot of movies in terms of special education where it is similar to how sped students learn through materials used by the teacher, such as the teacher decorating a door and wall in a classroom so that when someone comes in, especially a special student, they will notice that this SPED room is everyone's welcome. The second one is that teachers put a printer sign or logo such as a smile and quiet emoji for the students to follow that this room is a happy and peaceful place. The third one, at the top of the room, has an alphabet and numbers where the student learns the descending letters and ascending numbers. Fourth, as the teacher techniques, they use props like Popsicle sticks, cutting paper, and so on to demonstrate what they are trying to say. Even in the sped classes, they use incentives, such as giving them a stick-like sticker chart. But it is not a literal sticker, but a stamp sticker in their hands through a pen. The benefits of it are twofold. One is that it assists teachers in capturing the attention of a sped student and beginning to teach. Sped students, on the other hand, may learn and focus on what the teacher tells them.
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However, general education teachers are trained to present the information and skills of a subject area to the majority of the students in the class. Special education teachers are trained to help the students who cannot succeed without help in the classes from the general education teacher so that they use some materials to educate the sped students.
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