The Relation Between Discrimination And The Four Humanistic Principles

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Discrimination is based on person prejudiced treatment or making a distinction towards. In the 1840s, the common discriminations are racial discrimination and sexism. Racial discrimination is any discrimination, for each person based on their racial, skin color and ethnic origin. Sexism is risen from social or cultural customs and norms. It is based on a person's sex or gender prejudice or discrimination. And Sexism primarily affects women and girls. Nowadays, Hong Kong government in order to stop the discriminations, have formulated the discrimination ordinances.


I read a book ''Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present'' it is about the history of medical experimentation on African Americans. In this book have recording about the “father of gynecology” of J. Marion Sims force performed surgical experiments, this case in humanitarianism and advances in medical technology causes great controversy.

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In 1846 – 1849 United States, the “father of gynecology” of J. Marion Sims force performed surgical experiments without anesthesia on at least 10 enslaved African women. They not only being unwilling participants, they but also cannot be able to refuse the right of speech. In J. Marion Sims' records, three of the enslaved African women Anarcha, Lucy and Bet have forced undergone surgery many procedures without anesthesia. And in records Anarcha had undergone surgery 30 times in 4 years, eventually died from infections resulting from the experiments. J. Marion Sims said women were a volunteer, but they were not the volunteer, in the racial discrimination they were enslaved African women, they cannot choose by themselves. About J. Marion Sims' the experiments, he in order to test the causes of trismus in infants, he was using a shoemaker's awl to move around the skull bones of the babies of enslaved women. In order to making enslaved African women more compliant in his surgical experiments, he had using morphine to women was addicted before the surgical. During the surgery, the patient would not have any drugs. After completed all surgery, the women would get drugs.


In this case, J. Marion Sims violated the four humanistic principles the non-maleficence and autonomy. J. Marion Sims absolute not fulfil a doctor's responsibility, to give the patient, reasonable professional skills and care own patients during the treatment process. Injured patients had died after the surgical experiments by J. Marion Sims, and he violated the four humanistic principles the non-maleficence. J. Marion Sims violated the principles the non-maleficence, didn't give the patient, reasonable professional skills, let the patient cause pain or suffering and death. Patient Anarcha in 4 years had 30 times undergone surgery, in all surgical experiments Anarcha without anesthesia, eventually died from infections resulting from the experiments. Moreover, J. Marion Sims violated the principles, the non-maleficence, let the patient cause pain or suffering. In order to the knowledge what he wants to know, in his experiments, he did not care the patient's' circumstances, make a false move to the patients let the patients got unnecessary damage. So that the J. Marion Sims' surgical experiments is shown about J. Marion Sims did not fulfil a doctor's responsibility, to give the patient and had violated the principles the non-maleficence.

J. Marion Sims violated the principles of the autonomy. Doctor should obtain consent for interventions with patients of adults who have decision-making capacity, but J. Marion Sims didn't obtain consent for an intervention force did the surgical experiments. Moreover, have some patients was not understanding about the surgical experiment’s content and the surgical method, J. Marion Sims wasn’t explained clearly to the patients, and the patients have not the right to choose, J. Marion Sims still force did the surgical experiments.


In the conclusion, the “father of gynecology” of J. Marion Sims performed surgical experiments was Racial discrimination and Sexism. Moreover, J. Marion Sims had violated the four humanistic principles the non-maleficence and autonomy. Also, I understand the advances in medical technology is built on the heretofore dark medical experimentation. We should be thanksgiving and understand, all of these are not behooving

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