California essays

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1 Page 525 Words
Identify the law: Signed by Governor Jerry Brown. Initiated on January 1, 2019 AB-3129 Firearms: prohibited persons. This law touches a lot of people because of the brutality used upon their significant other when in a domestic relationship where firearms were used whether in the heat of the moment or a jealous rage. As domestic violence continues to be a...
1 Page 577 Words
Introduction: The California drought, one of the most severe and prolonged water crises in the state's history, has captivated public attention and raised questions about its underlying causes. In recent years, theories linking the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) to the California drought have emerged, suggesting that the program's activities may have contributed to the water shortage. This analytical...
2 Pages 885 Words
Mathematics Supporting the Theory of Global Warming In California, summers are hot, so wintertime is used to store water supplies for the rest of the year but with temperatures rising and we as humans ignoring this effect, we underestimate the risk of extreme events. The increase in global temperatures significantly increases the chances of weather extremes like droughts and heatwaves...
4 Pages 1762 Words
The Aftermath of the Overpopulation in California California is changing, and not always for the better. water is becoming scarce, open spaces are filling in, traffic, pollution, and overcrowding are all common concerns that affect daily life in California and the biggest factor contributing to California's decline is simply; too many people. Much of L.A. County in earlier days was...
4 Pages 1756 Words
The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, as of 2018, is the highest it has been in 3 million years ( ). Greenhouse gases (GHG) contribute to higher temperatures and more heat waves (). The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, also known as Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32), fights global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from...
2 Pages 979 Words
Ethnic studies is the inclusive study of variation in race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, and gender. Ethnic studies aim to confront existing curricula and concentrate on the past various minority ethnicities in the United States; it is formulated to modify the stories, conflicts, and achievements of colored people taught in existing classes. Ethnic studies departments were originally organized on college campuses...
3 Pages 1322 Words
California was controlled by Mexico before the gold rush (1849-1855) radically transformed it. It provoked one of the largest migrations in U.S. history, with hundreds of thousands of people coming from all states and across the globe to find gold in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This led to the formation of rapid economic growth and prosperity, railroads, banks, and churches....
3 Pages 1281 Words
The water crisis in California is a complex issue that has been prevalent for many years. The crisis Californians are facing is not going away any time soon, and it has only gotten worse. California, one of the largest states, is faced with being in a long-term drought and is one of the biggest agricultural states that provides billions each...
3 Pages 1422 Words
California over the years has experienced many historical events, they were either wonderful events or traumatic ones both terms to describe what happened. Making everyone remember what happened in the history of California. There were a few traumatic events that happened between the years of the 18th and 19th century. Memorable moments that people till this day remember like it...
5 Pages 2134 Words
The Pacific Gas and Electric Company is an American Investor-Owned Utility institution whose headquarters are located in San Francisco, California. It is California’s largest gas and electric utility company, running almost half of California’s utilities statewide. Even with California’s high fire risk status, PE&G and their neglect and improper upkeep of their equipment contributed to the increasing threats threat through...
3 Pages 1539 Words
“If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit” was a statement made famous by Johnnie Cochran. This quote is from America's first medialized criminal cases in court, The People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson. O.J. Simpson wasn’t the only one on trial. The Los Angeles Police Department and forensic science itself was also on trial for mishandling,...
3 Pages 1444 Words
The cultural and social problems that have aroused from the illegal immigration issue are apparent in our everyday lives. People all around the world, and especially along the Southern border along the United States are trying to emigrate from their countries in hopes of new opportunity for themselves or family. Under the Trump administration immigration into the United States has...
2 Pages 936 Words
The issue that is of relevance in this case would be how the search without a warrant on Riley’s cell phone during an arrest was seen as wrong and an invasion of privacy. Riley had every right to be pulled over driving on a suspended license and expired tags for his vehicle but when arrested had his phone turned into...
2 Pages 1051 Words
California has always been a state different from the rest, it is vastly diverse and already disagrees with most of the country on almost all political stand points. Being the highest ranked by population with over 39 million people living here, I believe we could become our own country but what would we benefit if we seceded from the United...
5 Pages 2318 Words
Kidnapping is a national problem that affects states all over America. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in 2020, the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) reported 365,348 kidnappings in America (About NCMC, 2021). However, this number has declined by 56,046 in 2019, where the NCIC reported 421,394 (About NCMC, 2021). Nonetheless, the American government and law enforcement have...
1 Page 433 Words
According to my earlier point, Mostly drought is caused by climate change. Due to greenhouse gas emissions trap heat, causing global temperatures to increase. Moisture will be absorbed by hot air, resulting in less rainfalls. Reducing water in lake or river is occurred by evaporation in the hotter air. The consequence is reduced rainfall that makes the plants die. Normally...
3 Pages 1455 Words
California is known for its contrasting weather patterns. These distinct patterns are often caused by climate change that has affected California's water for decades. California has a large amount of oceans, streams, rivers, and lakes which have played a big role on the natural landscape as well as overall climate. According to our textbook, in chapter two of ‘The Natural...
1 Page 602 Words
Over the past 10 years, both wild and domestic animals have been threatened by California wildfires in and around California. The domestic animals are sometimes left behind by their owners in a rush to get away from the fires to a safer place. Some animals are lucky to survive with few injuries but others have major injuries and may die....
1 Page 556 Words
California is an American state filled with 39.5 million residents. It’s high populations makes it the most populated and diverse state in the U.S. With its vibrant food culture, revolutionary technology, music and films, and beautiful landscape, it is no surprise that California is such a beloved state. The golden state is a favorite because of its many amenities. In...
2 Pages 902 Words
Homelessness can have a negative impact on mortality, physical health, mental well-being, and substance use (Schanzer, Dominguez, Shrout, & Caton, 2007). After 9/11, donations to the homeless and poor have declined while ordinances against begging and sleeping in public have increased (Arnold, 2004). The homeless individual is unlikely to receive much if any welfare benefits such as disability insurance, unemployment...
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