Thankfulness essays

6 samples in this category

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6 Pages 2859 Words
Abstract Gratitude has consistently been shown to be beneficial in individual practice, producing a greater appreciation for the things one has and a more positive overall outlook on life (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). But only in recent years have the effects of gratitude been studied in the context of marriage and long-term partnerships. It has been discovered that gratitude strengthens...
1 Page 418 Words
You, me and all of us have probably faced various forms of fear in this life. I think the number is no longer counted. Tens of thousands or even millions of times throughout our time, alternating like day and night. Like graphs, fluctuations up and down. In the past, when we were at school, for example, we were afraid during...
1 Page 548 Words
You are the partner that has constantly been there for me, paying little respect to what time I call, paying little respect to what degree it's been since we've talked. You are the sidekick that cries with me as we yell the stanzas to our principal tunes on those late-night drives. You are the partner that supports the lion's share...
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