Essay on Gun Control Laws in California

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Identify the law:

    • Signed by Governor Jerry Brown.
    • Initiated on January 1, 2019
    • AB-3129 Firearms: prohibited persons.

This law touches a lot of people because of the brutality used upon their significant other when in a domestic relationship where firearms were used whether in the heat of the moment or a jealous rage. As domestic violence continues to be a threat in America, women have become the focal point in a relationships because the majority of those hurt or killed in a domestic relationship happen to be females. As studies continue to be conducted on how to prevent these acts from happening, lawmakers are doing their best to put an end to those horrific crimes. One of the ways that lawmakers are doing this is by putting together laws to try and stop these crimes from happening. With gun laws becoming a controversial issue from state to state, it is difficult to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers’ hands who have weapons because of the loopholes in the system. Anytime these incidents happen, they not only affect the victim but also the community which can lead to PTSD. The introduction of Assembly Bill 3129 (Domestic Violence and Firearms) bill signed into effect by California Governor Jerry Brown in January 2019 with hopes of putting an end to these horrific crimes.

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This law Domestic Violence and Firearms (Assembly Bill 3129) will benefit California because for one there were no laws for protecting the abused from the abuser who was able to obtain a firearm while having a Domestic abuse charge on their record and did not have to give up their right to own a firearm with that type of charge. Keeping these individuals that have these charges against them won’t keep them from being violent in their way because of their mental state. These individuals should have to register with a country's data list to keep them in check in case they were to move or flee to another state. As for the protection of the females or males caught in this tragic situation, they should be given some type of counseling to help bring them back to some type of normalcy. This law (Domestic Violence and Firearms) Assembly Bill 3129 will NOT benefit California because there may be holes to getting around this law for those convicted and have to surrender their firearms, they may still be able to purchase a weapon on the streets without a license and continue their savage ways of controlling their victim with a firearm. There are still too many firearms out on the street for these sick individuals to get their hands on without a license. As the firearm laws become tougher in time, so does the violence increase because of the difficulty of getting their hands on them. There may be gunsmiths out there making firearms and selling them to the local hustlers for a quick buck tax-free or any overhead bindings. Crime will continue just as domestic violence will because there is no one cure-all way to treat that sickness. Although putting laws in place may help. These criminals will always find a way to cheat the system.

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Essay on Gun Control Laws in California. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on Gun Control Laws in California.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
Essay on Gun Control Laws in California. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
Essay on Gun Control Laws in California [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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