Persuasive Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Persuasive Essay on Abortion

3 Pages 1483 Words
In what circumstances, if any, is abortion morally impermissible? In this essay, I will argue that abortion is morally permissible in all circumstances. The fundamental issue of when human life begins is one that determines the opinions of whether abortion is morally permissible or not. I will take the standpoint that life does not begin at conception and my arguments...

Persuasive Essay about Abortion

2 Pages 1052 Words
In November 1972, an episode of the famous American sitcom Maude shook America with its episode « Maude’s Dilemma ». In that episode, 47-year-old Maude must face her pregnancy and chooses to get an abortion. The day after the episode aired, producers received death threats, CBS received 17000 letters of protest and the United States Catholic Conference organized a campaign...

Childhood Obesity - Is It Being Taken Seriously: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 426 Words
Obesity is defined as excessive body fat that increases your risk of other health problems. A person with a body mass index (BMI) above 30 is considered obese, while a person with a BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight. In NSW in 2018, more than 1 in 5 children (24%) aged 5–16 years were overweight or obese, of...

Social Media Is Evil: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 791 Words
Is Social Media Good? Thousands of people are using Social Media in today’s world without knowing the consequences of using it. Everyone wants to be the best one. Have you ever wondered what Social Media can do to one’s life? Does it make life better or worse? Does it benefit the user or harm? If you ask me, then I...

Why Should the Government Add Laws to Prevent Bullying: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 401 Words
Bullying is a serious problem of modern society. Whether it is verbal bullying, cyberbullying, or physical bullying, bullying can significantly change a person's lifestyle in many ways. Some humans may also take a positive route and talk up about their struggles from being bullied. They may seek professional help to cope and deal with recovery. Other people who pick to...

Persuasive Essay on Bullying and How to Stop It

1 Page 456 Words
Bullying is one of the most common issues these days and had been faced by almost every individual. It is a type of forceful behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes injury or annoyance to another person. It can happen in any place and can take the form of physical contact, verbal abuse, or online. No matter what form...

Attention Grabber for Bullying: Persuasive Essay

4 Pages 1770 Words
Bullying is one of the worries that beings deal with every single day. This kind of harassment is very common to teenagers; they wake up with fear of attending school because they have to suffer another day of getting bullied. This is a very alarming topic for today’s society. This essay will give additional information and a better understanding of...

Persuasive Essay on Animal Cruelty

3 Pages 1368 Words
“When it comes to having a central nervous system, and the ability to feel pain, hunger, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy” (Ingrid Newkirk). The deplorable crime of subjecting docile animals to diabolical treatment delivered by man is completely unacceptable and should be abolished. Cruelty against animals is the embodiment of immoral behavior...

Abortion Is Murdering: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 419 Words
Abortion is an intervention intended to terminate a pregnancy and to take the life of the unborn child and is one of the most controversial issues in today’s society. We need to seriously think about whether or not abortion should be acknowledged as ethically right. Some consider that it’s a form of murder, we need to apply anti-abortion laws to...

Can Virtue Be Taught: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1449 Words
Throughout the Socratic dialogue ‘Protagoras’, the sophist Protagoras argues that being virtuous can be taught. Protagoras argues that excellence can be taught, as it is an example of citizenship. He claims that “I am a sophist and I educate people”, most particularly how to teach students to be excellent speakers. On the other hand, Protagoras’ antagonist, Socrates, claims that virtue...

Persuasive Essay on Teenage Pregnancy and Why We Should Not Normalize It

1 Page 514 Words
Seeing teenage pregnancy being normalized on social media by some people should be stopped and should not be encouraged. It takes so much responsibility to be a mother, and it is not easy to bear a child at a young age. These careless young parents don't know how difficult it is to raise a child. Back in 2019, the 'BatangIna...

Persuasive Essay on Anti-Bullying and Its Importance

3 Pages 1289 Words
It all started one afternoon when Liam decided to give his phone to his mother. When asked by his mom why was he was giving up his phone, he gave her a slight shrug and went on to his room. This was just the first of weird moments that would later nudge Deidre Fell-O’Brien, Liam’s mother, to question her son...

Persuasive Essay on Whether Sexual Education Should Be Taught in Public Schools

6 Pages 2463 Words
Sexual education can be identified as several things. According to Jaafar & Chan (2008), sexual education is the study of the structural, functional and behavioral feature of human reproduction. It covered different aspects, including reproductive health, affection, interpersonal relationship, intimacy, gender responsibility, body images, and most importantly, sexual development. In the words of Spielhagen (2013), generally sex education is education...

Persuasive Essay about Same-Sex Marriage in the Philippines

2 Pages 860 Words
The lone issue that is necessary in marriage is love; it is a factor that joints between two people. Traditionally in the Philippines, marriage is unmistakably portrayed as a strict and professional commitment between man and a lady, sincerely as immoderate articulation of affection. Then again, homosexual marriage is a marriage between two humans of a similar sex. Gay connections...

Why Money Can't Buy Happiness: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 932 Words
Happiness is a difficult phrase to define. Everyone possesses specific perspectives of happiness from their very own experience. Some human beings would say money can purchase you happiness due to the fact they presume money may want to supply them power, whilst others disagree. From my very own perspective, I personally consider that money may want to no longer purchase...

Money Can't Buy Happiness: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 781 Words
Consider the question, does money really bring you happiness? Most will say: “Obviously, I will give you money and we will be best friends”. In this essay, I want to argue my point of view that money cannot buy true happiness. Happiness is difficult to define. Everyone has a different view of happiness based on past behaviors. Rich people can...

Persuasive Essay on Immigration

2 Pages 979 Words
Many immigrants come to America for a fresh start. They seek to obtain the best future they can, but many struggles come from being an immigrant. Growing up, the term has been around me since I can remember. Images and words are a way your view on things is changed. As oftentimes certain media outlets only give you one perspective...

What It Means to Me to Be an American: Persuasive Essay about Freedom

1 Page 472 Words
Being an American is really cool and great. I feel that I am part of the best country in the whole wide world and feel that we all are blessed with so much freedom in our everyday lives. Many people in the United States are used to hearing themselves as an American, but they do not associate it with privilege...

Persuasive Essay on Physician-Assisted Death

2 Pages 1021 Words
To die with dignity is to request death with a solemn aptitude and peace of mind without the misery of pain ending moments during the final days of life. This process is identified as a physician-assisted death. There are many state legal formalities that need to be followed precisely. This is recognized as the Death with Dignity Act, requiring curtain...

We Should Follow Roe v. Wade and Support Women's Rights: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1153 Words
Abortion has become a very controversial topic and has been causing a lot of inequality. “In 2019, 629,898 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. Among 48 reporting areas with data each year during 2010–2019, in 2019, a total of 625,346 abortions were reported, the abortion rate was 11.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years,...

Roe V. Wade Should Not Be Overturned: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 872 Words
Women's rights have been an ongoing fight for centuries. The fight to keep abortions legal has been no different. Men and women have been working together to keep this practice legal, and many seem to agree with them. However, the decisions made in Roe v. Wade are up for discussion once again. Yet the question still remains: is it morally...

Maybe Destiny Exists After All: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 483 Words
There are times in life where I am sure destiny exists. For thousands of years people have been questioning the reason of things being the way they. For example, Christianism has been attributing life and it´s beauties to a single deity. On the other hand, scientists say there isn’t a single cause to all things, like God, but a series...

Persuasive Essay on the Dangers of Teenage Speeding

1 Page 628 Words
Before they know it, their life could be flashing before their own eyes. Speeding isn’t the way to go. There are multiple crashes a year involving teens, some can be fatal. 32/100 of fatal crashes involve teen drivers. Speeding for teenagers is bad, it not only puts you in danger but also others. Around the world, teens are dying from...

Should the Catholic Church in Australia Follow National Laws Regarding Same-Sex Marriage: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1071 Words
The concept of same-sex marriage has only been regulated through the law. The expansion of legal rights and protections afforded to same-sex couples in Australia is well developed at both federal and state level. For example, legislation now exists in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland, and the Australian Capital Territory that provides for the legal recognition of relationships, including...

Persuasive Essay on Why Being a Vegetarian Is Reasonable

1 Page 590 Words
Human beings are omnivorous, they can eat both plants and animals. What works for one person may not work for the other person. Vegetarians diet may be adopted due to chronic diseases, religious beliefs, ecological, economic and ethical. The diets are based on whole grains, fruits and vegetables that are low in fat, a great source of fiber that boost...

Persuasive Essay on Social Media

1 Page 543 Words
How far is too much? I'd like to start off by asking you this question. Not just for the sake of confusing you all, but to challenge your view on what you think is okay to take advantage of. As we all know, social media was designed as a platform that offered fast and effective communication between yourself and other...

Persuasive Essay on School Shooting as a Significant Social Issue

3 Pages 1195 Words
School shooting is an attack at an educational institution, such as a school or university, involving the use of firearms. School shooting is something that has happened for years, or even decades, and will always happen unless we do something about it. The earliest known United States shooting to happen on school property was the Pontiac’s Rebellion school massacre on...

Who Are the Most Powerful People: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 943 Words
Who is the most powerful people? To answer this question, we need to look at the real life between those who are always behind the door without a word, and their opinions are considered calm and quite, and between those who always speak and want to stand out. Quiet people are everywhere, from the kid taking notes in class to...

Are We Losing Our Sense of Place in Life: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1235 Words
Memory as a form of constructing reality is a mechanism for the formation of not only an individual but also a social experience. The amount of knowledge about the past of the social group in which the individual finds himself is one of the most important factors of his social identification. The identification function of social memory is embodied in...

Persuasive Essay on Pizza: A Dish for Everyone

1 Page 421 Words
Some kids eat meat and vegetables and some don't, but pizza is a whole new story everyone loves pizza. Pizza is one of the world’s most favorite food. There is a pizza in every country in the world. However, Naples is still the birthplace of pizza. I would like to devote my essay to this unique dish. Speaking of pizza,...
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