Scope of YouTubing as a Profession in Bangladesh

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YouTube is a platform where YouTubers share their videos and earn money. There are many countries where people are choosing YouTube as a career. But there are so many people who can’t think youtube can be a profession. They don’t know about it. Especially in Bangladesh, people can’t think about it. There are many YouTubers in Bangladesh. Bangladesh YouTubers are not choosing YouTubing as a career. Even they can’t think about it. There are many reasons behind this. In this research, we will try to find those reasons.

Keywords: scope, YouTubing, profession, Bangladesh, YouTube, career, full-time job, Youtubing as a career

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Research Background & Significant

YouTube is an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California (Wikipedia, 2019). Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim three former PayPal employees created YouTube in February 2005 (Wikipedia, 2019; GERMANY, OPEN SOURCE CENTER, 2010). In November 2006, google bought YouTube (Wikipedia, 2019; GERMANY, OPEN SOURCE CENTER, 2010). YouTube is the first and best option to build a career online. This is a 100% free platform. Anybody can earn money with YouTube and start a YouTube career. But there are some conditions. YouTubers need 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers in one year to start earning money from YouTube. There are many countries where people are choosing YouTubing as a career. Sweden, California, Hawaii, Belgium, Japan, India, etc. are some of them. PewDiePie, Logan Paul, and Dude Perfect are some top-rated full-time YouTubers. In 2018 they earned height amount of money. Logan Paul earned $14.5 Million, PewDiePie earned $15.5 Million and Dude Perfect earned $20 Million (Jakarta, 2018).

There are also many YouTubers in Bangladesh. They are doing very well. Some YouTubers are doing YouTubing as a part-time job, but they are not choosing it as a career. They choose youtubing from their passion. Some Bangladeshi top-rated YouTubers are Salman the brown Fish, Gaan Friendz, Bhai Brother LTD, Ajaira LTD, etc.

This research will help many unemployed peoples and also those YouTuber who did not know YouTube could be a profession. The rate of unemployed people will decrease by choosing YouTubing as a career. It also helps our country economically.

Literature Review

YouTube has evolved from a content-sharing website to a platform for creating user-generated content (Holland, 2016). YouTube has become part of the daily lives of teenagers (Westenberg, 2016). Teenagers feel more attracted to YouTubers than traditional TV celebrities (Westenberg, 2016). A YouTube video can create the illusion that an artist is a completely self-sufficient entity (Cayari, 2011). Nowadays influencer marketing is present on YouTube (Monge & Elorriaga, 2018). YouTube is a commercially oriented broadcast platform with the aim of generating economic value from uploaded content (Rapp, 2016). YouTubers used traditional media to strengthen their personal brand (Holland, 2016). Youtube doesn’t need any professional skills to become a successful Youtuber (Monge & Elorriaga, 2018).

Research Question

  1. In what way do other countries' YouTubers choose YouTubing as a full-time job?
  2. What are the reasons Bangladeshi YouTubers are not choosing YouTubing as a profession?
  3. What are the scopes?

Research Design and Methods

For this Research, we need to do interviews with some Bangladeshi top YouTubers and also some Bangladeshi new YouTubers. We will do interviews of top and new Bangladeshi YouTubers individually to get our questions answered. So, the research method is qualitative and the research approach is an In-depth Interview. For an interview, We will target those YouTubers from our experience. So, the Sampling Method is the non-probability method and the Sampling type is Judgmental or Purposive Sampling.

We need to analyze foreign countries' full-time YouTubers' videos to collect some information. So, the research method is qualitative and the research approach is Content analysis. As we get any videos of foreign countries' full-time YouTubers, we will analyze those. So, the Sampling Method is a non-probability method and the Sampling type is Convenience sampling.

Overall, this research method is qualitative and the research approach is In-depth Interview and Content analysis. This research Sampling Method is a non-probability method and Sampling types are Judgmental or Purposive Sampling and Convenience sampling.


The approximate budget we need for the research is as follows:

  • Some Bangladeshi top YouTubers' interviews cost will be around 100,000 BDT.
  • Some Bangladeshi new YouTubers' interviews cost will be around 50,000 BDT.
  • A foreign country's full-time YouTubers' video analysis cost will be around 20,000 BDT.

Total Cost = (100,000 +50,000 +20,000) = 170,000 BDT.

As such, the approximate budget is set to be 170,000 BDT.


Researchers will do interviews of some Bangladeshi top YouTubers. It will take around 3 months.

Researchers also need to do interviews of some Bangladeshi new YouTubers. It will take around 3 months.

Researchers will analyze foreign countries' full-time YouTubers' videos. It will take around 2 months.

Then researchers will finalize the research project itself, connecting the finding, analyzing, and drawing conclusions. It will take around 1 month.

This research project's approximate time is set to be 9 months.


  1. Cayari, C. (2011, July 8). The YouTube Effect: How YouTube Has Provided New Ways to Consume, Create, and Share Music. International Journal of Education & the Arts. Retrieved August 11, 2019, from
  2. GERMANY, OPEN SOURCE CENTER. (2010, December 19). (U//FOUO) Open Source Center Social Broadcasting Platforms in Germany. Retrieved from Publicintelligence:
  3. Holland, M. (2016). How YouTube Developed into a Successful Platform for User-Generated Content. Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, 07. Retrieved August 10, 2019, from
  4. Jakarta. (2018, December 6). These YouTubers made more money than anyone else in 2018. Retrieved July 15, 2019, from THE JAKARTA POST:
  5. Monge, S., & Elorriaga, A. (2018, January). The professionalization of YouTubers: the case of Verdeliss and the brands. Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social. Retrieved August 16, 2019, from
  6. Rapp, F. G. (2016, October 26). Popularity markers on YouTube’s attention economy: the case of Bubzbeauty. Celebrity Studies, 8(2), 228-245. Retrieved August 18, 2019, from
  7. Westenberg, W. (2016, September 26). The influence of YouTubers on teenagers. UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE STUDENT THESES. Retrieved August 12, 2019, from
  8. Wikipedia . (2019). Wikipedia-YouTube. Retrieved July 2019, 15, from Wikipedia:
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Scope of YouTubing as a Profession in Bangladesh. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“Scope of YouTubing as a Profession in Bangladesh.” Edubirdie, 27 Dec. 2022,
Scope of YouTubing as a Profession in Bangladesh. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
Scope of YouTubing as a Profession in Bangladesh [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 27 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from:

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