Mystery essays

9 samples in this category

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2 Pages 891 Words
And Then There Were None is a well-renowned murder mystery novel written by Agatha Christie. It is one of Christie's finest works of literature and subsequently an ideal example of a good murder mystery novel. To determine whether a novel is a good example of a murder mystery novel, one must have the ability to utilize and understand the ultimate...
2 Pages 851 Words
It had always been there, since before I could remember. Gran never told us about it before she passed. But as far as Dad knew, it was there before he was born. Whenever people came over, they would always ask: “What’s in there?” or “Is it empty?”. The only answer we could give was usually along the lines of “I...
2 Pages 710 Words
Do curses really exist? Are there ancient spells that could still be in effect today? These are questions that could directly relate to the story of King Tutankhamun, the Egyptian pharaoh. While his death took place centuries ago, the mysteries surrounding what happened to him and those who have disturbed his resting place continue. There have been many speculations and...
6 Pages 2570 Words
In the novel, Murder on the Orient Express, the topic of justice and judgment is the main theme. The questioning of whether the murder of Casseti, also known as Ratchett, was morally correct and just was a conflict throughout the novel . Justice and judgment are ultimately decided by detective Poirot. The Murder on the Orient Express showed quite often...
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