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The Need for Implementation of an Automatic Drainage Cleaning System

The underground drainage system is an important component of urban infrastructure. It is consider being city’s lifeline. Most management on underground drainage is manual therefore it is not efficient to have clean and working underground system also in such big cities. It is difficult for the government personnel to locate the exact manhole which is facing the. Increase urbanization has caused problem with increased flash flooded after sudden rain. All successful civilization throughout the history focused on developing efficient drainage...
4 Pages 1704 Words

Why is Gentrification a Problem? Essay

Change to cities, neighborhoods, and communities is inevitable—however, with the latest tide of change, many communities are experiencing gentrification. Gentrification occurs when “communities experience an influx of capital and concomitant goods and services in locales where those resources were previously non-existent or denied.” Usually, gentrification occurs when more affluent people move to or become interested in historically less affluent neighborhoods. Gentrification is a phenomenon subject to much debate—some believe that its effects are purely positive, while others argue that gentrification...
2 Pages 918 Words

Positive And Negative Impact Of Gentrification

Gentrification, also known as Chelseafication, is defined as the upgrading of older properties to higher-income housing and where dwellings are modernised which causes it to have a higher value. Gentrification has both positive and negative impacts on the current and future inhabitants of a suburbs. This ranges from social to economic impact. Positive impact of gentrification Economically, as wealthier people move into a previously poor neighborhood, the median area income increases. This increases cash flows for local businesses and makes...
2 Pages 748 Words

Artists as a Part of The Cycle of Gentrification

Artists are inherently part of the cycle of gentrification due to the rise of the creative environment. With this comes an influx of infrastructure, exploitation of local accommodations and the continuous appearance of a wealthier class. Artists add vibrancy to a formerly drab and seemingly unwelcoming place of residence, inciting interest from business venturers and other artists seeking out freedom and lower prices. Artists have been a given a stereotype of being more forward thinking than the average population in...
2 Pages 928 Words

Understanding of Gentrification Through Neil Smith’s Theories

Gentrification on numerous occasions had been attempted to be explained through Neil Smith’s production and consumption side theories. Smith is a Scottish geographer and activist intellectual “whose prolific, passionate and politically engaged writings played a significant role in shaping the present day landscape of urban studies, human geography, and indeed the entire spectrum of the social sciences”. Smith is most well-known for his contributions to the study of cities and the process of gentrification; because of Smith’s critical and detailed...
1 Page 684 Words

Positive and Negative Sides of Gentrification in London

The London Borough of Hackney is an exemplary showcase of the gentrification that has affected various areas of London. The term gentrification originated in Great Britain, as early as 1963. Gentrification has frequently been referred to as “the rehabilitation of working-class and derelict housing and the consequent transformation of an area into a middle class neighborhood”. Rowland Atkinson states that gentrification-induced displacement often occurs when pressures on the housing market from wealthy groups create inflated rents and prices which can...
1 Page 471 Words

Research of The Risk of Gentrification in Chinatown

Over the decades, Toronto has been celebrated for its multicultural roots and cultural landscapes. With a variety of distinctive enclaves at every corner, they connect people to their cultures and invite a wide variety of diversity. With the growth of new development and the priority to increase purchasing power, gentrification imposes a controversial issue for many. Gentrification is a process involving modifying or changing a neighbourhood to conform to a higher class taste. Chinatown, a vibrant ethnic enclave located at...
4 Pages 2060 Words

An Analysis of Gentrification in Society Today

In Art and Complicity, the author defines gentrification as the restoration of public stores or private homes in urban areas occupied by predominately hispanic and black citizens. As the article states, an affected community includes Boyle Heights in Southeast Los Angeles, where the residents have examined the role of artists. The negative affects of gentrification include the loss of small businesses, reduced salary for low-income families, and the loss of homes in urban neighborhoods, as written in Hyperallergic. Several of...
3 Pages 1215 Words

Gentrification and The Modern Housing Crisis

What is the modern housing crisis? The housing crisis refers to the high rents and unaffordable housing Americans face, and how not only homes, but rentals, are becoming increasingly unaffordable. Americans being unable to afford shelter has led to both a decrease in homeownership and a rising increase in the homeless population. Simply, the problems we see within the housing crisis are people who can’t afford housing going without homes and gentrification, where the character of a neighborhood is altered...
3 Pages 1208 Words

Fascism and Totalitarianism Comparing Essay

Introduction on facism When we talk of facism, it involves dictatorship where everything is centralised on the ruler. It is an old form of practice and is very deadly and tempting to go for and if not handled with care it will be clinged on you because the power is so sweet and can't be resisted. Facism as a whole Facism is a type of government that is based on one party dictatorship and is totally built on one party...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Getting Benefits from Social Security Services

Disability is a condition that causes malfunctions of the body system. Most victims are isolated in society due to wrong myths and beliefs surrounding us. It does not only affect the victim but also other family members either directly or indirectly the best part is that insurance companies and governments take responsibility of these issues. However, much more is needed to ascertain whether the person is granted the benefit; most crucial factors will be put into consideration. These benefits are...
1 Page 515 Words

An Overview of Social Security in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Australia

In the highly developed and advanced countries of United States of America, United Kingdom and Australia the law pertaining to Social Security is very well defined and established. It encompasses almost every risk to which the citizens might be exposed to under any eventuality. The United States of America Social Security was used first in America in 1935 by passing the Social Security Act and later it was used in different countries. In America the Social Security is well provided...
6 Pages 2634 Words

Social Security and Migrant Welfare in the UK

Social security and welfare are very necessary in which people receive help from the government through certain schemes such as through the contribution of the national insurance schemes. This essay will briefly examine what social security is and who it benefits. Secondly, will look into the migrants and their welfare rights in the UK, such as the job seeking allowance. Furthermore, this essay will look into the policies from the past and current era which have been put in place...
7 Pages 3004 Words

Mission Statement of the Red Cross

The Red Cross is an international humanitarian network of 80 million people that helps those facing disaster, conflict and health and social problems. It was founded 164 years ago in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland. They have approximately 17 million volunteers, members and staff worldwide. The Red Cross work develops along two lines. The first is helping victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence. The second involves developing and promoting international law and humanitarian principles. It was founded to...
2 Pages 762 Words

American Red Cross Nursing and Their Impact

The American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness in the United States. ARC was established on May 21, 1881 by Clara Barton. Barton and her small group of women who wanted to help heal others physically and emotionally. Clara Barton and her group of determined, strong, and independent women created the American Red Cross Organization to help others and change many lives. Over the years they have grown to be a...
3 Pages 1291 Words

The Guyana Red Cross Society

Over the years, non-profit organizations (NPO's) have established at the local, regional and international levels and their influence is increasing. A non-profit organization is an institution that conducts affairs to assist other individuals and groups rather than garnering profits for themselves. During the year 1919, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent were founded in Paris after the end of the World War I. Henry Dunant in 1859 came up with the idea of the Red Cross when he witnessed...
2 Pages 688 Words

Domestic Terrorism And Homegrown Extremism Origins In The United States

Abstract Domestic terrorism and homegrown extremism have been rather poorly informed by our media since the 9/11 attacks against the United States. I believe that our own belief systems and apprehensions have led us and our government to really dividing our nation’s freedom and security rather then listening to reason and reality. In this research paper, I am going to list my own beliefs based on my own research to tell you why the difference between national security vs freedom...
9 Pages 4183 Words
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