The three things that resonated with me in Professor Hawking’s lecture involved the word “why”. Sometimes when I’m deep in thought and start thinking about future, I think about life. I think about why things are specifically the way they are, why specific events of varying effects on people or places happen and how sometimes, reality seems too good to be true. So then, I ask myself the same questions Professor Hawking asked in his lecture. He would ask “Why are we here? Where do we come from? Why is the universe the way it is?” and I found during my reading that it wasn’t just me asking the exact same questions, which had me more invested in reading the lecture than I was beforehand. Science says we’re here because the smallest forms of life eventually developed into the various forms we can see it as today, that the things our body is made up of came from all directions of the universe in its earlier stages, which is true. But it only describes the process of how we were made. Science can’t answer the question of who actually made us at this moment, and I don’t think it’ll be able to for a while.
The design of many things in the universe that, despite varying in scale, are very intricate. I do believe in a higher power, but I’m not sure of who that higher power is. Religion, specifically Christianity, in a way helps me think up of an interpretation of God and has ideas I agree with. God could be vastly different from different interpretations history has given us, but I like to think that he is almost exactly like the Bible’s God since the fact that we’re alive and experience happiness in many different ways proves that he is a loving, forgiving and gratuitously generous God. I also think that things also happened the exact way science describes them, despite contrasting accounts of creation. I believe the Big Bang did happen and things carried on the way science says, but it was God behind them. The 7 Day creation story could’ve been God’s perspective on it. Since God is essentially omnipotent and omniscient, he’s definitely on a higher plane of existence and could possibly have a different perception of time, if any. I essentially think that the “seven days” God took to create the universe and the Big Bang could have something to do with each other.
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I found Professor Hawking’s lecture to be very thought provoking especially since it is something I’m somewhat familiar with, and I’m amenable to his ideas. Those ideas specifically being that not everything is solved, and the uncertainty of the future. Professor Hawking is absolutely right when he says some things aren’t solved and that the future of the universe is uncertain. There may be many things out there that we most likely haven’t even seen or can’t even understand that can change the course of the present into an unexpected future. But maybe eventually, the mysteries we find ourselves trying to solve will present themselves, possibly even along with God presenting himself. The being responsible for us created an enigmatic past and future, and maybe eventually we’ll no longer need to ask who, how and why.
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