Essay on Sexual Harassment in College

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Nowadays, sexual harassment has become a serious issue in institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities. It affects the mental and physical health of the victim. Therefore, there will be many psychological effects on someone who has been sexually harassed. Victims may experience depression, social problems, anxiety, or panic attacks. In addition, it affects the victim's dignity.

Sexual harassment can occur visually, verbally, and physically and can hurt a student's academic development. This is also considered sexual violence which is against the human rights of the student. According to the article, 'Sexual Harassment PreventiveProtective Practices a U.S. College and Universities' (Hobson. C, 2002) estimated that over 75% of famous college students are affected by sexual harassment, a total of more than 5 million victims.

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Sexual harassment is seen as a threat, especially to women, and can take the form of physical or verbal harassment. For example, the victim may receive comments about her body, sexual orientation, or offensive phone calls from the harasser. This is considered sexual harassment. Physical harassment, on the other hand, involves sexually suggestive gestures, inappropriate touching or grabbing violence, and sexual abuse. However, it affects the victim physically and mentally. Unwanted pregnancies, risky abortions, risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases are some of the consequences of sexual harassment.

When sexual harassment takes place in an educational setting it can manifest itself from students to teachers or teachers to students. In addition, harassment occurs between students. In some cases, some students use the advantage of being female to get better grades, pass a subject or skip class. On the other hand, teachers take advantage of their position of authority to commit these acts. According to the article 'Thoughts About Sexual Assault on College Campuses' (Nussbaum. M, 2021) Sexual harassment and sexual assault have long included abuses of power between faculty and students, but on the whole, these cases have been understood as workplace abuses of power, and are dealt with under clear public rules, in much the manner of other workplaces.

Harassment within a college environment is a reality that both students and professors can be victims of. In most cases, the victim does not usually denounce the harasser or comment on what they face for fear of speaking out. In College, harassment is often difficult to detect, which consists of isolating and underestimating the victim. Therefore, sexual harassment can take place in the institution or outside the College.

The impact of sexual harassment can vary depending on the severity and duration of the harassment. They may even develop trauma. Harassment of students results in decreased academic achievement and loss of interest in their studies. The attitude and behavior of the victim begin to change. The victim experiences emotional disorders, low self-esteem, and avoidance of physical contact. Over time the victim experiences emotional sequelae. According to the article “Harassment: Effects on People and Organizations” (Funk. C. 2016). Let us always remind ourselves that harassment can ruin an individual’s life forever. It can affect not only emotions but also the physical and mental well-being of a person. It can even lead to more major problems such as illness and even death.

Sexual harassment can be considered sexual discrimination and pregnancy discrimination. Sexual discrimination is present in the educational environment. Discrimination can be manifested through harassment. For example, a student or teacher says or does something that creates an intimidating environment in the classroom. However, they try to develop protocols to combat and identify sexual violence or sexual harassment. Survivors of sexual assault in the school setting are more likely to drop out of school, develop self-destructive behaviors and commit suicide.

Sexual violence has become a common and frequent problem within the educational system that does not distinguish race, gender, age, or position of the victim, thus weakening the right to health, physical and mental integrity, to protection against violence, among others. In addition, as if that were not enough, they are also victims of harassment, bullying, and intimidation resulting in the development of traumas or even emotional traces affected. According to the article “A Crisis of Campus Sexual Assault” (Huff. C, 2022). Overall, 13% of college and graduate students report nonconsensual sexual contact by physical force or an inability to consent, according to a 2019 Association of American Universities survey of nearly 182,000 students. The highest rates occurred among female undergraduates (25.9%) and college students who identified as gay, transgender, or nonbinary (22.8%).

In conclusion, to eradicate cases like these it is fair and necessary to change laws both within the government and in the educational system which guarantee the rights and protection of students, adolescents, and academic staff. Implementing appropriate protocols to prevent and eradicate sexual violence from the root, in addition to periodic monitoring of these institutions and ensuring the educational sector.

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Essay on Sexual Harassment in College. (2023, October 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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