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3 Pages 1607 Words
Tim Blake Nelson’s modern film, O, and William Shakespeare’s classic play, Othello, both involve Othello (Odin) handing the lieutenant position to Michael Cassio instead of Iago (Hugo). The main difference comes between the two settings, Othello representing an army and O representing a basketball team. Iago knows he deserves the promotion because he had some experience in the war, unlike...
3 Pages 1446 Words
Shakespeare as well as other renowned writers during the Elizabethan time profusely explore the theme of controlling natures of men towards women in their works to highlight the strict patriarchal values of Jacobean society. Desdemona’s subservience acts as a signifier of the control men had over women. The concept of men controlling women can be seen and encouraged through women’s...
4 Pages 2080 Words
How can one be so manipulative to the ones they call friends. Do factors such as greed, money, or even jealousy contribute to the bigger picture? In the Shakespearean play Othello, Iago sets out to manipulate everyone he comes in contact with to the point where it is hard for readers to figure out why he does what he does....
1 Page 645 Words
In this excerpt, Othello is watching Desdemona sleep and repeatedly telling himself that he has to go through with killing her. Othello uses the pronouns “i” and “me” to show that he is taking credit for all he is going to do. He will not state what his reason is but promises to not ruin her beautiful skin by cutting...
1 Page 485 Words
Good Morrow fellow Venetians and blessed be the day. It is with my deepest sadness that stand before you all as we unite in mourning and admiration as we lay our noble, Othello to earth. Today we shall honor the memory of a truly great man. Othello can be described as many things, courageous, passionate & loyal but to know...
2 Pages 686 Words
We know that during the context of the original script, people were extremely superstitious, and this affected their view on everything from treating illnesses to religion. Religion was central to Elizabethan society – Queen Elizabeth made attendance at the Church compulsory. Unless you had a valid excuse such as illness, you were fined if you did not attend. Almost everyone...
4 Pages 1943 Words
Shakespeare’s Othello presents to its audience the tragic story of a doomed interracial marriage in which Othello, the titular ‘Moor of Venice’ becomes entangled in the schemings of his malevolent ensign Iago, who convinces him of his wife Desdemona’s infidelity. By the end, Othello has murdered Desdemona and taken his own life out of grief and guilt. That Othello succumbs...
2 Pages 943 Words
Throughout the plot of the play, the character Othello reveals himself as an amoral character. His character is interesting from many perspectives since the protagonist develops from being a heroic and moral individual into a cruel and amoral person, who even kills, as the result of Iago´s insidious machinations. Othello can be described as a foil since he shows the...
1 Page 406 Words
William Shakespeare’s Othello explores the term 'other' to achieve his purpose of trying to question the validity of stereotypes. Shakespeare uses the protagonist, Othello to question the racial prejudices during the Renaissance and to question the validity of stereotypes. During the Elizabethan Era in England, a dark-skinned person in a position of power wasn't part of the norm during the...
4 Pages 1683 Words
Othello and Troy are the two main characters in their situational plays. Othello is from “Othello, the Moor of Venice,” by William Shakespeare and Troy from “Fences,” by August Wilson. Both men come from two completely time periods but manage to have a lot in common. Othello is a young, dark man from Venice who has recently in the play...
2 Pages 1055 Words
Shakespeare’s immense impact on the world of literature and language is still present today, over 400 years later. The themes, ideas, and messages across his works, still being relevant today, suggest he was not of an age, but in fact, for all time. Shakespeare transformed nouns into verbs, verbs to adjectives, and suffixes and prefixes were added to adjust the...
2 Pages 1042 Words
An individual’s self-perception varies based on what they believe is an illusion and what they believe is reality. In today’s society, this same idea is present when people interact with one another, as they may retain a different perception of what others think of them compared to what the blunt truth is. As a matter of fact, humans possess the...
4 Pages 1641 Words
There is a fine line between illusion and ideals and reality and truth. This line is easily manipulated. Ideals give the individuals drive and allow them to set goals for themselves. These goals provide purpose to each individual and, consequently, allow each individual to achieve their own sense of personal happiness. Being pragmatic, on the other hand, gives individuals a...
4 Pages 1780 Words
In society, there are many people who made bad choices because of their own influences or because of another person’s influences. Some people do not know if they made the right choice without finding out what is going to happen after. For example, a driver does not know if it is right to run a red light before they get...
5 Pages 2478 Words
William Shakespeare is known throughout literature about his thoughts and ideas on the subjects of betrayal, death, and love. All three of these subjects can be found in Shakespeare’s piece of literature ​Othello. ​Although, the most dominant topic that I noticed in this piece of literature is jealousy. Jealousy can be seen as a central feeling shared between pretty much...
6 Pages 2563 Words
When thinking of what makes someone a master puppeteer, a reader might consider a master puppeteer to be is an expert who perfectly handles his marionettes through his presentation, thus causing happiness, sadness, destruction or the creation of something with just a flick of his wrist. Reading Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello, it is very noticeable how manipulative Iago is....
3 Pages 1237 Words
W.H. Auden once aforementioned, “​There is more than meets the eye.​” suggesting that there could be a hidden or deeper meaning behind a person’s initial look. Lies, deceits and dishonesty is one of the foremost themes in Shakespeare’s play ​ ​Othello​. ​ The character of Iago isn't any different from those deceptive individuals. Behind his facade of a trustworthy ensign...
2 Pages 674 Words
The epic poem Beowulf features two characters Grendel and Beowulf who are distinctive. Through the course of the story, Beowulf is a heroic warrior that saved the Danes, who were attacked by Grendel, a horrendous monster living as an outcast. As a matter of fact, Shakespeare identified this characterization technique in the year of 1600s in one of his most...
1 Page 588 Words
Iago is the antagonist of Skaepeare’s play Othello. Iago is a big factor in this play. Although he is very clever and cunning, he uses his skills for evil. Perhaps one of the most intriguing Shakespeare characters, Iago is a fanatic villain. What makes him a fantastic villain is that he may have no motivation at all. He controls the...
1 Page 636 Words
In William Shakespeare's play Othello, Shakespear uses diction in Iago's monolog to further the plot and for the reader to higher apprehend who Iago's character is and what his plan is. In addition to this, Shakespear moreover makes use of diction to create pathos to create a hateful and untrusting feeling towards Iago by portraying him as manipulative, scheming, and...
2 Pages 1105 Words
Most other Shakespearean characters do terrible things to accomplish a specific objective. As a rule, the guilty party is aspiration, as in Macbeth, or retribution, as in Hamlet. The thing about Iago is that one never truly knows for certain why it is that Iago needs to pulverize Othello. All through the play, Iago gives different and inconsistent thought of...
2 Pages 948 Words
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Envy is the tax which all distinction must pay”. Iago was a mere individual who had been revoked high position in favor of Cassio. The reason why this makes the whole play compelling is that this rejection led to a well-planned tragedy all the ways towards its ending. Although Iago is clever, his intelligence synergizes...
3 Pages 1328 Words
Jealousy, commonly described as “the green-eyed monster” is a consistent theme throughout Shakespeare’s literature. It is, more often than not, the fuel that drives the plot, the tragic hero’s flaw and the main motivation for the story’s antagonist. It is the universal theme of jealousy that set the mood for most of Shakspeare’s plays, including Othello. The obvious antagonist of...
2 Pages 731 Words
In William Shakespeare’s classic tragic play ‘Othello’, published in 1622, the dangers of illusion and deception develops in the play as Iago manipulates his appearances and works to fool Othello who has trouble differentiating between what appears to be true and what really is true. Iago adopts his preferable style of speech to conceive images in characters’ minds which are...
1 Page 591 Words
Othello by William Shakespeare is set during the Elizabethan Period when women and people from other races were segregated and “Othered” due to their sex, race or skin colour. This was a time period when it was extremely rare to see a black man with power. Shakespeare placed Othello, a South African origin, into the high role of Duke of...
6 Pages 2689 Words
In spite of all that modern critics have said on “Tragedy”, the definition of tragedy in the “Poetics” still remains the best. Aristotle said that “Tragedy is a form of drama exciting the emotions of pity and fear”. Although “Othello” covers the definition of tragedy, given by Aristotle in his book “Poetics”, but it is entirely different from all other...
3 Pages 1255 Words
In Shakespeare’s Othello, it follows a Moorish general’s internal struggle with deciphering between right and wrong. He’s in love with a beautiful Venitain woman, Desdemona, daughter of the Senator. But all odds are stacked against him as his followers try to drive them apart. Eventually, Othello succumbs to all the rage and kills his wife because of an assumed affair...
4 Pages 1933 Words
Shakespeare has used deception throughout the vast majority of his work. In the well-known comedy Twelfth Night, Viola deceives everyone including her own family into thinking that she is a man named Cesario by changing how she dresses, acts and talks, all to benefit herself. In the tragedy Romeo and Juliet, Juliet secretly marries Romeo whom she truly loves and...

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