Town essays

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1 Page 675 Words
Saligao... Just the mention of this word fills my heart with pride and I realize that I am not the only one who feels this way. After all, Saligao is truly a beautiful picturesque town with long stretches of green fields and roads flanked by coconut trees on either side (often referred to as ‘maadhani’). This town is also known...
4 Pages 1787 Words
I am a female, the youngest child of my family with two older siblings, and I have a small extended family. My parents divorced when I was in third grade. Both of my parents received master's degrees in college at Northwestern. I live in the suburban area of a small town as a middle-class citizen. My father and his side...
3 Pages 1291 Words
American people group are in decrease. With a few unmistakable creators regretting the period where neighbors were companions and networks were made out of connected, community disapproved of people, one really wants to want for an arrival to days gone by. Tormented by the requests of the working environment and accessibility of media and online associations, Americans and their networks...
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3 Pages 1485 Words
Perhaps the most fulfilling human emotion is that of liberty. In a society burdened by the monotonous droning of everyday life, a sense of freedom might be the most empowering feeling in existence. Every urbanized city I’ve lived in, from grand Toronto to unimposing Champaign, has left me with the opposite; a constricting claustrophobic feeling. Even aspects of my life...
1 Page 448 Words
Growing up on a farm in the tiny town of Martinsville, Indiana life was fairly boring and routine. We had the cows to tease and run around with, and the golf course across the street where we would occasionally trick golfers into believing they had gotten a hole-in-one. However, this often got old and I found myself spending most of...
1 Page 595 Words
I woke up on a hard cold wooden floor, body stiffened, however, it was as comfortable as I’ll be until the movers arrive with my bed. What felt like a nightmare is suddenly coming true. I hear nothing but birds chirping and cicadas, dancing around in the trees, which gave me an unfamiliar feeling. I incessantly begged my parents to...
2 Pages 792 Words
If you drive a few hours north of Geneva into France, you will come across a small town called Saint-Claude. When you start walking through the center of Saint-Claude, taking in the fresh mountain air you will eventually find yourself at a memorial. If your French is good enough you will discover that 75 years ago 302 innocent people were...
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1 Page 542 Words
I recently spent a few days in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a unique destination with a wonderful combination of urban sophistication and small-town charm. And in this essay, I want to share my experience. With great art, shopping, restaurants, lively nightlife and cultural attractions, Grand Rapids is the perfect holiday destination. It is not surprising that people travel hundreds of kilometers...
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