Essay on Why Is Exercise Important for College Students

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Education gives us knowledge and job skills. We cannot say that we do not need to educate ourselves no matter how smart we are because the quality of education is always improving. With economic development, most companies require education to improve t them in decision-making and help their company. Having a college degree in today's world is important because many companies and businesses are asking anyone. They hire to have at least two years of college, also known as a college degree. A degree will have more opportunities for the future. That way, they continue their lives and create the future they want. Besides, education has a good and bad impact on population health.

College education has a good impact on health as students have to learn health courses and expand more knowledge to keep themselves in good health. In society, knowledge helps people improve their health status, and it can help in preventing diseases. According to Virginia Commonwealth University, “People with more education are more likely to learn about health and health risks, improving their literacy and comprehension of what can be complex issues critical to their wellbeing” (Why Education Matters To Health: Exploring The Cause). However, knowledge is an endless treasure. Of course, no one can hold that treasure, because it's too big and always expanding constantly. However, we always have the desire to conquer this treasure, though it is not easy. And only learning can help us. We can learn from many sources, in different ways. We can learn from teachers, friends, and people around us; learn from life's experiences, ... and then bring that knowledge to life, apply it for ourselves both physically and mentally, and even help others. We cannot exist in this society without equipping ourselves with knowledge. Indeed, learning is very important for each person. Learning will help us more easily solve health problems, more understanding will help us recognize the dangers and dangers from life so that we can keep ourselves safe.

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College graduates will have health benefits from high salaries. The Economic Policy Institute in Washington has proven that “Americans with four-year college degrees made 98 percent more an hour on average in 2013 than people without a degree” (Leonhart). College graduates will make more money than those without degrees. For example, when you apply for a job with a higher education degree, businesses will often try to attract them with incentives other than just paying good salaries. These offers include benefit packages that include more time off and better health care options. However, people without a degree will not have these offers. The American College Health Association, an industry group has proven that “About 10 percent of students get their health insurance through their school” (Braverman). Health insurance has become an important factor contributing to our health, and it costs a lot and not everyone can afford it. Health is a top priority in everyone's life. People are becoming more aware of their health, and we see more and more people exercising and eating healthier foods to stay healthy for a long time. If we take care of ourselves, we will enjoy many activities in life, but if not, we will have some problems especially when we get older.

Sleep is a luxury that college students cannot afford. Students have five days a week of attendance in school, and two days on weekends still do homework, and work part-time, … which makes them not have enough time to sleep. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “Daytime sleepiness, sleep deprivation, and irregular sleep schedules are highly prevalent among college students, as 50% report daytime sleepiness and 70% attain insufficient sleep” (Hershner and Chervin). Not enough sleep, many problems can be caused especially when a person is not getting enough sleep, he or she will be less attentive and less aware of what is happening around them. For college students, lack of sleep makes learning in the classroom difficult. If a person feels very sleepy, it can be complicated to succeed. The authors also mention “The consequences of sleep deprivation and daytime sleepiness are especially problematic to college students and can result in lower grade point averages, increased risk of academic failure, compromised learning, impaired mood, and increased risk of motor vehicle accidents” (Hershner and Chervin). The first suggestion that a student feels is the result of a lack of sleep is very tiring during school hours. College students lose sleep because of the way they handle time, go to a party, and complete homework at the very last minute. Sleep can lead to drowsiness and less motivation in the class. When a student gets tired of school, it hurts their class and achievement at school. That is the effect of insomnia so, reasonable time arrangements are the best way to get enough sleep time.

College students stress from adapting to a new environment away from home. When students enter college, they will have new relationships, expect more responsibility, and their own decisions. Students who do not receive financial assistance face financial responsibility. According to the CNN website “The College Board Policy Center found that the cost of public university tuition is about 3.6 times higher today than it was 30 years ago” (Stephens). They look for a job that combines learning and work to help their family pay living expenses as well as tuition. In addition, many people experience social stress when they create new relationships that can negatively affect their college life. Sometimes, students may have difficulty adapting to the social environment. A high level of stress can lead to depression and suicide “More than 60 percent of college students said they had experienced “overwhelming anxiety” in the past year, according to a 2018 report from the American College Health Association. Over 40 percent said they felt so depressed they had difficulty functioning” (Wolverton). They cannot share problems with someone around for some reason or are too shy to speak up. They need to find a source of energy or motivation for them to return to study and work most comfortably. College students need time to reduce stress and rest properly.

College students spend more time sitting a lot and working with technology screens, which is the cause of many diseases that you sometimes don't expect as poor vision or backache. The computer's radiation rays, when in direct contact with the eyes, can seriously affect the optic nerve cells. Using the computer continuously for a long time, the eyes will easily have symptoms like blurred vision, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating. According to USA Today, “According to statistics released by BBC News, spending more time studying and less time outdoors in natural light is adversely affecting the vision of students” (Bitonte). We all know that daily exercise will help the body become more agile and healthy, but because of work, busy life, and social development, people become lazy. According to Huntington’s Disease Lighthouse Families, “… more than 60 percent of American adults don’t exercise regularly and 25 percent aren’t active at all” (Miller). They stay in their room and use a computer to study, work, or the temptation of sitting on the couch and watching TV or using a computer to play games instead of going for a short jog, playing outside, hangout with friends, or eexercising However, they forget that the harmful effects of inactivity gain weight and affect bone. People need exercise because it will bring you a supple health and a toned, healthy body and increase your concentration.

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Essay on Why Is Exercise Important for College Students. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on Why Is Exercise Important for College Students.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
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