What is True Friendship: Critical Essay

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A friend is a person that you have a good connection with. A person who supports you in everything that will do something good for you. Friendship can be found anywhere, at any time, and any place. It is shared by two or more people. They should have a great bond, care, and love for each other.

But not all friendship is true and will last forever. I remember my grade 10 adviser told us that not all people who smile at you is your friend. And I realized that there are different kinds of friendships that I have seen and experienced over the past years.

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When I was in elementary, I have three girls' best friends. We all have similarities in things that we like and things that we don’t like. We always have fun moments and conversations whenever we are all together. It was a strong relationship until graduation comes and we need to part ways. Not totally because we are all living in the same district. But we are all enrolled in different schools during high school. So, when we entered our first year, we all have different busy schedules. We rarely see each other, and we don’t usually talk that much unlike before. But it doesn’t affect our bond and our friendship. We all wanted to keep our friendship until we are all successful in our lives. And for that to make it happen, we always make sure that distance won’t destroy the four of us. I can see those squads from our batch were already gone, and I’m proud to say that I and my girls are still in a very good term until now. It was a good and true friendship for me indeed.

Jumping on my seventh-grade experience, I was very shy in my first month at school. So, I have no friends at all and most of my classmates are getting along together. But one time, a girl asked me if she can join me for my lunch. I automatically said yes, and we became close as days passed by. She started to call me some sweet endearment for a friend and told me that we were best friends. We’ve become comfortable with each other and I also started to become close as well with my other classmates. Unfortunately, when the first challenge to our friendship comes, we easily gave up. It was just a misunderstanding with her, she thought that I was distancing myself from her but the truth is I’m letting her get along with my other classmates cause I can see that she is more happy with them than with me. I apologized to her while not explaining my side and I’m still hoping for our friendship to get back. Sadly, we are already at the end of it and never got the chance to be close like we were before.

I still continue to socialize with others after that experience. That didn’t make me isolate myself from other people. And I learned from it that, in order to establish a good start of friendship is to always have communication to prevent misunderstanding.

I saw some people who will call you their “friend” but the only intention that they have is they want something from you because you are rich or smart. They take advantage of what you have. Some just wanted to know about your private life and talk about it behind your back. There is also some toxic friendship that includes peer pressure.

Years passed and now I already graduated from that school. I realized that I’ve gone through a lot of trial and error in friendship. I think I found true friendships with the people around me until today. Those people are the ones who helped me in my dark times and whenever I need someone to lean on. They understand and know me more than others. They never judged me, and instead, they help me grow more and learn from my failures. And I do the same with them.

Establishing a deep and true friendship is a process. It isn’t like an overnight dessert that you can eat the next day. In this process, you both need to be true to yourselves and accept each other’s flaws. A true friendship does not require material things. Most true friendships are unexpected, just like mine. And I always kept in mind that “Quality is much more important than quantity”.

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What is True Friendship: Critical Essay. (2023, August 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-is-true-friendship-critical-essay/
“What is True Friendship: Critical Essay.” Edubirdie, 17 Aug. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/what-is-true-friendship-critical-essay/
What is True Friendship: Critical Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-is-true-friendship-critical-essay/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
What is True Friendship: Critical Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Aug 17 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-is-true-friendship-critical-essay/

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