Othello' 5 Paragraph Essay on Loyalty

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Good Morrow fellow Venetians and blessed be the day. It is with my deepest sadness that stand before you all as we unite in mourning and admiration as we lay our noble, Othello to earth. Today we shall honor the memory of a truly great man. Othello can be described as many things, courageous, passionate & loyal but to know Othello personally, under all the mightiness was a tender and vulnerable man who loved too much.

To be robbed of such an honorable warrior is truly a cold and somber day for our Venice. As I look out at the number of people present here today, it is a testimony to the greatness of such a gentleman and the impact he had on us all. I pray all present here, be illuminated with Othello’s courage and bravery as we all would be blessed to acquire the skills of such a human, and for all that mourn beyond this ceremony, I pray the sun of tomorrow touches your skin as you think in remembrance of our dear Othello.

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General Othello, first and foremost was a dependable and authentic warrior who rose to every occasion with the desire to succeed lingering through his veins. He had the spirit of an army and the strength of 10 men. Venice will forever be in debt to the sacrifices Othello gave to us. It is his legacy that will continue to ignite the fire of our Venetian warriors and help us to path our legacies. As we all know, Othello was not born from dignity or nobility, but as a moor. Despite the destiny he was headed for, being a man of dark color, he broke through the shackles of slavery and rose through countless ranks to be accredited as such a fierce and chivalrous warrior. From a mere moor to a general, what a man. Othello’s bravery and loyalty to our beautiful Venice did not rest, so much so, on the night he wed the beautiful Desdemona, he departed with alacrity after he had word of a Turkish fleet threatening the safety and peace of our mighty nation. Othello leads with passion and ferocity, conquering each battle with near simplicity. Othello was nothing more than deserving, to be our General.

To all that knew Othello beyond our General, such as I did. His loyalty to our Venice extended much deeper in his friendships and kinships. In the same way that he inspired his fellow crusaders, he inspired those who loved him and those he had acquired as a friend. His gregarious character enabled him to attract many peers who adhere to his word. I, too had been enchanted by the brilliance of such a man, not by any form of witchcraft, but by the sheer integrity and honesty that emanated from within him.

I am truly blessed to have had Othello’s presence in my life and now he shall live on in memory

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Othello’ 5 Paragraph Essay on Loyalty. (2024, March 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/othello-5-paragraph-essay-on-loyalty/
“Othello’ 5 Paragraph Essay on Loyalty.” Edubirdie, 27 Mar. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/othello-5-paragraph-essay-on-loyalty/
Othello’ 5 Paragraph Essay on Loyalty. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/othello-5-paragraph-essay-on-loyalty/> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Othello’ 5 Paragraph Essay on Loyalty [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Mar 27 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/othello-5-paragraph-essay-on-loyalty/

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