Should Prostitution Be Legalized: Essay

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As far as we know the earliest recording of prostitution began in Ancient Mesopotamia around 600 B.C. (Prostitution, SexInfo Online). Prostitution has been around for forever and opinions on it have been mixed the whole time. Prostitution is defined as the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations, especially for money (Prostitution, Merriam-Webster). In the U.S. there have been many examples of prostitution being punished for different specific things throughout history. Regulations seem to have revolved around STDs affecting the number of healthy soldiers and being linked to prostitution. It wasn’t made illegal until 1910 with the release of The Mann Act (Historical Timeline). It is with this act that all forms of prostitution are made federally illegal in the United States. In the year after there was a Supreme Court trial that found laws on prostitution to be the jurisdiction of the state, but that laws on transportation of prostitutes to be dealt with federally. Since then, prostitution is still illegal in all states other than Nevada. Nevada has legal brothels, but only in rural unpopulated areas of the state.

Currently, there is a world of problems when it comes to prostitution. Originally the largest problem associated with prostitution was the spread of venereal diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Due to newer technology and contraceptives, these concerns have decreased significantly. Currently, the second most dangerous full-time legal job in the U.S. is a commercial fisherman with 86 of every 100,000 fishermen dying on the job (Sam). Prostitution far surpasses that statistic with 204 of every 100,000 dying. That is an extremely large portion and shows how dangerous this profession can be. To add to this, I’ll add that the average prostitute gets physically abused at least once a month, and the rate of prostitutes with PTSD is level with that of war veterans (Prostitution, These statistics are mostly due to prostitutes being too nervous to go to the police when assaulted because they fear being arrested or being untrusted. It’s not right that women are afraid to say they were assaulted because of fear of our own government.

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Another problem with our current stance on prostitution is there are 70,000 to 80,000 people arrested each year for prostitution. These many arrests cost American taxpayers nearly $200 million dollars a year (Prostitution, This amount of money spent on punishing two consenting adults which without money would be an otherwise perfectly legal affair is absurd.

This brings the third point of issue to the table. Prostitution is a very fine line to walk that makes it illegal. If you imagine it as a borderline where on either side it’s legal, but if on the line it’s illegal. See below the line you have strippers, cam girls, and phone sex workers. All these professions are legal for adults. No touching is allowed in most facilities and therefore no intercourse occurs however money is being exchanged for the sexual pleasure of some sort. On the line, there is prostitution where payment is exchanged between two consenting individuals for sex. Above the line is pornography. Where two consenting adults exchange money for sex however it is videotaped and posted online for others to watch. This is categorized as entertainment and completely legal. It’s unclear as to why this is legal, but prostitution is not however porn is huge in the U.S. right now as 15,120,000 hours of porn videos are watched a day on one of the leading websites Pornhub (Can). Prostitution is very commonly seen as morally wrong however porn which is essentially the same thing is widespread and common. I don’t understand how such a fine line sandwiched between these things can be deemed illegal.

There are currently three main alternative solutions out there for prostitution. Some as always better than others None of which appear to be close to being put into action. These three alternatives are known as decriminalization, partial decriminalization, and legalization.

The first policy full decriminalization would make prostitution unregulated by law enforcement or the government and remove all laws in place regarding it. This obviously has many flaws and wouldn’t help the situation much at all other than to just say not my problem and stop wasting money on it. Although, a slight difference might be seen as the prostitutes may be more encouraged to confront assaults and go to the police. A poll taken in 1983 showed that 7% of individuals agreed with full decriminalization (Weitzer).

Partial decriminalization would simply reduce penalties to a fine or something small. This option seems even less viable than full decriminalization, because not only is it not helping it’s still penalizing those doing it. This in turn creates the same problems of money being spent and abuse being widespread in the profession.

The legalization of prostitution would allow prostitution to occur, but with stricter regulations. This would be the best option as it would help the workers feel safer as well as help the general public feel better about their use. Legalization was supported by 45% of the population in 1996 (Weitzer).

My proposed policy is that prostitution is legalized with the following regulations. All prostitutes must register with the state and be in a building. This would keep them off the street dramatically decreasing crime against them. Making this an official business would also deter people from trying to force others to go into sex work. Also, it would allow the government to tax prostitution like any other business which would be great. Monthly STD exams as well as birth control would be mandatory for prostitutes to protect against spreading diseases and unexpected pregnancies. If my proposal is put into an effect none of my problems previously stated would occur. As backup evidence to support this, I’ll use Nevada’s 30 legal brothels. In legal brothels, prostitutes rarely experience violence or contract STDs (Prostitution, SexInfo Online). I also believe this should happen because I do not see what is wrong with two consenting adults having sex for payment if it is just that, consenting. They are adults and they can decide what they would like to do.

Prostitution has been around forever and is not going anywhere. Currently, it is illegal in all U.S. states excluding Nevada. There are many problems revolving around prostitution today. Some of these problems include spending taxpayers' money, abuse and violence towards sex workers, and contradictions between similar occupations. There are three solutions circling about what to do; decriminalization, partial decriminalization, and legalization. My proposed policy would be legalization. It would help keep the workers the same and make money as opposed to spending it. Legalization would potentially save hundreds of lives a year. Please think of what’s been stated in this paper and consider it if the vote to legalize prostitution comes near you.

Works Cited

  1. “Can You Guess 2018's Most-Viewed Categories on the Largest Porn Site?” Fight the New Drug, 9 July 2019,
  2. “Can You Guess 2018's Most-Viewed Categories on the Largest Porn Site?” Fight the New Drug, 9 July 2019,
  3. “Historical Timeline - Legal Prostitution -” Should Prostitution Be Legal?
  4. “Prostitution in the United States.”,
  5. “Prostitution.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,
  6. “Prostitution: SexInfo Online.” Prostitution | SexInfo Online,
  7. Sam. “Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs in America 2019 - Exploring-USA.” Exploring, 27 June 2019,
  8. Weitzer, Ronald. Legalizing Prostitution: From Illicit Vice to Lawful Business, New York University Press, 2011. ProQuest Ebook Central, ebooks/detail.action?docID=865951.
  9. Created from central Maine-ebooks on 2019-11-15 09:19:45.
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