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2 Pages 976 Words
Dystopian Literature's function stems from the fear that a utopic change can cause a dystopian future. Novels such as Orwell’s “1984” and Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” present this concern over the present of their novel’s time but also for the present of modern readers. Both Atwood and Orwell reflect the conditions of their time in their creations of totalitarian governments....
DystopiaNorth KoreaSociety
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1 Page 509 Words
In well-known dystopian novels such as George Orwell's '1984' and Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale', the strict rules imposed by their respective totalitarian states bespeak repression. Although both novels deal with issues that predominated the 20th century, many aspects of life imposed by totalitarian governments unfortunately still exist today in some countries, most notably North Korea, whose regime continues to...
CensorshipNorth Korea
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2 Pages 1077 Words
North Koreans, from childhood, are indoctrinated to idolize their leaders and to never doubt the system in which they live. This manipulation and brainwashing stems from insecurity and fear residing in the souls of North Korea’s dictators, making them believe that complete control is a necessity for their rule. They believe that for the government to maintain control, it must...
FearNorth Korea
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3 Pages 1252 Words
North Korea is notorious for being one of the most repressive and secluded nations in history. During the twenty-first century, this country has pushed to secure nuclear weapons and has become a national security threat (CIA World Factbook). This being said, the main topic of conversation about North Korea needs to be shifted from war to something that sheds light...
North Korea
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1 Page 573 Words
‘1984’, a novel by George Orwell, represents a dystopian society in which the people of Oceania are watched by the government almost 24/7 and have no freedom which is a society we could never imagine real. But, today citizens of North Korea can be considered the same way as the novel. Though different technological and personal ways of keeping watch,...
1984George OrwellNorth Korea
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3 Pages 1186 Words
With the hundreds of cultures created through-out the centuries, fictional or non-fictional, culture is such a diverse subject. Each custom, idea and social behavior one follows is unique, however and when comparing two cultures, there can be many differences and similarities. When looking at the fictional culture from the movie ‘Avatar’, the Na’vi, which is the indigenous inhabitants of the...
North Korea
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2 Pages 761 Words
Suki Kim explores the theme of freedom and independence in the essay ‘Without You, There Is No Us’. The piece recounts a series of attempts to expose Pyongyang University students to the world outside the dictatorship of North Korea. In North Korea, there are restrictions on all media and publications, which limits the ability of individuals to form a voice...
North Korea
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2 Pages 896 Words
To understand the nuclear crisis of North Korea, it is important that we categorize it into 3 parts: strategic interests, political factors and future hurdles. Strategic Interests Strategic interests observed by North Korea - we have both realistic and liberalist observers. In realistic terms the need for nuclear weapons is for its regime survival and security, besides to have a...
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2 Pages 980 Words
North Korea is situated in East Asia, consisting the northern section of the Korean land. The ruler of this country is Kim Jong-un. It has a population of 25.49 million people. Tourism or emigration in North Korea is strictly controlled by its government. Foreign tourists encountering local citizens have been strictly controlled. However, from photos seen around the Internet and,...
CitizenshipNorth Korea
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1 Page 569 Words
‘My Escape from North Korea’, a speech by Hyeonseo Lee, a North Korean defector, and activist, describes a North Korean’s experience as a refugee and the challenges she faced while settling in South Korea. The famine in the 1990s forced countless to escape from North Korea despite risking their lives. Today, North Korean refugees have settled down in various countries,...
North KoreaRefugee
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