Problem Solution Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Problem of Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Discrimination in South Africa

3 Pages 1399 Words
An issue that has faced society in South Africa is race/ethnicity/culture. The issue that we face is that because there is little understanding of the race/ethnicity/culture of and within the people of the country, those who are rich in these areas are often discriminated against. My dad is Tshivenda and my mom is Xhosa. The first language I spoke was...

Essay on Smartphone Addiction Problem and Its Solution

1 Page 527 Words
Smartphone, the Internet-enabled device incorporated with computer applications and software, has become an inevitable part of life. Because of its portability and user-friendly nature, this device has attracted more and more people. According to Statista (2020), 3.5 billion people in the world use smartphone, which translates to 45.04% of the world’s population. Smartphone helps people to work, study, acquire or...

The Problem of the Wealth Gap in Contemporary American Society

3 Pages 1312 Words
America, the land of plenty, has always experienced an abundance of wealth, but has the unequal distribution of this wealth become our downfall? It’s easy to see that people in the United States are getting richer. However, a fraction of the wealth is becoming an issue towards the less fortunate. According to the film ‘Inequality for All’, Robert Reich exhibits...

Student Loan Debt as a Major Problem in the United States

1 Page 586 Words
Student loan debt is one of the biggest problems in the United States at the moment. There are 1.6 trillion dollars of debt in the country and 44 million are in debt. That's an average of $36,364 per person. College debt only started in the 80s and it grew very rapidly when President Ronald Reagan made cuts to social programs....

The Problem of Economic Inequality in Modern South Africa

2 Pages 703 Words
Today South Africa is still not a free and fair democracy as defined in our Constitution. There are huge divisions in society due largely to the past apartheid regime. This disparity manifests as economic inequality including income, employment and educational inequality. It also manifests as social and geographical inequality and the lack of basic services to certain residential and rural...

Unemployment as a Social Problem in Pakistan

2 Pages 1001 Words
Social issues are a problem that influences many individuals within a society. Social issues are common problems that are being faced in Pakistan very often, because social issues influence many peoples to strive to solve many issues. Pakistan is a developing country which is facing a lot of social problems now a day, which includes the economics problems, unemployment, environmental...

Problem And Solution: Human Trafficking

4 Pages 1992 Words
Introduction to the Global Crisis of Human Trafficking “Worldwide trafficking projections range from 350,000 to 1.5 million victims, with, again, the vast majority being women and children...In addition, as many as 50% of all trafficking victims are said to be children or adolescents, both girls and boys” (Schauer and Wheaton). Human trafficking can be traced all the way back to...

Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution when Managing People

2 Pages 1056 Words
A stakeholder is anyone with an interest in a business, for example the owner, employees, suppliers and customers. As different stakeholders have different interests and requirements it is highly possible there could be conflict. Investors will be concerned with making sure their money is being put to good use and also that they are making a profit. Employees will want...

Schizophrenia: Nature of the Problem

6 Pages 2666 Words
Definition- 'a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.'' (oxford dictionary) Schizophrenia is a mental illness that causes some to have an altered experience of reality....

Overweight and Obesity: A Global Problem

5 Pages 2319 Words
Abstract There has been a significant increase in the near global population’s daily per capita supply of food is the result of globalisation and industrialisation. While the cause of obesity at the individual’s level is based on the amount of energy consumption that is exceeding the impact of energy expenditure by habitual behaviour towards and energy-dense food choice, it is...

The Free Will Problem and the Hierarchy of Desires

4 Pages 1721 Words
In the problem of free will, the higher order theory exists as an attempt to defend compatibilism. Even if all of our desires are derived causally from the laws of nature, some philosophers argue that we still have free will if we have the ability to form desires and the agency to act on these desires. Wanting to do a...

The Problem of Obesity in the UK: Causes and Effects

3 Pages 1323 Words
Introduction In the last 20 years, the lifestyle that people lead throughout their daily lives pose several health risks, and therefore has resulted in a great influx of health issues. Due to shifts in nutrition as well as other contemporary factors such as poverty and chronic eating issues, along with the fast foods chains across UK. In recent years, the...

The Problem Of Inequalities In The United States: Social Inequality And Well-Being

6 Pages 2723 Words
After the 2008-2009 recession, we can see that the United States is now the country with the most inequalities in several areas such as social inequality and well-being. Previously, the United States was an example for other countries around the world. From now on, they must absolutely solve the problem of inequalities that are harmful to the country's development. Leaving...

Effect Of Multi-Sensory Teaching Strategies In Enhancing Problem Solving Abilities Of Higher Secondary Students In Mathematics

3 Pages 1564 Words
Introduction The use of educational technology has been emphasized in both the national policy of education, 1986 and revised NPE, 1992 to improve both the quality and quantity of education for the first time in the history of Indian education. No earlier document of national significance had pointed out the importance of educational technology so clearly and as strongly as...

Negotiations: Approaches To Solving A Problem

2 Pages 757 Words
Negotiation is an operation that involves bargaining with someone having goals, requirements, and viewpoints different than yours. There are different approaches to solving a problem, depending on the situation, and the level reached. These include rational and emotional aspects and psychological factors such as how comfortable parties involved feel about the conflict or how they perceive or misperceive each other....

Tom And The Problem Of Stealing : Psychoanalytic Case Conceptualization

3 Pages 1607 Words
Problem Identification Tom is a 30-year-old unmarried male currently employed as a junior faculty member at a prominent eastern university. For the last 4 months, Tom has resided with a previous female student he had mentored while she was a graduate student. While fond of this female, Tom has difficulty maintaining a long-term relationship, causing him to become increasingly irritable...

Suicide As An Urgent Problem In Modern Society

1 Page 596 Words
Suicide is a permanent solution to a problem that is only temporary, why is it important you may ask? It is the act of someone intentionally killing themselves and it takes the lives of approximately 40,000 Americans every year. It’s also important because someone is more likely to die from committing suicide than them dying from homicide, there’s a ratio...

Gender Equality: Analysis Of The Problem At Uber

2 Pages 933 Words
Introduction Uber was a trendsetter within the international taxi trade. a really creative project, Uber upset the taxi trade and was supported a market demand gap between client demands and choice availableness. the corporate offered a replacement kind of urban quality at more cost-effective prices and easy use for patrons. Established by Travis Kalanick in 2009, the organization was target-hunting...

Problem Of Gender Identity In Pakistan

4 Pages 1683 Words
Abstract Gender identity is one of the major causes in the world as well as in individual countries and if we look at Pakistan, this country has many issues in which gender identity is also one of the problems. To tackle that problem of gender identity in Pakistan, aurat march took place by the famous ngo and different ngo also...

Problem Of Domestic Violence Within The Australian Society

2 Pages 1145 Words
One every two minutes… 264,000 counts of domestic violence matters are dealt with by police on average each year. However, these numbers only reflect the cases that have been reported. It is commonly accepted that domestic violence is seen as an act where someone, who has a personal relationship with another, makes that person feel afraid, powerless or unsafe. Generally...

Problem Of Privacy Violation In Modern Society

1 Page 513 Words
Privacy is important for human society to operate. the matter isn't that the knowledge exists however that it reaches the incorrect folks. data on the web might bring nice advantages to society, and to people, once immense datasets may be refined to yield data otherwise unavailable. however once the knowledge is gathered, a preventative principle needs to apply. it's an...

Police Brutality: Problem Of An Excessive Use Of Force And Misconduct

2 Pages 1054 Words
Did you know that police brutality incidents have cost the united states over 1.8 billion dollars? The US has become incredibly notorious when it comes to police brutality and its dangers towards society. In 2018 there were 1,164 American civilians that had been killed by police officers alone. This Essay will adress the major issues that are shown throughout acts...

The Problem Of Keeping Killer Whales In Captivity

1 Page 603 Words
Imagine if the word you lived in, space you breathed in, and freedom you played in was all suddenly taken away from you. Killer Whales are kidnapped, usually from a young age, and taken away to be tortured for the pleasure of an audience at Sea World. The experience these Killer whales undergo cause extremely poor health in whales, including...

The Problem Of Religious Language

5 Pages 2293 Words
The term “religious language” refers to statements or claims made about God or gods. The problem of religious language is that if God is infinite, then words used to describe finite beings, may not sufficiently describe God. For example, is God good in the same sense as Pope Francis is good, or Greta Thunberg is good? This problem makes it...

The Problem Of Child Marriage In India

1 Page 601 Words
Despite the fact that child or youngster marriage is illegal by Indian law, these genealogical custom proceeds. Child marriage is positioned second in India mainly in Southern Asia after Bangladesh, has a miserable record here; completely 40% of child marriages today occur there. During childbirth, the young ladies are guaranteed to men who are usually much older than they are....

The Problem Of Demography In China

3 Pages 1254 Words
As a starting point, I have been asking myself multiple times if globalization is good or greater good. In general, we can see that globalization is essential due to the fact that it gives us what we demand, however, we can’t see the things that affect the countries negatively. The developing countries are the most commiserable in terms of development...

The Problem Of Child Labor In The United States

2 Pages 1053 Words
In 1870, the federal census published, for the first time, statistics of child employment in the United States, and each succeeding census has done the same thing. During this time, there has been a growing national consciousness about the extent of child labor. There have been many discussions about its resulting evils and plans for reform, but the process of...

Global Language: Advantages, Problems And Solutions

2 Pages 955 Words
Today, English is used in some form by at least one person in three (Fishman, 1998). As Fishman (1998) notices, colonization is one of the main reasons for being English as a lingua franca. He continued that, from 1940 to 1990 more than half of countries which success to achieve independence, was before British colonies. Nowadays knowing a common language...

Problems And Solution Of English Language Popularity In Education

2 Pages 775 Words
Globalization worldwide has started from several years ago. Not only in one aspect, but various aspects such as culture, economy, and politics. According to Oxford Living Dictionary (2019), “Globalization is the process by which businesses or other organization develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.” Namely, these organizations open a network with others from the other areas...

KFC Operational Problem In The United Kingdom

6 Pages 3191 Words
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides research and analysis of an operational problem that KFC faced in the UK in February, 2018. KFC is the second largest fast food restaurant in the UK. The company is well known for serving fresh chicken worldwide. KFC is also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, the US- owned brand has over 22,000 restaurants and franchises...
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